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School Wide Positive Behaviour Support 2013 SW-PBS definition: ‘a broad range of systemic and individualised strategies for achieving important social.

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2 School Wide Positive Behaviour Support 2013

3 SW-PBS definition: ‘a broad range of systemic and individualised strategies for achieving important social and learning outcomes, while preventing problem behaviour with all students.’ The purpose of PBS is to develop a more positive, engaging and caring school and classroom climate. It focuses on developing relationships, increasing positive comments and rewards, and preventing behaviour problems. Research shows that traditional ‘firm’ discipline practices and reactive models of getting ‘tough’ do not work in today’s schools. PBS is based on the collection of data from surveys, and a review of current strategies. PBS is the re-designing of environments, not individuals. Website

4 Euroa Primary School community (teachers and parents) had shown some concern with emerging behaviour problems and negative attitudes at school. All teachers at Euroa Primary School attended an initial training day in 2010. EPS registered our interest with the Hume Region and made a commitment to the program. A PBS coach and team were chosen to participate in further training. The Principal was required to be an active, enthusiastic participant. An Action Plan was developed to be implemented over three years. An Engagement and Well-being Policy was also developed.

5 Consultation with the school community Parents were informed and invited to provide input and feedback, or express an interest in joining the PBS team. The School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET) and Effective Behaviour Support (EBS) surveys were completed to ascertain initial beliefs, practices and procedures. Students, parents and teachers were asked to suggest new School Values. A short list of 10 different options for our new ‘School Values’ was formulated. Students, teachers and parents were encouraged to ‘vote’ for their preferred option. All three groups overwhelmingly selected the same option.

6 SCHOOL VALUES E = Effort U = Unity R = Respect O = Order A = Achievement

7 Implementation of PBS 2011 - 2013 PBS became a school priority in our Strategic Plan and Annual Implementation Plan. New school values E-U-R-O-A were defined and promoted in the school community. A Rules matrix was formulated using the values. This document is updated and refined each year. A Parent Information night was conducted. All teachers ensure values, rules and expectations are explicitly taught. Established programs (YCDI – getting along, persistence, confidence, organisation, resilience) were re-invigorated. New initiatives are introduced, promoted and implemented. Teachers are asked to make at least 5 positive to every 1 negative (corrective) adult-student interactions. The PBS team meet regularly and continue with professional training. Every Staff Meeting has a PBS item on the agenda for discussion. The School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET) was administered again.

8 Processes, Practices and Procedures Classroom routines were established and practices embedded. Teachers constantly refer to E-U-R-O-A in their interactions with students in the classroom and playground. Emphasis is on creating a positive learning culture, and preventing or reducing problem behaviours. Social, academic, creative and sporting achievements are publically recognised and celebrated. Problem behaviours are dealt with promptly, and consequences are consistent. (Discipline flow chart) Teachers need to have a common purpose and approach, and be proactive, fair, consistent, responsive and understanding. A SWIS referral and an online secure site is used to record major (red), and minor (yellow) behaviour problems, analyse data, print reports and identify ‘high risk’ and ‘at risk’ students.


10 Prevention and Intervention  Individual interventions and behaviour management plans for ‘high risk’ students.  Classroom and small group strategies for ‘at risk’ students.  School-wide systems of support for ‘all’ students.


12 Positive Rewards … Stickers/stamps Compliments / praise YCDI cards/pencils Table group points Classroom ladder Reading certificates Competition certificates Display of work Premiers Reading Challenge Placegetter ribbons Participation awards Messages in diary School reps Achievement of Excellence Free time Monitors Newsletter Raffle tickets Green tokens

13 School-wide Reward System The School-wide Reward System is implemented and supported by all teachers. School Values… E-U-R-O-A Teachers award a Green token to students displaying School Values (playground/classroom). Each classroom teacher has a tally sheet to record green tokens. Traffic lights! RED – YELLOW – GREEN Each green token is also one House point. At the end of each week the House Captains record students’ green tokens on a spread-sheet. The winning House team is calculated and announced at Monday’s Assembly.

14 Our next steps... Distribute the Effective Behaviour Support (EBS) survey again to all teachers to compare data. Improve the consistency and frequency of the school-wide reward system to promote positive behaviours (Green tokens). Staff to further discuss the distribution of ‘green’ tokens, including ‘exchanging’ tokens for rewards. Enhance responsible behaviour, calm classrooms, and a connection with school. Consistently apply ‘Discipline Procedures ‘(flow chart- draft) and record on the SWIS referral. Professional sign-writing around school buildings to include values, rules, slogans and positive affirmations. Students create PowerPoint presentations and posters of our School Values. School ‘Newsletter’, ‘EPS website’ and school ‘Parent Information’ sessions are used to further promote the PBS program.

15 Thank you... PBS 2013 team Jenny Jager (coach), Ian Clinch, Tony Fahey, Heather Crosbie, Sue Dorrington, Kate Reid.

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