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DPNM, POSTECH 1/22 CSED702G/ITCE710E: Managing Convergence Networks Jonghwan Hyun 1, Jian Li 2 1 Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering 2 Division of.

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Presentation on theme: "DPNM, POSTECH 1/22 CSED702G/ITCE710E: Managing Convergence Networks Jonghwan Hyun 1, Jian Li 2 1 Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering 2 Division of."— Presentation transcript:

1 DPNM, POSTECH 1/22 CSED702G/ITCE710E: Managing Convergence Networks Jonghwan Hyun 1, Jian Li 2 1 Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering 2 Division of IT Convergence Engineering POSTECH, Korea {noraki, gunine} 2014. 04. 03 CASCADAS Component-ware for Autonomic Situation-aware Communications, and Dynamically Adaptable Services

2 DPNM, POSTECH 2/22 CSED702G/ITCE710E: Managing Convergence Networks Outline  Introduction  Project Summary  Autonomic Communication Elements (ACEs)  CASCADAS Framework Architecture  Example Scenario  Open Source Software  Project Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)  Deliverables  Reference Architecture  Conclusion

3 DPNM, POSTECH 3/22 CSED702G/ITCE710E: Managing Convergence Networks Introduction  Today and Future Internet Rapidly evolving towards a collection of highly distributed, pervasive and communication-intensive services Future Internet will be Detect and organize the knowledge to understand the context Self-adapt and self-configure to get the best from any situation Meet the needs of diverse users without explicit human intervention  Technological Challenges Interconnection and management of heterogeneous systems Scalability - huge amount of small devices tied together in networks  Contribution Proposed a SE abstraction named Autonomic Communication Elements (ACEs) to deal with technological challenges Developed an open source toolkit for setting up autonomic services in a distributed environment

4 DPNM, POSTECH 4/22 CSED702G/ITCE710E: Managing Convergence Networks Project Summary  Project Goal Design, develop and demonstrate a prototype of the ecosystem for composition and execution of services that are situation-aware and dynamically adaptable  Project Information Project reference: FP6-027807 Duration: Jan. 2006 ~ Dec. 2008 (three years) Total cost: € 6.92 m (≈10.174 billion KRW), 771 person months Homepage:  Consortium 7 countries (IT, UK, DE, FR, GR, BE, HU) 4 companies, 10 universities

5 DPNM, POSTECH 5/22 CSED702G/ITCE710E: Managing Convergence Networks Autonomic Communication Elements (ACE)  ACE Agent-based software abstraction capable of enhancing self-* properties Aggregate with other ACEs to provide composite services Self-organization of a semantic type Basis for the flexible component-based design and development of any complex service

6 DPNM, POSTECH 6/22 CSED702G/ITCE710E: Managing Convergence Networks ACE Component Model Executor is in charge of executing the plans Manager is in charge of lifecycle and internal event handling Executor Supervision Gateway Facilitator Functionality Repository Self Model ACE Behavior Manager Bus Functionality Repository enables specific functionalities to be deployed and accessed on request Create and modify the behavior according to the changes in the context Self Model is a set of predefined plans (XML) representing potential behaviors of an ACE ACE Plan Plan contains a set of states and transitions which have to be processed by the Executor Call functionalities Execute Read Create Modify Incoming Msg. Outgoing Msg. Incoming Msg. Outgoing Msg. Handling interactions with the external world

7 DPNM, POSTECH 7/22 CSED702G/ITCE710E: Managing Convergence Networks Protocol of ACEs  Messaging Protocol among ACEs Goal Needed (GN) A request with a semantic description attached, which specifies what kind of functionalities the ACE needs from other ACEs to achieve its goals Goal Achievable (GA) Used by an ACE to state what kind of task it is able to provide Two or more ACEs can get in touch with each other upon matches of a GN message with a GA message Key challenge in the GN/GA protocol Ensure that the information about ACEs availability and capability reaches the proper ACEs in a proper time

8 DPNM, POSTECH 8/22 CSED702G/ITCE710E: Managing Convergence Networks Architecture of CASCADAS Framework  CASCADAS Autonomic Properties Semantic self-organization – self-organized ACE aggregation Situation-awareness – Knowledge Networks Self-healing – Pervasive Supervision Self-preservation and security Standard Infrastructure Application-and Social-Level Knowledge Application Level Situation- awareness Semantic Self- Organization Self- preservation Adaptive QoS Self- aggregation Application ACE Framework Autonomic Application

