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 Numbers in the Bible By Shad David Sluiter

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1  Numbers in the Bible By Shad David Sluiter

2 Rules  Read the clues presented on the screen.  Be the first person to shout out the correct answer to the math problem.  Example: What is the number of books in the Bible minus the number of disciples?  Answer: 66 – 12 = 44.

3 Question #1 Number of days of creation. + Days that Christ was in the grave.

4 Answer #1 6 Number of days of creation. + 3 Days that Christ was in the grave. 9

5 Question #2 Number of rivers that flowed from Eden. X Wives of Jacob.

6 Question #2 Number of rivers that flowed from Eden. X Wives of Jacob. 4 x 4 = 16

7 Question #3 Number of gospel writers. + The mark of the Beast. + Number of times that Peter denied the Lord.

8 Answer #3 Number of gospel writers. + The mark of the Beast. + Number of times that Peter denied the Lord. 4 + 666 + 3 = 673

9 Question #4 The number of years between the Jubilee year in Israel. + Number of people in the Upper Room waiting for the Holy Spirit to come on the Day of Pentecost

10 Answer #4 The number of years between the Jubilee year in Israel. + Number of people in the Upper Room waiting for the Holy Spirit to come on the Day of Pentecost 50 + 120 = 170

11 Question #5 Number of days between Jesus’ resurrection and the day of Pentecost / Number of books of the Law (The Torah)

12 Answer #5 Number of days between Jesus’ resurrection and the day of Pentecost / Number of books of the Law (The Torah) 50 / 5 = 10

13 Question #6 Number of each animal that Noah took into the ark. + Number of clean animals that Noah took

14 Answer #6 Number of each animal that Noah took into the ark. + Number of clean animals that Noah took 2 + 7 = 9

15 Question #7 Number of commandments from Moses x Number of witnesses sealed by God in Revelation 14 during the tribulation.

16 Answer #7 Number of commandments from Moses x Number of witnesses sealed by God in Revelation 14 during the tribulation. 10 x 144,000 = 1,440,000

17 Question #8 Number of stones on Aaron’s breastplate / Number of tribes of Israel

18 Answer #8 Number of stones on Aaron’s breastplate / Number of tribes of Israel 12 / 12 = 1

19 Question #9 Number disciples who saw Jesus after his resurrection (including Thomas) + Largest crowd of people that saw the resurrected Jesus at on meeting

20 Answer #9 Number disciples who saw Jesus after his resurrection (including Thomas) + Largest crowd of people that saw the resurrected Jesus at on meeting 11 + 500 = 511

21 Question #10 Age of Jesus when he began his public ministry - Number of days that Jesus was tempted in the wilderness.

22 Answer #10 Age of Jesus when he began his public ministry - Number of days that Jesus was tempted in the wilderness. 30 – 40 = -10

23 Want more games  Download more games and Bible lessons at

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