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Understanding Culture Culture determined by behaviors, beliefs, customs, dress, diet, social norms and so on.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Culture Culture determined by behaviors, beliefs, customs, dress, diet, social norms and so on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Culture Culture determined by behaviors, beliefs, customs, dress, diet, social norms and so on.

2 Components of Culture Language The way people communicate verbally and in writing. ➲ Latin ➲ English ➲ Spanish ➲ French ➲ Russian ➲ German ➲ Hebrew ➲ Hieroglyphics ➲ Cuneiform ➲ Hebrew ➲ Arabic ➲ Sanskrit ➲ Pictographs ➲ Symbols ➲ Calligraphy

3 Components of Culture Traditions Customs passed down through generations ➲ Beliefs ➲ Religion ➲ Rituals ➲ Celebrations ➲ Practices

4 Components of Culture Common Values what a person(s) believes to be important ➲ Religion ➲ View of elderly ➲ View of men and women ➲ Class division ➲ Personal characteristics – wisdom, courage, honesty, strength, loyalty

5 Components of Culture Government ➲ Leadership & structure ➲ Make and enforce the rules of ➲ a society

6 Components of Culture Art ➲ Performance ➲ Singing ➲ Dancing ➲ Acting ➲ Music ➲ Rapping ➲ Stepping ➲ Comedy ➲ Acrobat ➲ Visual ➲ Painting ➲ Photography ➲ Drawing ➲ Sculpture ➲ Pottery ➲ Metalworking ➲ Carving ➲ Watercolor ➲ Printmaking ➲ Collage

7 Components of Culture Literature ➲ Novels ➲ Poems ➲ Epics ➲ Other written works

8 Components of Culture Lifestyles How people live their day-to-day life ➲ Nomadic ➲ Hunting & gathering ➲ Fishing ➲ Farming ➲ Trading ➲ Fighting

9 Culture 1. Sivaraman and Besha live in India. They write and speak in Hindi. This is an example of; ➲ A. government impacting culture ➲ B. religion impacting culture ➲ C. language impacting culture ➲ D. values impacting culture

10 Culture 2. In Vishu's village, the young men are expected to remain silent in the presence of the older men. This silence is a show of respect. It is also meant to give the younger men a chance to learn from the older men. What does this reflect about Vishu's culture? ➲ A. Art and literature are produced by the older men. ➲ B. Only older men may serve in official positions of government. ➲ C. Younger men cannot vote in village elections. ➲ D. Older men are greatly valued and honored.

11 Professionals Who Study Culture Archaeologists ➲ Studies artifacts from the past.

12 Professionals Who Study Culture Anthropologists ➲ Studies to understand and compare cultures.

13 Professionals Who Study Culture Geologist ➲ Studies the earth ➲ Climate patterns ➲ Physical characteristics ➲ Cultural impact of landscapes

14 Professionals Who Study Culture Historian ➲ Studies the past to discover how people lived and what impacted their life. ➲ Learn from past mistakes. ➲ Studies primary sources – ➲ written documents

15 Professionals Who Study Culture 3. Paul is a scientist who is in North Africa. After surveying part of the land to find the likely location of an ancient civilization, he leads an excavation that uncovers an artifact from an ancient temple. Paul is mostly a / an ➲ A. Archaeologist ➲ B. Anthropologist ➲ C. Geologist ➲ D. Historian

16 Professionals Who Study Culture 4. A scientist who studies the earth and the processes that have shaped it is called a ? ➲ A. Archaeologist ➲ B. Anthropologist ➲ C. Geologist ➲ D. Historian

17 How Environment impacts Culture 1. Fertile land – land good for growing plants (Fertile Crescent, river valleys) 2. Bodies of water – fishing, shipping, trading, travel, ports (Nile, Athens, Carthage) 3. Location & resources – dress, survival, tools, weapons, climates, occupations 4. Religion – landscape and weather influenced worship (Egypt, Native Americans)

18 Human Migration's Impact on Culture Migration when people move from one place to another. Migration causes Cultural Diffusion.

19 Factors that led to Cultural Diffusion Cultural Diffusion (caused by migration) Occurs when parts of one culture spreads and becomes part of another culture. 1. Spread of Religion – migration & slavery 2. Empire Building – conquer & control 3. Exploration – interaction & trade

20 Language and Cultural Diffusion When people travel to new places they take their language with them. The new and old language start to mix together. ➲ 5. Which of the following is an example of cultural diffusion impacting language? A. Buddhist traders from China spread Buddhism to parts of England. B. African slaves in the Caribbeans create a new language combining their own tongue with French. C. Roman soldiers speak the Latin language regardless of what part of the empire they are in. D. Explorers hear a Native American language spoken for the first time after landing in North America.

21 Culture Words to Know ➲ Culture ➲ Language ➲ Religion ➲ Customs ➲ Traditions ➲ Government ➲ Lifestyles ➲ Art ➲ Literature ➲ Values ➲ archaeologists ➲ Anthropologist ➲ Geologist ➲ Historian ➲ Community ➲ Environment ➲ Human migration ➲ Cultural diffusion ➲ Spread of religion ➲ Empire building ➲ exploration

22 Culture 6. In ancient Sparta, young boys were trained to fight from an early age. Which of the following is most likely true? A. Spartans were had a democratic government. B. Spartan culture valued strength and courage. C. The Spartan language was not a result of cultural diffusion. D. Spartans were hunters and gathers.

23 Culture 7. Certain ancient societies worshiped and made offerings to gods whom they thought would either bless or curse their crops. This is an example of which of the following? A. environment affecting culture B. language affecting culture C. migration affecting culture D. empires affecting culture

24 Culture 8. Who of the following would be most likely to discover ancient artifacts as the result of an excavation? A. anthropologist B. historian C. geologist D. archaeologist

25 Culture 9. Who of the following would be most likely to study ancient writings to determine why certain event happen in the past? A. historian B. geologist C. anthropologist D. archaeologist

26 Culture 10. Under Alexander the Great, the Greeks conquered much of ancient Europe, Asia and Africa. As a result, the Greek language and Greek culture became part of many cultures throughout the world. This was an example of: A. geological impact B. environmental impact C. cultural diffusion D. human migration

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