9 DPNM, POSTECH 9/22 CSED702G/ITCE710E: Managing Convergence Networks Self-Organized ACE Aggregation  Self-Organization A key design principle for managing large scale ACEs Clustering: enhances ACEs with self-aggregation functionalities Differentiation: allows ACEs to “self-terminate” locally when facing an inappropriate workload Maximizes throughput and makes more responsive to heterogeneities in the workload Synchronization: seeks ways to adjust individual time-cycles so as to create opportunities for collaborations

10 DPNM, POSTECH 10/22 CSED702G/ITCE710E: Managing Convergence Networks Knowledge Networks (1/2)  Knowledge Network Accessed by ACEs and enable the ACEs to adapt their behavior An evolution from a model of simple context-awareness Provide different knowledge views to requesting ACEs Knowledge data can be organized along different relations Spatial, temporal and desired semantic  Knowledge Atom Most basic components of knowledge networks  Knowledge Container Composite knowledge atoms Organize multiple knowledge atoms in a semantic, spatial or temporal fashion

11 DPNM, POSTECH 11/22 CSED702G/ITCE710E: Managing Convergence Networks Knowledge Network (2/2)  Architecture of Knowledge Network Low level Realize the concept of Knowledge Atom (KAs) from heterogeneous sources Middle level Knowledge organization: organizes the data in containers and export an interface for concept-based querying Aggregator: allows establishing meaningful relations among KAs, and store them Context verificator: verifies consistency of information in the KN according to conf. parameters High level Comprise of several Application ACE Interact with the components in middle level E.g., Pervasive Behavioral Advertisement (PBA)

12 DPNM, POSTECH 12/22 CSED702G/ITCE710E: Managing Convergence Networks Pervasive Supervision  Supervision Monitor a configuration of ACEs to detect faulty states and, on detection, restore it to its operative states  Service Architecture Takes the input of the analysis of correlator and drift analyzer and predicts on the current or future system health Anticipate future problematic situations in the system Executes the solution plan Compute a solution plan for a detected problem Extract meaningful indicators of current health conditions of the system Links the supervision system with the ACE configuration under supervision

13 DPNM, POSTECH 13/22 CSED702G/ITCE710E: Managing Convergence Networks Security and Self-Preservation  Security of the System Centralized authority does not exist A priori trust relationship between ACEs in different domains cannot be assumed ACEs can show selfish, uncooperative, malicious behavior  Mechanisms Hard-security (Cryptographic mechanism) Aim at protecting the system from threats (i.e., impersonation, eavesdropping, spoofing, and data modification) Security functions are provided through dedicated ACEs Toolkit integrates standard cryptographic libraries in the Functionality Repository Soft-security (Preventing behavioral attack) Social control –Trust and reputation mechanism –ACE’s behavior can be captured and malicious or selfish entities can be excluded System-wide self-preservation –Define policies and strategies for the selection of specific partners on the basis of an evaluation of the level of involvement of an ACE

14 DPNM, POSTECH 14/22 CSED702G/ITCE710E: Managing Convergence Networks Example Scenario  Personal Behavioral Advertisement Consider a crowded venue with a number of public screens, used to advertise the venue itself and commercial advertisement Smart service might exploit publicly accessible information on users so as to adapt the contents to the interests of people detected Maximize the impact of advertisements Right time slot for right targets Auctions based approach

15 DPNM, POSTECH 15/22 CSED702G/ITCE710E: Managing Convergence Networks Open Source Software (1/2)  ACE Autonomic Toolkit Platform for setting up autonomic services in a distributed environment Functionality Biologically inspired organ model Explicit internal working logic Service discovery Role-based group cooperation using contracts Explicit support for dynamic behavior adaptation Available at Environment Any platform with JavaSE 1.5 or later Tested on PC (Windows and Unix), Mac and Google Android Packages acetoolkit: the Toolkit core to create and run ACEs ACELandic: a scripting language and compiler that makes ACE development easier Knowledge Network: a knowledge network framework based on ACEs security: basic security services for ACEs self-organization: mechanisms for clustering and collective decision making supervision: a framework for pervasive supervision of ACEs

