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OUR AIMS FOR THIS MEETING To share important information about life in Key Stage 2 (Y3-6) To give you a chance to meet the staff in KS2 To answer any questions.

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Presentation on theme: "OUR AIMS FOR THIS MEETING To share important information about life in Key Stage 2 (Y3-6) To give you a chance to meet the staff in KS2 To answer any questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 OUR AIMS FOR THIS MEETING To share important information about life in Key Stage 2 (Y3-6) To give you a chance to meet the staff in KS2 To answer any questions you may have

2 Who’s Who in Y3/4? FINE CLASS – Miss Ing and Mrs Amos STRONG CLASS – Mrs Howson and Mrs Lee DAHL CLASS – Miss Cook and Mrs Lambert

3 Who’s Who in Y5/6? ROWLING CLASS – Miss Cross and Mr Goddard SNICKET CLASS – Mr Derbyshire and Mrs Dickinson MORPURGO CLASS – Miss Jennings and Mrs Pinto


5 P.E. KIT GYMNASTICS AND DANCE SHORTS P.E. T-SHIRT OUTDOOR GAMES SHORTS P.E. T-SHIRT TRAINERS SOCKS TRACKSUIT (IF YOU WISH) No jewellery Long hair, (below the shoulder), must be tied back and out of eyes Please name everything

6 Expectations We have high expectations with a focus on the positive: Joined handwriting Correct spellings Neat presentation Good To Be Green system Stickers House points Star of the week

7 REFRESHMENTS All children have access to water although we encourage all children to have their own named water bottle in school each day 15 minute morning break Afternoon break for first week Fruit snacks can be brought to school for break times Tuck shop tokens can be bought Tokens can be spent at tuck shop during Friday break time

8 LUNCH TIME Children can have hot school meals, or packed lunch. If the weather is nice, packed lunches can be eaten on the field Games – football and basketball on rota

9 AT THE END OF THE DAY Our school day finishes at 3:20pm Children will be dismissed by their class teacher to their parent or carer at the end of the day Parents must give written permission for children to walk home alone.

10 YOUTH UNIVERSITY Friday afternoons Children given choice of activities –Swimming will be for Year 4s only Children given a choice of activities TIP: Tick 3 activities for each time slot and return asap! We encourage participation in sport as part of a healthy, active lifestyle

11 HOMEWORK Topic and Maths homework is set every Wednesday and should be handed in on the following Monday A topic-related homework. If the tasks are particularly creative, the pupils have asked for longer, eg, 2 weeks or maybe more Spellings to be learnt weekly – sent home on Monday, tested Friday A ‘Literacy & Language’ piece of homework every two weeks (Y3/4 only) MyMaths will be set each week We will expect the children to read at home daily Reading books should be brought in bags every day. Books will usually be changed and returned on a Monday We encourage children to put as much effort into homework as class work and to present their work neatly with joined up handwriting Please use a pencil or a black ink pen for their written work, and only pencil crayons for colouring

12 KEEPING IN TOUCH Catch us on the playground Ring school and leave a message to make an appointment with a member of the year-group team Weekly newsletters Parents’ evenings Open days

13 All current information is placed upon the school website. Do you have any questions?

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