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Communications Tools “It takes more then a Hammer and Nails”

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1 Communications Tools “It takes more then a Hammer and Nails”

2 @Tricompr #training #education #professional development Make Your Voice Heard Today

3 Lack of communication within a union can seriously weaken unity in purpose and direction and consequently lower the effectiveness and outcomes you are trying to achieve.

4 All union activities should be well-publicized. No union member should be allowed the excuse of, “I didn’t hear or see a word about it.”

5 Do You Communicate? How do You Communicate? Are You Successful? What Needs Improvement?

6 Reasons Communicate to Position Brand/Union Communicate for Politics Communicate for Power Communicate for Community Understand

7 Strategic Communications Infusing Communication Efforts With an Organizational Agenda/Master Plan Promoting Your Organization’s Brand Educating to Key Topics Urging People to Take Specific Actions Advocating a Particular Political Position

8 Define Objectives Your objectives are the key to the success of your communications strategy. Objectives should ensure that your communications strategy is organizationally driven rather than communications driven. Your communications activity is not an end in itself, but should serve and hence be aligned with your bigger wants and needs. Aligning your communications and organizational objectives will also help to reinforce the importance and relevance of communications and thereby make a convincing case for the proper resourcing of communications activity.

9 Organizational Communication Must Integrate Into All Union Activities Can’t Be After Thought Don’t Wing It Should Identify Person for Roles Budget Resources $$$$$ Make it a Priority/Get Leadership Support

10 What is Communications? Planned Use of Messages/Tools Shape Opinion/Generate Opinion Evaluate and Influence Attitudes Two-way Communications Activate Audiences

11 Communications Defined? Pronunciation: kə-ˌmyü-nə-ˈkā-shəns Technique for Expressing Ideas/Issues Effectively Process by which Information is Exchanged Tools/Technology of the Transmission Common System of Symbols, Signs, Behaviors

12 Communication Happens Whether you have a plan or not Communications happens If you want your communication to be effective, a communication plan should be an integral part of your plan. Every issue that a union faces includes an element of communication.

13 Getting Started… Where do you begin when starting a communications program??? Planning process and team key

14 Forming Your Comms Team Team Members – Good Communicators – Go Getters – Plays Well With Others – “The Mayor of......” – People Who Take Orders Skill Sets – Media Background – Computer Expert – Graphics – Shirt/Banner/Sign Makers – Photo/Video Specialists – Fundraisers – Organizers Need to Have Leadership Position Run Team

15 A Visual View Communications ABAB A common mistake people make is to focus on the delivery of information, rather than how it is received. Communication must be two-way.


17 Outreach Tools Media Relations Audio/Video Publications/Print Material Advertising Phone Internet One-On-One Key Communicators Community Relations Events Polling

18 Why Social Networking Build Your Own Channels Directly Communicate Without Filters Build Community Voters Use These Tools





23 What is Social Media it? Information Engaging Quick Makes People Feel Like Experts Those Who Use Feel Appreciated

24 Organizational Must Rules and Policies Style and Content Guidelines Understand Consequences of Post Designate Users Accountability and Checks

25 Types  Blogs  Podcasts  Social Networks  Facebook  YouTube  Twitter  Google +  Photo Feeds  Streams (Ustream)  (RSS)  Locations  Professional

26 Social Media Doesn’t Replace …… Web Newsletter Email Blasts Text Press Releases Phone Banks/Robo Calls

27 Social Media Can Educate Activate Reach Target Groups Reach Media Reach Voters Encourage Collaborations Bring Together Like-Minded People Social Bookmarking Move Information Quickly

28 Social Media Musts Keep Fresh Keep Honest Keep Focused Keep Marketing

29 What is a Blog? Chorological Publication of Locals – Thoughts – Status – Ideas – News Encourage Conversations Allow You to Speak Your Mind

30 Starting Facebook Page




34 Facebook Prioritizes Content Facebook uses a mathematical algorithm to determine what appears on your Facebook newsfeed. The Facebook Algorithm has over 100,000 determining factors and is changing every few months. If your post gains traction with your followers, the post will be shown to more of your followers FACEBOOK ALGORITHM

35 This algorithm determines the difference between “Organic” and “Inorganic” posts and then releases it to a sample of your followers to see how interested they are. Understanding that there is an algorithm is the key to increased Facebook success. Facebook Prioritizes Content

36 Content you specifically create, whether it is a post, picture, or video. When you click on a post to like it or share it without being prompted in the post you are reading. Organic Likes

37 Anything on Facebook that you are prompted to like or share. Posts that you just have a link for, such as a newspaper ad or media report. Any content on your page that you are not the creator for. Inorganic Likes

38 New Post Lot of Likes? YES ! NO  Algorithm assigns your post to Roughly 7- 10% of your fan base. New post goes on UTD Page Yes? Algorithm pushes your post to more followers. No? Algorithm buries your post.