16 DPNM, POSTECH 16/22 CSED702G/ITCE710E: Managing Convergence Networks Open Source Software (2/2)  ACE Autonomic Toolkit Demonstration – Pervasive Advertisement Application Shows the desired advertisement according to the information about the people which are currently in front of the screen Sensory data: gender / dress code / hobbies

17 DPNM, POSTECH 17/22 CSED702G/ITCE710E: Managing Convergence Networks Project Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Dissemination Activities WP7: TrainingWP8: Dissemination & ExploitationWP9: Demonstration WP3: Self-Organized Component Aggregation and Emergent System Properties WP2: Pervasive Supervision WP1: Autonomic Communication Elements WP4: Security, Survivability and Self-Preservation in Autonomic Communication Systems WP5: Knowledge Networks WP6: Application and Socio-economic Analysis Application scenarios Demonstrators Usage examples User feedback Critique from academia/industry Investigation Activities Guiding and Vali- dation Activities Software toolkit Guidelines Specifications Technical requirements Evaluation results Socio-economic requirements User feedback Critique from academia / industry Standardization requirements Open source software toolkit Publications Guidelines Specifications

18 DPNM, POSTECH 18/22 CSED702G/ITCE710E: Managing Convergence Networks Deliverables (1/2) WPDescription 0 Management E-Collaboration Suite Quality Plan Project Log 1 Autonomic Communication Elements Report on state-of-art, requirements and ACE model Prototype implementation Integrated Prototype 2 Pervasive Supervision Pervasive Supervision Component Set (Component Specification) ACE based Supervision and ACE tool-kit embedded Supervision: final architecture, and demonstrators 3 Self-Organized Component Aggregation and Emergent System Properties Aggregation Algorithms, Overlay Dynamics and Implications for Self-Organized Distributed Systems Report on rule-based modules for unit differentiation using cross-inhibition and/or resource competition Software implementation of modules for unit synchronization, unit decision- making, Unit Differentiation and Adaptive Aggregation

19 DPNM, POSTECH 19/22 CSED702G/ITCE710E: Managing Convergence Networks Deliverables (2/2) WPDescription 4 Security, Survivability and Self-Preservation in ACS Security Architecture Open-source toolkit for security in CASCADAS Report on Self-preservation mechanisms and system modelling Security mechanisms to protect the system against selfish and malicious nodes 5 Knowledge Networks Knowledge Networks Specifications, Mechanisms, and Software Release Final Report on Open Toolkit for Knowledge Networks and on Advanced Knowledge Networks Concepts and Models The Open Toolkit for Knowledge Networks 6 Application and Socio- economic Analysis Description of Application Scenarios and of the Services to be Provided Prospective studies on the socio-economical aspects of the Connected Society Distributed test bed specifications Application Scenario Implementation Evaluation Studies of Open Toolkit and Application Scenarios 7 (Training) Training plan / Electronic learning material 8 Dissemination, Exploitation Cascadas Web Site / Cascadas White Paper Open-source CASCADAS integrated toolkit (final release) Exploitation Plan and Results 9 (Demonstration) Demonstration for the Academic World and Industry

20 DPNM, POSTECH 20/22 CSED702G/ITCE710E: Managing Convergence Networks Reference Architecture Perspective Top-down tuning feed with social and application-level knowledge Bottom-up tuning Dynamic adaptation of application behavior Dynamic deployment of new ACE applications (as individual ACEs or as ACE aggregates) Dynamic deployment of Middle Level of ACEs (for control and management) Security and Survivability Knowledge Networks Pervasive Supervision Top-down tuning Dynamic adaptation of network configuration Bottom-up tuning feed with network and physical-level knowledge Dynamic deployment of new Network Components A B C E D F G Application-level (Networks of ACEs) Middle-level (Knowledge and ACE-based Tools) Physical Network A B C D E F G Self- organization Self- organization Self- organization

21 DPNM, POSTECH 21/22 CSED702G/ITCE710E: Managing Convergence Networks Conclusion  Summary ACE: aggregation of autonomic components Semantic self-organization – self-organized ACE aggregation Situation-awareness – Knowledge Networks Self-healing – Pervasive Supervision Self-preservation and security Proposed autonomic service framework that allows to develop and deploy advanced autonomic services in the form of ACEs and network of ACEs Developed an open source toolkit for situated autonomic communications named CASCADAS Toolkit

22 DPNM, POSTECH 22/22 CSED702G/ITCE710E: Managing Convergence Networks Q&A

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