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The Plan for the Summer July – What the Bible teaches about Evangelism August – How to practically reach out to Others.

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2 The Plan for the Summer July – What the Bible teaches about Evangelism August – How to practically reach out to Others


4 God sends the Holy Spirit To Empower the Church Acts 2:1-4 – God sends the promised Holy Spirit who causes the believers to speak in various languages Acts 2:5-13 – Those visiting Jerusalem are surprised to hear these Galileans speaking their own languages Acts 2:14-39 – Peter uses this event to witness about Jesus Acts 2:14-21 – The Spirit in believers fulfills Joel’s prophecy Acts 2:22-32 – Jesus’ resurrection fulfills David’s prophesy Acts 2:33-36 – David also prophesied that Jesus at God’s right hand Acts 2:37-39 – Peter invited them to become part of Christ’s body Acts 2:40-47 – Many joined Jesus’ disciples and became a community


6 God places us in Situations Acts 2:1 – The day of Pentecost had fully come Acts 2:5 – There were crowds from all over the world in Jerusalem Acts 2:8-11 – These individuals came from all of the various regions mentioned in these verses. And they would return home again as well.


8 God works in Special Ways Acts 2:2-4 – The Holy Spirit filled these believers and caused them to speak in various languages they had never learned. Acts 2:6-7 – The people from the nations were amazed to hear Galileans speaking in the language of their home countries. Acts 2:12 – The foreigners wondered what this activity indicated. Acts 2:13 – Some mocked the event as common.


10 God draws people to faith in Jesus through us Acts 2:14-21 – Peter starts with the immediate event of people speaking in various languages. Peter quotes the Bible, since this crowd believed the Bible. :15 – These people are not drunk :16-21 – This is what God said He would do in Joel’s prophecy. :17-18 – God said He would pour out His Spirit on His servants :21 – God said He would save any who called on the Lord

11 God draws people to faith in Jesus through us Acts 2:22-32 – Peter moved to the primary task Jesus left – to be witnesses to Jesus’ resurrection as proof that He can save. :22-24 – You crucified Jesus and God raised Him back to life :25-28 – David’s words in Psalm 16 refer to Jesus prophetically :29-32 – Since David is dead and buried, this passage indicates someone else. That someone is Jesus, who is the promised Messiah

12 God draws people to faith in Jesus through us Acts 2:33-36 – Peter explained that Jesus sent the Spirit on them :33 – Jesus has been exalted to God’s right hand, and has poured out God’s Spirit as they were seeing at that moment. :34-35 – David had said that God would invite his Lord to sit at His right hand. :36 – All Israel needed to know that God made Jesus Lord and Christ, even though they had crucified Him.


14 It is still God who draws people Acts 2:37-39 – God used Peter’s words to bring some in the crowd to the point of looking for salvation. :37 – They were cut to the heart :39 – As many as the Lord our God will call

15 It is still God who draws people Acts 2:40-47 – God draws individuals to trust in Jesus and join the community of His followers. :41 – Those who gladly received his word :47 – The Lord added to the church


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