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Monarchies and Empire Effects of European Expansion, Competition, and Colonialism Objective: Evaluate the effects of colonialism on Africa, the Americas,

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Presentation on theme: "Monarchies and Empire Effects of European Expansion, Competition, and Colonialism Objective: Evaluate the effects of colonialism on Africa, the Americas,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monarchies and Empire Effects of European Expansion, Competition, and Colonialism Objective: Evaluate the effects of colonialism on Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe.

2  Quebec: 1 st permanent French settlement; Samuel de Champlain  Jamestown: 1 st permanent English settlement; tobacco  Competition between France & England  Fur trade & fishing  French primarily interested in fur trade (New France)

3 Quebec

4 Jamestown

5 Tobacco

6 Fur Trade

7 New France

8  Joint stock companies: investors shared risks and profits  East India Company: joint-stock company; focus on India  Mercantilism: state’s power depends on wealth  Balance of trade  Difference in exports & imports  Favorable: more exports than imports  balance of trade- the difference between the values of exports and imports of a country, said to be favorable or unfavorable as exports are greater or less than imports.

9 East India Company

10  Colonies:  Sources of raw materials  Markets for products  Salutary neglect  Colonies left alone to run their own affairs  Little interference  Columbian Exchange: plants & animals between Old & New Worlds


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