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LEARNING TARGETS  LT 5.1 – I can identify and describe the geographic influences on Rome’s economic, social and political development.  LT 5.2 – I can.

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Presentation on theme: "LEARNING TARGETS  LT 5.1 – I can identify and describe the geographic influences on Rome’s economic, social and political development.  LT 5.2 – I can."— Presentation transcript:

1 LEARNING TARGETS  LT 5.1 – I can identify and describe the geographic influences on Rome’s economic, social and political development.  LT 5.2 – I can describe the important characteristics of Roman Mythology and it’s impact on society.  LT 5.3 – I can identify the significance of Roman Republic and government (representative democracy).  LT 5.4 - I can describe the social structure and significance of citizenship in the Roman Republic.  LT 5.5 – I can evaluate the causes, effects, and significance of the Punic Wars.  LT 5.6 - I can classify the causes and effects of the fall of the Roman Republic.


3 Rise of Rome  As Greece declined, small villages on the Italian Peninsula rose Many inhabitants were Greeks Colonized the Peninsula in order to get more living space Created a new civilization and culture, mixing with the local Latin people and the Etruscans

4 Settlement of the Italian Peninsula SSettlers chose the Italian Peninsula as a location to start a civilization for three major reasons: 1) Excellent location for farming ○M○Mild and damp climate ○F○Fertile soil provided by the Tiber River

5 2) Protection from invaders ○A○Alps located to the North ○W○Water to the east, west, and south (peninsula) ○L○Located among 7 hilltops 3) Access to trade, commerce, and cultural diffusion. ○C○Centrally located on the Italian peninsula ○E○Easy access to the Mediterranean Sea (the crossroads of the world)

6 The Founding of Rome TThe Legend of Rome Rome was founded 753 BCE by two brothers, Romulus and Remus, along the Tiber River. Legend has it that the brothers were abandoned and raised by a she-wolf.

7 Etruscan Invasion of Italian Peninsula IInhabitants of Northern Italy IInvaded peninsula from 900 – 500 BCE TTreated the native Romans poorly and were overthrown by 270 BCE Leads to the establishment of the Roman Republic ○R○Republic = rule by the people!

8 Etruscan Contributions to Ancient Rome  Despite harsh takeover and rule, the Etruscans made major contributions that affected Rome such as: System of writing Alphabet Use of the arch in architecture Religion

9 Roman Mythology  Early Romans worshipped spirits Polytheistic religion  The Etruscan’s influence led the Romans to see spirits in the form of gods and goddesses.  When Greece colonizes Rome, Greek mythology provided a basis for Roman mythology. Explained nature events, human qualities, life events.

10 Major Roman Gods and Goddesses  Jupiter Ruler of the Gods  Juno Wife of Jupiter Protector of Rome  Apollo God of life, sun and truth Worshipped in Greek and Roman Mythology

11 DDiana Goddess of the hunt MMinerva Goddess of wisdom VVenus Goddess of love, beauty,.

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