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Toolbox Talk - Mental Health Awareness Date of presentation Location.

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Presentation on theme: "Toolbox Talk - Mental Health Awareness Date of presentation Location."— Presentation transcript:

1 Toolbox Talk - Mental Health Awareness Date of presentation Location

2 Purpose Increase understanding of mental health & help reduce stigmas Create a supportive workplace culture for all Provide some information about the most common forms of mental health issues

3 What is mental wellbeing? “A state of wellbeing in which the individual … can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.” World Health Organisation

4 Benefits of a healthy, safe workplace 3 days / worker are lost each year through workplace stress Stress-related W/Comp claims exceed $10 billion each year In psych injury claims, work pressure accounts for around ½ of all claims and harassment bullying etc around ¼ Over $6.5 B saved by offering early intervention for employees with mental health conditions.

5 Common mental illnesses About 45% of Australians will experience a mental illness in their life time Depression, anxiety, substance and sleep disorders most common 65% of people with an illness do not access any treatment

6 Stress When we believe that the demands we are facing exceed our ability to cope with them. Might include feeling on edge, hyperactive, irritable or angry, experiencing headaches and tight muscles, feeling extra tired, having difficulty sleeping How do you manage stress? Chronic stress can lead to other problems.

7 What is anxiety? When a person’s emotional reaction is out of proportion to the worry or the anticipated threat, and this anxiety causes problems with everyday functioning People with anxiety disorders often have a tendency to expect negative outcomes or to feel a loss of control over upcoming feared situations.

8 Some facts about anxiety Anxiety is the most common mental illness, affecting nearly 1 in 7 adults per year More women (17.9%) than men (10.8%) May co-occur with another anxiety disorder, depression or substance abuse

9 Depression The term "depression" is used a lot in daily language to describe feeling low, down or sad. However, it is more than feeling sad. A medical condition that occurs when a person experiences at least two weeks of: Feeling down, sad or miserable for much of the day, and/or Loss of interest in pleasurable activities …

10 Depression symptoms (cont/d) Changes in sleep, appetite or weight Little energy Difficulties concentrating or making decisions Agitation or slowing down of physical movements Feelings of guilt or worthlessness Recurrent thoughts of death

11 Why exercise is important Reduces the symptoms Positive side-effects reduced weight, lower blood pressure overall better physical health No negative side-effects Appears to work by … boosting chemicals in the brain taking mind off your worries boosting confidence providing social interaction.

12 Who can help? Mental Health Intervention IMA, EMO, Medic, Nurse, Health Specialists HR Advisor, etc GP, Psychologist, EAP, Mental Health Specialists

13 Case study You work with someone who has recently shown noticeable changes of behaviour (withdrawn, moody and seems distracted). You’re concerned about your workmate, as you have always worked well together. How might you deal with this situation? How might you deal with this situation?

14 Keys to good mental health Stay alert to your mental well-being & build healthy strategies to manage mental stress Ensure your sleep and eating habits are healthy (BSP) Exercise Maintain good relationships Keep an eye on your mates.

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