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2016-2017.  For any and all field trips, student medications must be provided by parents/guardians.  All physicals and dental forms are due by.

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Presentation on theme: "2016-2017.  For any and all field trips, student medications must be provided by parents/guardians.  All physicals and dental forms are due by."— Presentation transcript:

1 2016-2017




5  For any and all field trips, student medications must be provided by parents/guardians.  All physicals and dental forms are due by mid- October (forms can be found on the CBSD website, or at your doctor’s/dentist’s office).  All absences must be followed up by a written excuse. This can be sent by email to me or cyanik@ within 24 hours of returning to school.

6  Written on the board and explained each day  Check teach website.  About 50 minutes per night  Every night: Reading, Math, and Spelling  Can vary, depending on the night  Weekend Homework  Long term projects & optional work  Absences  Responsible for showing Mrs. Cerauli when complete  Missed Assignments  Students will complete homework by the next day Stuck on an elevator

7 Direct Instruction  Read Aloud  Thinking about skills and strategies Literacy Centers  Independent group activities to practice skills and strategies  Mixed abilities  Student choice Independent Reading  Self-Selected books Guided Reading Groups  Small group instruction on individual level Literature Circles  Groups read & discuss the same novel WOW vocabulary words  School-wide initiative

8 Modes of Writing:  Personal Narrative  Informational  Opinion  Creative Writing  Essays  Journaling Publish Editing Revising/ Rereading Rough Draft/ Conferring Research/ Brainstorm/ Prewrite

9 A Typical Lesson:  Go over Homework: Math Boxes/ Study Link  Math Message  Mental Math  Today’s Lesson/independent practice  Small group activities/ games  Introduce Homework 15 min. 5 min. 40 min. 10 min. 5 min.

10 Energy Nature’s Recyclers Weather A science program created by the same company as Everyday Mathematics, first focusing on the Energy Unit.

11  Geography  U.S. Constitution  Revolutionary War  Westward Expansion  Current Events

12 CBSD Effectively Communicating Student Progress



15 ntaryreportcard

16  1 st and 3 rd marking periods are conference reports. Strengths and goals are reviewed and revised with parents and students. Letter grades will be given for core subjects.  2 nd and 4 th marking periods are progress reports. Progress is based on routinely demonstrated mastery levels, using “+,” “s,” and “-.”Letter grades will be given for core subjects.  Student progress will be a Standards-based reporting system using letter grades, indicators and descriptors.  Access to the Student Progress Report will be available on the Parent Portal on Infinite Campus. There will be no paper copies.  Overall Changes: **Letter grades will be given. ** +, s, and – will be used for the indicators and descriptors. **Conference sign-ups will be scheduled using Sign-Up Genius.**

17  ELA- combined reading and language arts  Testing Dates- April 3 rd -7th  Math  Testing Dates-April 24 th -28th ****Please be mindful of these dates when scheduling special family activities.

18  Students will have their own, individual logins and passwords here at Barclay. They will also have access to Social Studies, Reading, and Math materials online at home.  Please send in a flash drive to save projects that may need to be worked on at home.  Office 365: Go to to sign

19 Questioning & Understanding through Engineering, Science, & Technology

20  Peace Valley Nature Center  Constitution Center  Revolutionary War  Community Service- Neshaminy Manor

21  Home and School initiative  No membership fees or yearly dues  Friday, October 21 st (Rain date: 10/25/2016)  Raise money for field trips, technology needs, and other misc. classroom items

22  Novels that you would like to donate to our classroom library.  Magazines for children.  “Wet Ones” or disinfecting wipes for cleaning.  Pictures of school events for the yearbook. Thank you in advance!!!!

23 The best way to contact me is: Voicemail: 1-267-893-4100 ext. 1318 My website on


25  Please finish your quiz!  Please write a note to your child!  Have a great night!

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