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Presentation on theme: "ARKANSAS HS CURRICULUM CHANGES and OPPORTUNITIES 2016-17."— Presentation transcript:


2 Teacher Cadets Program Introduction to Education Concurrent Credit Course (Page 6 of Course Description Guide)

3 Teacher Cadets Program (Intro to Education Course) *Requirements* Acceptance While Enrolled O 3.0 GPA O Be enrolled in AP, PAP, or concurrent credit O Written recommendation from 2 instructors O Senior or junior O Participate in interview O Agree to provide data for evaluation O Complete entire course O Adhere to Teacher Cadet Discipline Policy O Participate and observe teaching in various settings with an emphasis on critical shortage areas O Complete & submit data for evaluation

4 Teacher Cadets Program O The application is at counselors table tonight or with Ms. Wright and Ms. Young in the counselors office. O The application is due to me by April 1 st and must be complete (including the essay). O Written teacher recommendations are required and also due by April 1 st.

5 New AP Course Offerings O AP Spanish Literature O AP Computer Science Principles O AP Studio Art Drawing O AP Seminar

6 Updated AP Course Offerings ( Service) O AP Spanish Language with Service O AP European History with Service O AP Human Geography with Service O AP Computer Science A with Service

7 Service Courses O 10 hours in class instruction related to service-learning O 20 hours of service outside of class O Must collect and share data with the College Board O Must score a 2 on the 3 point rubric in all categories O 6 different categories evaluated

8 New CTC Courses O Civil Engineering & Architecture (prerequisite is Principles of Engineering) O Advanced Animal Science (prerequisite Animal Science 1 & 2) O Equine Science (prerequisite Survey of Agricultural Systems) O Veterinary Science (prerequisite Survey of Agricultural Systems) O Industrial Equipment Maintenance (at UA- Texarkana Campus- Certificate included for courses)

9 AP Seminar (Page 7 Course Guide) Students learn how to: Exam score based on:  Investigate real-world topics from multiple perspectives  Carefully analyze information, write evidence-based arguments and effectively communicate them  Work independently and with a team to research a topic, develop a written report and deliver a presentation  Team Project & Presentation 25%  Individual Research- Based Essay & Presentation 35%  End-of-Course Exam 40%

10 Your Opportunities Advanced Placement Career & Technology Center O AP English Lit & Lang O AP Calculus AB or BC O AP Statistics O AP US Gov. & Politics O AP Art History O AP Studio Art O Cosmetology O Marketing/Job O Agribusiness Systems O Audio/Visual Tech & Film O JROTC O Criminal Justice

11 Your Opportunities Page 2 Advanced Placement Career & Technology Center O AP Biology O AP Chemistry O AP Physics 1 or 2 O AP Environmental Science O Pharmacology Tech Fundamentals O Animal or Veterinary Science O Certified Nurse Assistant O Health Science Courses

12 Your Opportunities Page 3 Advanced Placement Career & Technology Center O AP Music Theory O AP Studio Art 2D/Photography O AP Studio Art 3D/Sculpture O Service courses O Automotive Collision Repair O Aviation Mechanics O Welding O Industrial Equipment O Engineering O Marketing

13 In Summary: Advanced Placement Career & Technology Center O Take one AP course required for graduation that is relevant to interests and/or ambitions. O Qualifying scores of 3, 4, or 5 receive $100 for each course. O Qualifying scores can receive college credit. O National recognition and honors available for qualifying scores. O Take one vocational course that is relevant to your interests and/or ambitions. O Qualifying scores and courses will lead to an area of licensure or certification. See your counselor. O CTC courses provide and enhance your course work with relevant and real life scenarios.

14 Contact me for additional information: (All AP & Vocational courses are NOT listed in this presentation).


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