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College and CBO Partnership: Driving Student Access and Success Barrington Price ; Assistant Vice President for Student Engagement, North Park University.

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Presentation on theme: "College and CBO Partnership: Driving Student Access and Success Barrington Price ; Assistant Vice President for Student Engagement, North Park University."— Presentation transcript:

1 College and CBO Partnership: Driving Student Access and Success Barrington Price ; Assistant Vice President for Student Engagement, North Park University Gabriela Torres; Senior Director of Postsecondary Support, OneGoal

2 Objectives 1.We will: provide insights on a new model of collaboration between a college and a non-profit college access and success organization 1.You will: learn about the shared steps taken to increase both enrollment and persistence of low-income, first-generation, and students of color 1.You will: leave with tangible takeaways and examples of best practices which can be implemented at your institution/organization and overarching theoretical perspective structuring support for these students 1.You will: have the opportunity to think through and discuss the barriers and opportunities that exist within your institutions/organizations and how some of the best practices discussed might best be implemented at both the micro or macro level

3 Intro to North Park University

4 4 Intro to OneGoal

5 5 Who we serve... ●Demographics ●Public High Schools ●Metro Centers ●Academic Profiles

6 6 National Landscape The new traditional: ●Influx of first generation students ●Growth in students of color ●Increase in low-income students ●“Underprepared” students

7 7 How students move through their choices and decisions... Model of Student Departure

8 8 What are the qualities institutions are looking for in their recruits? What are the qualities institutions can be looking for in their recruits? How do they look for them? How can they look for them?

9 9 What do we look for...

10 Partnership Model 10 CHICAGO ●Objectives and Rationale ●Contacts and Communication Norms ●College Value Add ●CAS Value Add ●Goals and Indicators of Success

11 Objectives and Rationale OneGoal and North Park University will collaborate to promote an increase in awareness, applications, enrollment, and persistence of OneGoal Fellows and Alumni to/at NPU. Any and all collaborative actions taken will be in accordance with the purpose of supporting the objectives listed below. 1. Shared actions towards increasing awareness of NPU among OneGoal Y1 (high school junior) and Y2 (high school senior) Fellows 2. Shared actions towards increasing the number of applications submitted by OneGoal Fellows to NPU 3. Shared actions towards increasing the number of accepted OneGoal Fellows who choose to enroll at NPU 4. Shared actions towards increasing/maintaining the number of OneGoal Fellows/Alumni who persist and transfer to a 4 year institution or graduate from NPU 11

12 Contacts and Communication Norms ●MOU This postsecondary partnership agreement serves as a good faith agreement between OneGoal and North Park University. Signing implies that the signatories will strive to reach, to the best of their ability, any shared objectives leading to positive student outcomes among their shared students. ●Whose job is it... 12

13 College Value Add OneGoal agrees to: ● Identify and maintain a primary contact able to coordinate communication and lead or assign actions related to the objectives outlined. These actions may include: o Acting as a liaison between NPU and OneGoal Program Directors or Fellows o Providing OneGoal Fellow data or information related to prospective NPU students o Providing logistical and communication support for NPU facilitated events such as on-campus visits or high school classroom visits ● Include North Park University as a Partner College via OneGoals website and students facing curriculum. ● Obtain signed FERPA release waivers provided by NPU for each enrolling OneGoal Fellow to ensure that all communication regarding shared OneGoal and NPU students falls within the Family Educational Rights Act and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) 13

14 CAS Value Add North Park University agrees to: ● Identify and maintain a primary admissions contact able to coordinate communication and lead or assign actions related to increasing awareness, applications, and enrollment of OneGoal Fellows. These actions may include, but are not limited to: o OneGoal partner high school classroom visits o Email, mail, phone, or in-person communication between [institution] and OneGoal prospective students. o On-campus events or opportunities for engagement between [institution] and OneGoal prospective students ● Identify and maintain a primary retention contact able to coordinate communication and lead or assign actions related to increasing persistence/transfer among [institution] enrolled OneGoal Fellows and Alum. These actions may include: o Communicating on a regular basis with OneGoal assigned primary contact regarding enrolled Fellow academic progress. o Alerting OneGoal primary contact of Fellow academic probationary statuses or student financial balance amounts at the start and end of each academic semester. o Providing opportunity for OneGoal Fellows to engage with [institution] staff and discuss academic, social, and financial progress or barriers once a semester. 14

15 Goals and Indicators of Success ●Match Applicants within a certain academic profile ●Enrollment Increases year to year in % ●Persistence Freshman to Sophomore year Over time ●Applications Increase # 15

16 Questions?

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