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Ed Leadership Sims, LLC Experience Is the Best Teacher Difficult Conversations: Dress Code Academic year goal setting (Common Core) The Disruptive Teacher:

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Presentation on theme: "Ed Leadership Sims, LLC Experience Is the Best Teacher Difficult Conversations: Dress Code Academic year goal setting (Common Core) The Disruptive Teacher:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ed Leadership Sims, LLC Experience Is the Best Teacher Difficult Conversations: Dress Code Academic year goal setting (Common Core) The Disruptive Teacher: Adult Bully Girls Basketball Coach: Angry Parent Post-Observation Meeting Board Relations: Superintendent Small District in Budget CRISIS Student Safety and Playground Protocols School-Based Budget Cut Decision- Making Student Untimely Death Community Partnerships – Digital Readiness Difficult Conversations: Race 1st Week for New Administrator Simulatio n Titles @EdLeadershipSIM - #EdSIMS215-565-5598www.edleadershipsims.comED LEADERSHIP SIMS Upcomin g Titles The Lost Phone (Drake University) Finance and Compliance (Auburn U.) Equity: Raising Expectations (NYCLA & Wallace Found.) Equity: Creating Community (NYCLA & Wallace Found.) Race and Equity (NYCDOE) Social Media & the Teacher Blog (PELS) Special Ed. IEP Team Meeting (PELS) Implementing ESSA: Leveraging ELL (NAESP & Wallace Found.) Cyber-bullying and Ethics (Auburn U.) Student Untimely Death (Day 2) “Boys will be Boys” – Security (Drake U.)

2 @EdLeadershipSIM - #EdSIMS215-565-5598www.edleadershipsims.comED LEADERSHIP SIMS Ed Leadership Sims, LLC Experience Is the Best Teacher Testimonials from Administrators in Graduate Education programs I truly enjoyed trying to think through the situations in the simulation. It is helping me to think as a future administrator. For me, that is a big deal as I wasn't sure at first if I was too much of a teacher to ever be an effective administrator. The simulations and class discussions help me see that I can successfully navigate the world of administration. It was intriguing to hear the conversation that ensued and the rationale for why certain answers were chosen and not chosen. I have a set way of thinking so it was good to hear how others think and see how scenarios could be different depending on responses. I found this activity to be valuable because the answers I selected did not lead to the outcome I wanted. It was great to be able to work through the scenario together and benefit from the discussion between the other class members and yourself. I found my point of view changing and I could see the rationale for other choices that lead to a better outcome. The program gives you real life situations that are going to happen when you are a principal. It lets the user of the program get an idea of what could happen depending on their choices and what may be the correct path. These are great topics for discussion and learning how to think about decisions. The impact of specific decisions are easy to follow. I particularly enjoyed being able to compare right and wrong decisions. I really enjoyed the simulations. They were extremely practical and very applicable in today's schools. I thought it was important that each decision had a controlling aspect of determining the outcomes. I thoroughly enjoyed the simulation (from beginning to end). It caused me to really think about not only how I would react, but how my actions would have a direct impact on others. I found both simulations helpful. Both provided real-life scenarios that may occur and they help you consider how to address these issues. Instead of just discussing a case study, it shows you the results of your decisions. - Lindenwood University - - Old Dominion University - - Auburn University - - Old Dominion University -

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