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Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications: What You Need to Know Marcela Y. Isuster, Liaison Librarian, Education Jessica Lange, Scholarly Communications.

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Presentation on theme: "Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications: What You Need to Know Marcela Y. Isuster, Liaison Librarian, Education Jessica Lange, Scholarly Communications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications: What You Need to Know Marcela Y. Isuster, Liaison Librarian, Education Jessica Lange, Scholarly Communications Librarian

2 Open access is the practice of providing free and unrestricted online access to research publications and data.

3  Grant recipients are required to have their peer-reviewed journal publications freely accessible online within 12 months of publication.  Harmonized for all 3 agencies  All grants awarded after May 1, 2015  For CIHR, policy applies to grants awarded January 1, 2008* What is the Tri-Council Policy?

4 Option 1: Deposit scholarly work (after publication) into an online repository  E.g. McGill Library’s eScholarship repository Option 2: Publish scholarly work in an Open Access Journal Option 3: Purchase an open access license from the publisher Grant recipients must acknowledge Agency contributions in all peer-reviewed publications, quoting the funding reference number. How can I comply with the policy?

5 GOLD Open Access Fee ($500-$5000) Available immediately Publisher’s copy Author retains copyright GREEN Open Access Free Embargo period usually Accepted manuscript Subscription journals: Gold vs. green

6 Example:  You publish in Studies in Second Language Acquisition.  Email final version of paper MINUS publisher enhancements to  A second copy now lives in the repository Option 1: Deposit in a repository

7 What is a post-print or ‘accepted’ manuscript? Pre-print = Initial submission Publisher’s version = Final copy with layout Post-print = Final version without layout Also known as accepted manuscript

8  Policy requires deposit:  "final full-text peer- reviewed manuscript (the post-print) or the published version.  “Final full-text peer- reviewed manuscript must include all tables, figures, images and appendices.” Which version should be deposited?

9 How does this apply to education? JournalPublisher Compatible with Tri-Council? What do I need to do? Review of Educational Research SageY Provide post-print to McGill's eScholarship 12 months after publication: (Paid open access option available at $1000 USD) Learning and Instruction ElsevierMaybePay $1800 USD open access fee. Otherwise 48-month embargo. Studies in Higher Education Taylor and Francis MaybePay $2950 USD open access fee. Otherwise 18-month embargo. Educational Psychologist Taylor and Francis MaybePay $2950 USD open access fee. Otherwise 18-month embargo. Journal of Educational Psychology APAY Provide post-print to McGill's eScholarship after publication: Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology RoutledgeMaybePay $2950 USD open access fee. Otherwise 18-month embargo. Sports MedicineSpringerY Provide post-print to McGill's eScholarship 12 months after publication: (Paid open access option available at $3000 USD) Disability and Rehabilitation Taylor and Francis MaybePay $2950 USD open access fee. Otherwise 18-month embargo. Psychology of Sport and Exercise ElsevierMaybePay $1800 USD open access fee. Otherwise 24-month embargo.

10  Negotiate your rights  Contact the editor  “[Journal] acknowledges that the researcher will be entitled to archive an electronic copy of the final, peer-reviewed manuscript for inclusion in (name of repository). Manuscripts archived with (name of repository) may be made freely available to the public, via the internet, within twelve months of the official date of final publication in the journal.”  See also SPARC Canadian Author AddendumSPARC Canadian Author Addendum Policy of your preferred journal won’t allow you to comply?

11  FAQs  Does posting to my website count/  Does it apply to co-authored papers or papers from multiple funding sources?  Who pays article processing charges (APCs) for open access journals?  How will the Tri-Council enforce the policy? Contact  Marcela Y. Isuster | |  Emily Kingsland | |  Jessica Lange| | Questions?

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