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By Simon Kande. 1. Introduction 2. The Canonization of the Bible ◦ The OT Canon ◦ The NT Canon 3. The hermeneutical Realities (challenges) 4. Scriptural.

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Presentation on theme: "By Simon Kande. 1. Introduction 2. The Canonization of the Bible ◦ The OT Canon ◦ The NT Canon 3. The hermeneutical Realities (challenges) 4. Scriptural."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Simon Kande

2 1. Introduction 2. The Canonization of the Bible ◦ The OT Canon ◦ The NT Canon 3. The hermeneutical Realities (challenges) 4. Scriptural Authority, Sufficiency and Inerrancy 5. Effects of the word of God in a Christian 6. Practical Steps on individual Scriptural engagement 7. Conclusion

3 Canon means the “Books of the Bible officially recognized by the Christian church as the authentic and true word of God” THE OT CANON Early Christianity was rooted in Judaism - approximately 300 quotes in NT and thousands of allusions.

4  Earliest collection of written word is the Ten Commandments written by God himself (Ex 31:18, Deut 4:13; 10:4)  Other writers – Moses, Joshua, Samuel and other prophets  End of writing of OT Canon - Haggai - 520, Zechariah 520-518, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther and Malachi -435 - 433BC

5  Last writing ushered in Inter – testamental period  Septuagint  Apocrypha  Dead Sea Scrolls

6  Heb 1:1-2 – God’s speech through his son – Culmination of Gods speaking, greatest and final revelation to mankind  2 Peter 1:19 – The author is God by the Holy Spirit  NT Canon consists writing of Christ initial apostles/ those closely related/affirmed by apostles (Paul) or close associates of the apostles (Mark – Apostle Peter, Luke [wrote Luke & Acts] – Apostle Paul and also an eye witness, Jude – Apostle James and brother of Christ and Hebrews).

7 Determination of the NT Canon by early Church 1. Link with the apostles of Jesus/Apostolic endorsement 2. Harmony with the OT and the teaching of Christ/ Consistency 3. General use and acceptance by the wider church as the canon/Acceptance

8  A.D 367, Thirty-ninth Paschal Letter of Athanasius contained an exact list of the 27 NT books – Eastern Church  A.D 397, Council of Carthage representing all the Churches in the West of Mediterranean, agreed with the eastern Churches on the same list. NB: “the work of the early church was not to bestow divine/ecclesiastical authority upon human writing but to recognize divine authored characteristics of writings that already had such quality” (Grudem 1994:68)

9 1. God’s faithfulness as the author of Scriptures 2. Historical data on the canonization process 3. The active role of the Holy Spirit as we engage the Scriptures

10  Divine but in Human form  Divine/clear but many passages ambiguous  Presuppose a literal and historical reading but also figurative & non-historical (e.g. parables)  Objectivity essential but presuppositions inject a degree of subjectivity

11 Key Challenges  Bible composition  Time gap  Cultural distance  Geographical distance  Language distance

12 Source of biblical authority, sufficiency and inerrancy 1. God’s breath/Speech – 1 Timothy 3:16, Genesis 1, Ps 33:6. (Writing – God’s design) 2. Equated to the person of Christ (John 1:1, Rev 19:13) 3. It creates (Gen 1, John 1:3, James 1:18) 4. Living and active – (Hebrews 4:12) 5. True (inerrant - truthful) (Titus 1:2)and without error (infallible) – It is also the Truth (John 17:17) 6. Pure (Ps 12:6), sure (certain) and righteous (Psalms 19:9b) – Reliable and dependable 7. Eternal and permanent (Math 24:35, 1 Peter 1:25, Psalms 119:89)

13 1. Source of wisdom and clear direction (2 Timothy 3:15, Psalms 119:98) 2. Source of our confidence, courage because it creates FAITH (Isaiah 55:11, Romans 10:17) 3. Gives us victory over sin (Ephesians 5:26, Ps 119:9) 4. Source of victory over all spiritual battles (Sword of the Spirit) 5. Source of blessings & prosperity and gives us victory over curses, poverty and sickness (Psalm 1;1, 119:1, Joshua 1:7, James 1;25, Psalms 19:11 )

14 1. Crave/desire and treasure the Word (Job 23:12, Psalms 19:10) 2. Know it (Colossians 3:16) 3. Believe, pray and confess it (Hebrews 4:2) 4. Live it out (James 1:22, Mathew 7:24) 5. Tell it out, explain and defend it(1 peter 2:15) 6. Purpose to remain in faith based on the word

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