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Belmont Ridge Middle School Home of the River Hawks.

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1 Belmont Ridge Middle School Home of the River Hawks

2 Motivated…. Dedicated… Educated!

3 Mission Belmont Ridge Middle School ensures the future success of our students, by providing an equitable, engaging environment of educational success.

4 Belmont Ridge Team Mr. FlynnPrincipal Mr. McKenzieAssistant Principal Mr. SurmaAssistant Principal Mr. SkinnerDean Mrs. DevineCounselor Ms DeGaetanoSecretary Teachers!

5 Block Schedule 90 Minute Blocks 90 Minute Blocks Classes meet every other day: A Day and B Day Classes meet every other day: A Day and B Day 4 Classes Per Day 4 Classes Per Day

6 Sample Student Schedule A DayB Day 1 Language Arts5 Math 2 Art6 Resource 3 History 7 Science Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch 3 History 7 Science 4 PE/Health8 Foreign Language

7 Academics  Provide an enriching and challenging academic program.  Choose courses carefully to meet the needs of your child.

8 Course Selection Process Students will meet with Mrs. Devine. They will be bringing home a copy of their course selections, for you to verify and return. Students will meet with Mrs. Devine. They will be bringing home a copy of their course selections, for you to verify and return. Your child’s teachers will make recommendations to assist you and your child with course selections for next year. Your child’s teachers will make recommendations to assist you and your child with course selections for next year.

9 Middle School Program of Studies The Program of Studies can be found on the LCPS website. Click here for the Middle School Program of Studies

10 COURSE SELECTIONS All 7 th graders take the following courses: Language Arts Language Arts Foreign Language or Communications Studies Foreign Language or Communications Studies Math Math Life Science Life Science U.S. History U.S. History Health & P.E. Health & P.E. Tech Ed & FACS Tech Ed & FACS Resource & Fine Arts Elective Resource & Fine Arts Elective

11 Schedule Options - 7 th Grade Math7 -Algebra1 Math7 -Algebra1 Fine Arts: Art, Band, Chorus, Music Lab, Guitar, Strings Fine Arts: Art, Band, Chorus, Music Lab, Guitar, Strings Foreign Language: French, Latin, German, or Spanish Foreign Language: French, Latin, German, or Spanish

12 Honors Classes Same curriculum and SOL requirements. Academic content is embedded in the honors curriculum. Same curriculum and SOL requirements. Academic content is embedded in the honors curriculum. Assessments may require more essay writing and critical thinking skills. Assessments may require more essay writing and critical thinking skills. Make choices that will keep your child well balanced and not stressed. Make choices that will keep your child well balanced and not stressed. Goal ~ All BEMS students will take at least one honors class before leaving middle school Goal ~ All BEMS students will take at least one honors class before leaving middle school

13 Math Selection Process This is a scaled down version of the chart in the Program of Studies. Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8 Math 6 Math 6 SOL Test Math 7 Math 7 SOL Test Algebra I SOL Test High School Credit Accelerated Math 6/7 Math 7 SOL Test Algebra I SOL Test High School Credit Geometry SOL Test High School Credit Math 8 Math8 SOL Test

14 Language Arts Class meets every other day Class meets every other day Writing Writing Research Research Literature Literature Oral Language Oral Language Vocabulary Vocabulary

15 History Content Covered Content Covered 1865 to Present 1865 to Present Industrialization Industrialization World Wars World Wars Social Changes Social Changes

16 Science Content Covered Content Covered Cellular Organization Cellular Organization Classification of Organisms Classification of Organisms Genetic Information Genetic Information Data Analysis Data Analysis

17 Homework in 7 th Grade Homework is a practice of the student learning Homework is a practice of the student learning Students should not rely on resource to complete missing homework. Students should not rely on resource to complete missing homework. Teachers will have homework posted on the Belmont Ridge Middle School web page, listed under teacher Teachers will have homework posted on the Belmont Ridge Middle School web page, listed under teacher

18 Spectrum Offered during 45 minute of the resource class. Offered during 45 minute of the resource class. Student participation is optional. Student participation is optional. Participation option may be exercised from year to year. Participation option may be exercised from year to year. Selection criteria is used to identify students who will be participating in Spectrum Selection criteria is used to identify students who will be participating in Spectrum

19 LCPS Academy of Science (AOS) Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Naval JROTC LCPS Academy of Science (AOS) Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Naval JROTC

20 The Middle School Journey Denial- “This Can’t be happening”. Denial- “This Can’t be happening”. Anger- “Why me? It’s not fair!” Anger- “Why me? It’s not fair!” Bargaining – “If you do your homework, than we will get you a new phone.” Bargaining – “If you do your homework, than we will get you a new phone.” Depression- “What’s the point?” Depression- “What’s the point?” Acceptance- “I can’t fight it, I may as well prepare Acceptance- “I can’t fight it, I may as well prepare for it.”

21 Belmont Ridge Middle School 2011 Governor’s School of Excellence 2011 Governor’s School of Excellence 2010 Governor’s School of Excellence 2010 Governor’s School of Excellence 2009 Governor’s School of Excellence 2009 Governor’s School of Excellence 2008 Governor’s School of Excellence 2008 Governor’s School of Excellence 2009-2012 National School To Watch 2009-2012 National School To Watch 2009 School/Business Partner Award Winner 2009 School/Business Partner Award Winner

22 Motivated… Dedicated… Educated…

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