39 Provide original content at least a couple of times daily. Activity=more When posting, ask questions that illicit a response. People posting to your responses activates the algorithm to spread your post to more of your followers. When using video, upload it directly to Facebook. The algorithm then recognizes it as original content and spreads it. Devise a program where your members know that they have to visit your local’s page and like and share posts. Can this Algorithm be Defeated?

40 - If you post a picture, provide a good detailed description of the photo. -Once you post, immediately like it. Then like it from your personal profile within 5 minutes. This will start to generate some movement. -Mix things up. Have a revolving collection of text, video, links, and photos. -Tagging people within the text of your posts is really good.

41 - Concentrate on sharing images and videos that are unique and do not appear already on other pages. -Keep your videos short. -People love trivia, tips, and answering questions. -Make sure your page’s profile is completely filled out.

42 Don’t create a post where you ask people to “Like” or “Share” a post. These are recognized as “Inorganic” and de-prioritized by the algorithm Do not share links to news and videos if you don’t have to. Do not have long breaks in between posts. If your page is active, then it will be recognized and given more space on followers feeds. Avoid the Algorithm Beat Down

43 -Likes are losing their ground. Facebook wants to see real interaction. Your posts need to be shared. - The quality of interaction must be improved. 1-3 word comments in response to a post won’t cut it. There must be real interaction and quality comments.

44 Videos are rapidly becoming the most preferred post on Facebook. In just one year, the number of video posts per person has increased 75% globally and 94% in the US. The amount of video from people and brands in the News Feed has increased 3.6x year-over-year. 76% of people in the US who use Facebook say they tend to discover the videos they watch on Facebook. On average, more than 50% of people who come to Facebook every day in the US watch at least one video daily.

45 Since June of 2014, Facebook has averaged more than 1 BILLION video views every day. Publishers and public figures are also creating and sharing more video content on Facebook, from on- the-ground reporting from media organizations to exclusive releases and behind-the-scenes videos. Publishers now have more detailed metrics and better tools to help them reach their audiences on Facebook. Call To Action is one such tool.


47 FACEBOOK Videos

48 Advanced Social Media- FACEBOOK Videos






54 Types of Facebook Pages Personal Profile Group Page Fan Page

55 Starting Facebook Page eate.php

56 Facebook Page

57 Campaign Support Page

58 Facebook Event




62 Social Media: Twitter

63 More Twitter You must build community Place to share ideas Opens doors and relationships Creates dialogue Is short bursts of content

64 Build Twitter Do Search on Topics Follow People Have Desktop Client and Mobile Client Try Tweetdeck Promote Others on Twitter

65 Twitter Basics 140 characters Hashtags URL shorteners Retweets Search and follow Remember, it’s a conversation

66 Using Email/Text Lists Collect email addresses/text from friends and potential voters at events, online, via text Save on paper and postage costs Remember this is official communication so be professional Don’t SPAM

67 Benefits of Email/Text Reaches targets, versus them reaching out to you Alert targets/friends to breaking news almost instantaneously Can Drive Social Media

68 2 Key Points in Technology 1.You Live And Die by Your Database!! 2.Tagging Data and Posts

69 Making Great Videos with Smart Phones and Tablets


71 Why Video? It’s an incredibly powerful way to communicate Video allows us to share information quickly, concisely, targeted, thoughtful, even entertaining Video today is more prevalent than it ever and it’s becoming It’s What People Expect

72 Video is Changing Increasingly easier and more convenient to produce The world is trending towards video People Prefer Video over written Documents Younger Audiences live in a Video World

73 Products Presidents/Leadership Message Stories of Teachers Community Update Issue Video What We Do PSA’s

74 Making Videos With iPhones

75 What Have Unions Done

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