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Central Application s Office NISpVU2 and eID Mirko Stanić.

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Presentation on theme: "Central Application s Office NISpVU2 and eID Mirko Stanić."— Presentation transcript:

1 Central Application s Office NISpVU2 and eID Mirko Stanić

2 Contents NISpVU2 new client application future ideas eIDAS NISpVU2 eIDAS integration

3 Our design goals scalability across wide range of devices clean and concise user interface low server demand easy to maintain

4 About NISpVU2 custom built on Node and AngularJS web application model changes do not require complete page refresh low server load

5 Some technical details Linux Debian OS PostgreSQL DBMS mix of PHP and C on the backend REST/JSON API

6 Some technical details transition from page model to web application model control logic is fetched and cached on the client side event driven web server using nginx 10 fold increase in performance using the same hardware

7 Business logic business logic implemented in C compiled by Intel compiler to take advantage of the AVX-512 instruction set as close to the metal as you can get without using assembler language

8 User interface

9 Future ideas admissions organizations have a lot of historical data can the past be used to predict the future using back propagation neural networks to predict candidates interests, wishes, chances... data mining with deep learning (semi-supervised)

10 eID electronic identification (eID) digital equivalent to paper based identification (passport, ID card, drivers licence, library card) usually national systems, one nation one system sometimes not

11 Old verification process sending paper documents person has to send a paper proof of their identity for each country -> send copies of the same document redundant expensive lengthy wasteful

12 New verification process using online identity verification services easier application process cheaper faster incentivizes mobility

13 Point of failure eID systems tend to work only in the issuing country makes no sense you don’t get a new passport issued for every country you visit

14 The solution cross-national acceptance of eID’s nations already recognize each others paper documents why not digital

15 eIDAS eIDAS (electronic IDentification And Signature) preceded by STORK (Secure idenTity acrOss boRders linKed) part of the EU regulation 910/2014

16 eIDAS ensures that people can use their own national electronic identification schemes (eIDs) to access public services in other EU countries where eIDs are available. creates an European internal market for eTS - namely electronic signatures, electronic seals, time stamp, electronic delivery service and website authentication - by ensuring that they will work across borders and have the same legal status as traditional paper based processes.

17 What does that mean person from country X can log into services of country Y using credentials issued to him by country X Bob is from France Bob applies for enrollment in Croatia Bob uses his France Connect eID issued to him by the French government to verify his identity through the croatian e-Citizen system eIDAS is the intermediary in this process

18 Croatian eID e-Gra đ ani (e-Citizen) parts of the system the Central Government Portal (service list) the Personal User Mailbox the National Identification and Authentication System (NIAS)

19 CEF eID 2016 EU incentives program open to all EU members only mature services could apply for grants

20 CEF eID Members of the croatian consortium The Ministry of Administration The Ministry of Finance The Croatian Pension Fund The Croatian Institute of Health Insurance Croatian National Tourist Board The Croatian Academic and Research Network Agency for Science and Higher Education

21 Basic data format

22 Extended data format

23 Advantages easier application process for foreign candidates no more papers less chance of counterfeiting

24 The End

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