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1.You will need a sheet of paper numbered 1-8. 2.You will be given a reading passage spread over several slides. 45 seconds to 1 minute. 3.Each reading.

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Presentation on theme: "1.You will need a sheet of paper numbered 1-8. 2.You will be given a reading passage spread over several slides. 45 seconds to 1 minute. 3.Each reading."— Presentation transcript:


2 1.You will need a sheet of paper numbered 1-8. 2.You will be given a reading passage spread over several slides. 45 seconds to 1 minute. 3.Each reading slide will automatically change. The time ranges from 45 seconds to 1 minute. 4.The time indicator is shown at the bottom. 8 multiple choice questions 5.There are 8 multiple choice questions to answer at the end of the reading. 25 to 60seconds 6.You have 25 to 60seconds to answer each before it changes. SOCIAL STUDIES 7.This activity will be collected by your SOCIAL STUDIES teacher.

3 COLUMBUS, Ohio (Achieve3000, March 29, 2012). John Glenn became the first American to orbit Earth on February 20, 1962. He was alone. On February 20, 2012, Glenn celebrated the 50th anniversary of that event. This time, he was surrounded by admirers. Glenn's fellow astronauts, NASA leaders, family, friends, and students joined Glenn to celebrate that flight. It was part of a remarkable career. Glenn, age 90, is a hero in the space world. That's because his early work made many other space missions possible. In 1959, Glenn was a U.S. Marine. He was one of the best military test pilots in the U.S. That's when NASA chose him as part of its first fleet of astronauts. Around the World in 5 Hours

4 They were called the Mercury Seven. After three years of training, Glenn became the first American to orbit Earth. He did it aboard the spacecraft Friendship 7. (The first person to orbit Earth was Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. That was in 1961.) Glenn circled Earth three times in five hours. When he returned, he was viewed as a national hero for helping to lead the United States into space. Neil Armstrong became the first person to set foot on the moon in 1969. He told the audience at the celebration that Glenn was "no ordinary pilot."

5 There was a need for leadership in the space program in the early 1960s, Armstrong said. Glenn "rose to the occasion." Glenn's response was modest. "I think the hero thing is in the eye of the beholder," Glenn said. "I don't look at myself that way.“ Glenn, who served as a U.S. senator from 1975 to 1999, urged the audience to support education. He also shared the lessons he learned when he was part of the Mercury Seven. The only other surviving Mercury astronaut is Scott Carpenter. "With a lot of work and a lot of people organized, you can do almost anything," Glenn said. NASA surprised Glenn with an anniversary gift.

6 Glenn got to speak live with part of the crew of the International Space Station (ISS). Commander Dan Burbank appeared by video link. He was with two flight engineers floating in the zero-gravity environment. Burbank said the ISS crew was delighted to help honor Glenn. "Fifty years ago today, Friendship 7 was orbiting planet Earth," Burbank said. "[It led] the way for America to become a space power, and to go to the moon, and to do the things that we're doing right now on the International Space Station.“ Glenn sat on a stage in front of an audience during the conversation. He talked with the crew.

7 He asked crew members about the types and number of experiments on board. He also explained to his gravity-bound audience what it is like to go into space. NASA leader Charles Bolden asked the astronauts which experiment they would like to give to Glenn, if he could join them. Burbank suggested research on the "regenerative environmental control systems" on spacecraft. That's a fancy [term] for our toilet," flight engineer Don Pettit added. "So he wants to put Senator Glenn [to work] fixing the plumbing up here."

8 Glenn took the humor in stride. He said, "That's exactly what I thought I was going to get assigned to." Glenn was last in space in 1998. He was 77 years old. It was his first space trip since the 1960s. It made him the oldest person ever to go into space. Bolden said Glenn still has dreams of going back. Glenn, he joked, sometimes bugs him about making a trip to the space station. The Associated Press contributed to this story.

9 1. Based on the article, which best replaces the question mark in the diagram above? a. Many people say that John Glenn should be allowed to go to the space station. b.Many people say that John Glenn is a hero in the space world. c.John Glenn used to be one of the best test pilots for the U.S. Marines. d.John Glenn served as a U.S. senator from 1975 to 1999.

10 2. Which happened third? a.NASA surprised John Glenn with an anniversary gift. b.John Glenn decided to become a pilot for the U.S. Marines. c.John Glenn orbited Earth aboard the spacecraft Friendship 7. d.NASA chose John Glenn to be one of its astronauts.

11 3. Which is the closest synonym for the word beholder? a.Scholar b.Commander c.Observer d.Supporter

12 4. According to the article, the reader can tell that __________. a.Scott Carpenter probably doesn't like John Glenn. b.John Glenn probably has experience as a plumber. c.John Glenn probably wants to be a Marine again. d.Charles Bolden probably admires John Glenn.

13 5. Suppose you were writing a summary of the article. Which of these would not be important to put in the summary? a.John Glenn was the first American to orbit Earth. b.John Glenn was once a U.S. military test pilot. c.John Glenn celebrated his 50th anniversary of orbiting Earth. d.John Glenn went into space aboard the spacecraft Friendship 7.

14 6. The article states: [Neil Armstrong] told the audience at the celebration that Glenn was "no ordinary pilot." There was a need for leadership in the space program in the early 1960s, Armstrong said. Glenn "rose to the occasion." Glenn's response was modest. "I think the hero thing is in the eye of the beholder," Glenn said. "I don't look at myself that way." Which would be the closest synonym for the word modest? a.Mighty b.Humble c.Surprised d.Obedient

15 7. Which information is not in the article? a.The name of the very first person to set foot on the moon b.The experiments that John Glenn did aboard the Friendship 7 c.The way that NASA honored one astronaut in 2012 d.The year that John Glenn last traveled into space

16 8. Which statement from the article best supports the idea that John Glenn made history? a.John Glenn became the first American to orbit Earth on February 20, 1962. b.Glenn was last in space in 1998. c.In 1959…, [John Glenn] was one of the best military test pilots in the U.S. d.In 1959, Glenn was a U.S. Marine.

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