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Welcome Arrowhead Elementary 5 th Grade Families!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Arrowhead Elementary 5 th Grade Families!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Arrowhead Elementary 5 th Grade Families!

2 Ms. Eileen Gewargis Bachelors of Arts – Arizona State University Certificates: Elementary Education Special Education Dual Certification: Elementary and Special Education

3 Mr. Destin Mills Bachelor of Arts – Arizona State University (West Campus) Certificates: K-12 Education Major: Elementary Education

4 Mrs. Emily Miles Bachelors of Science – Northern Arizona University Certificates: Elementary Education K-8 th Highly Qualified in LA Major: Elementary Education Minor: AWESOME! Currently attending NAU in pursuit of Masters in Educational Leadership

5 What do the Arizona College & Career Ready Standards look like in our classrooms? Student collaboration Higher level thinking Technology integrated throughout all subjects Teachers are facilitators Students understanding not just how to answer a question but why the answer is correct

6 English Language Arts Curriculum Pearson’s Reading Street Program Reading comprehension at appropriate Lexile level Vocabulary Fluency Words Their Way Write From the Beginning

7  Deer Valley is transitioning from traditional spelling instruction to a word study approach. Using Words Their Way, students develop knowledge of English spelling and learn how to examine words through active exploration using a hands-on manipulative approach. During word study, students discover generalizations about spelling, instead of just spelling rules. Students also learn the regularities, patterns, and conventions of English orthography needed to read and spell. Students also increase their knowledge about words while studying not only the spelling but meanings of words based on their spellings.



10 English Language Arts Curriculum Aligned to the Common Core Grade Band "Stretch" Lexile Band* K–1N/A 2–3420L–820L 4–5740L–1010L 6–8925L–1185L 9-101050L–1335L 11–CCR1185L–1385L

11  Students are required to read every night. 30 - 40 minutes a night is recommended at the 5 th grade level.  Accelerated Reader will begin in September ◦ Average score will be taken monthly and entered into the Gradebook as an Accelerated Reading Score ◦ Tests will be taken weekly at school during our scheduled library time or in class when available.

12 We will be doing one novel project per month. I would like to avoid the traditional book report format, so I have come up with some unique ways to implement some fun novel projects. Novel projects will be done at home. With one month to complete these projects, students can be working on them little by little throughout the month. Students are often given time to read during the school day, along with their nightly reading, so they should have no issues completing a chapter book within the allotted time.

13 Math Curriculum Aligned to the Common Core Students will use 8 mathematical principles - 1.Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2.Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3.Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4.Model with mathematics. 5.Use appropriate tools strategically. 6.Attend to precision. 7.Look for and make use of structure. 8.Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

14 Math Curriculum Quarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3Quarter 4 Place Value and Decimal Fractions Multiplicative patterns on the place value chart Decimal fractions and place value patterns Place value and rounding decimal fractions Adding and subtracting decimals Multiplying decimals Dividing decimals Multi-Digit Whole Number and Decimal Fraction Operations Mental strategies/standard algorithm for multi-digit whole number multiplication Decimal multi-digit multiplication Measurement word problems with whole number and decimal multiplication Continuation of Multi-Digit Whole Number and Decimal Fraction Operations Mental strategies for multi-digit whole number multiplication Standard algorithm for multi-digit whole number and decimal multiplication Measurement word problems Addition and Subtraction of Fractions Equivalent fractions Making like units pictorially and numerically Further applications Multiplication and Division of Fractions and Decimal Fractions Line plots of fraction measurements Fractions as division Multiplication of a whole number by a fraction Fraction expressions and word problems Multiplication of fractions by a fraction Multiplication with fractions and decimals as scaling and word problems Division of fractions and decimal fractions Interpretation of numerical expressions Begin Addition and Multiplication with Volume and Area Continue Addition and Multiplication with Volume and Area Area of rectangular figures with fractional side lengths Drawing, Analysis, and classification of two- dimensional shapes Problem Solving with the Coordinate Plane Coordinate systems Patterns in the coordinate plane and graphing number pattern from rules Drawing figures in the coordinate plane Problem solving in the coordinate plane Multi-step word problems Review

15 Eureka Math Students will work collaboratively Students will be asked to explain their thinking Students will connect math to real life situations Resources LearnZillion TenMarks Khun Academy Moby Max

16  Assigned upon completion of lesson.  Should not take more than 30 minutes to complete.  “Homework Helpers” are available for students to pick up to assist with homework.  Problem Sets can also be a helpful tool.

17  Harcourt Social Studies ◦ The United States: Making a New Nation  Our Curriculum includes geography skills and will cover content from the early exploration of America, colonization, and the Revolutionary War.  Classroom Economy  BizTown – November 7th

18  Foss ◦ Sun, Moon, & Stars ◦ Human Body ◦ Mixtures & Solutions ◦ Levers & Pulleys

19  Character Counts  Character Cash Homework Policy ◦ No more than one hour per night (depending on student), not including nightly reading ◦ Found in student’s agenda & on class website ◦ Late/missing assignments will have consequences at the discretion of the teacher.  School Discipline ◦ Buddy Room ◦ Character Management Forms (3+ for same issue is referred to Mrs. Hunt)

20  Fifth Grade Flash (Newsletter)  Agenda  Power School  Report Card  Conferences (1 st & 3 rd quarter or upon request) ◦ Online sign-ups  Email (E-mail is our preferred method!)  Teacher Web Site  Phone


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