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4 th Grade. We often use measuring tools at home or when we investigate something in science. We must be able to choose the correct tool for the kind.

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Presentation on theme: "4 th Grade. We often use measuring tools at home or when we investigate something in science. We must be able to choose the correct tool for the kind."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 th Grade


3 We often use measuring tools at home or when we investigate something in science. We must be able to choose the correct tool for the kind of measurement we want to make, and we must know how to use that tool correctly.

4 Learn how to choose the appropriate tool for measuring a specific physical property of matter.

5 A physical property is a feature of something that you can observe directly or measure with a tool. We can use our 5 senses to observe some physical properties.

6 Imagine you have a bucket of popcorn sitting in front of you. Let’s discuss the physical properties of popcorn that we can observe just by using our 5 senses. –What does it look like? –What does it smell like? –What does it feel like? –What does it taste like? –What does it sound like?

7 What if we wanted to find out… –how big a piece was? –the volume of popcorn our bucket could hold? –how much the bucket of popcorn weighs? –the temperature of the popcorn? Can we find all these things out just by observing the popcorn and using our senses? No! We would need to use measuring tools to find out all these things.

8 Physical properties that we must measure with tools… –length –distance –volume –mass –weight –temperature

9 A meter stick or ruler is a tool we can use to measure length and distance. It is marked with lines and numbers. The lines represent units of length called centimeters or inches.

10 To use a meter stick or ruler- Make sure the 0 mark is exactly at one end of the object. Read the number next to the other end of the object. Meter sticks and rulers can be used to measure how long an object is or to find the distance between 2 objects.


12 To find the distance around a curved object, we have to use a tape measure. A tape measure is similar to a ruler, but it bends so you can wrap it around the object.


14 Volume is the amount of space that an object or a material takes up. Scientists measure volume with a graduated cylinder or a beaker. At home, we use measuring cups or measuring spoons.

15 A graduated cylinder is a tool for measuring the volume of liquids in a science lab.

16 Graduated Cylinder Beaker

17 Measuring Cup Measuring Spoons

18 Tools that we use to measure volume are marked with lines and numbers. These represent units of volume, such as milliliters.

19 When we measure volume, we have to line up the top of the liquid with our eyes. The volume is the number on the line at the top of the liquid. If we use a measuring spoon, we must make sure the liquid is even with the top edge of the spoon’s bowl. If we measure powder, we must push off any extra powder to make it level with the top edge of the spoon’s bowl.

20 Click the picture to watch the video (1:09).

21 Mass is the amount of matter, or “stuff,” that makes up an object. A pan balance is a tool that can be used to measure mass.




25 To measure an object’s mass, place the object on one pan. Add weights to the other pan until the pans are balanced. The pans are balanced when the pans are even or the pointer is aiming at the middle line on the balance. Add the values of the weights together. Mass is measured in grams, kilograms, and milligrams.

26 The mass of the pumpkin is 500 grams + 250 grams+ 100 grams, so the mass of the pumpkin is 850 grams.

27 Weight is a measure of the pull of gravity on an object. A scale is a tool for measuring weight. Weight is measured in pounds. When the numbers stop changing, you can read the weight.

28 Spring ScaleDigital Scale

29 Click the picture to watch the video (6:16).

30 Temperature is the measure of how warm something is. A thermometer is a tool used to measure temperature. Temperature is measured in degrees Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit.

31 A common type of thermometer has a colored liquid (mercury) inside a glass tube. The tube is marked with lines and numbers. When the liquid gets warmer, it takes up more space. When the liquid gets cooler, it takes up less space. The liquid goes up and down in the tube. To find the temperature, read the number on the line next to the top of the liquid.


33 Click the picture to watch the video (0:47).

34 rement-choosing-the-appropriate-tool rement-choosing-the-appropriate-tool Group work on boards! Use one board per group. Read the sentence and choose the tool that would best measure the object. Write the letter on the board.

35 What is one object that you would measure with a thermometer? What is one object that you would measure with a scale?


37 Learn how to determine the mass, volume, and temperature of a substance or object using proper units of measurement.

38 We have already learned that it is important to use the right tool for finding a measurement. It is also important to use the correct units of measurement. Scientists all over the world use the same units of measurement to describe physical properties.

39 Scientists must be able to compare data, so they have to use a standard or accepted unit of measure. Most scientists use the metric system. The metric system is a system of measurement based on the number 10. The metric system uses prefixes to show how different units are related to each other.

40 This chart shows some of the prefixes and what they mean. PrefixMeaning kilo-one thousand hecto-one hundred deca-ten deci-one-tenth centi-one-hundredth milli-one-thousandth

41 Examples: –1 centimeter is one-hundredth of a meter. –1 kilometer is equal to 1,000 meters.

42 Click the picture to watch the video.

43 The meter is the basic unit of length in the metric system. A meter is a little longer than 3 feet. It is divided into smaller units called centimeters. A centimeter (cm) is one-hundredth of a meter. That means that a meter is made up of 100 centimeters. A centimeter is about the width of a pencil.

44 A centimeter is divided into 10 smaller units called millimeters. A millimeter (mm) is one-thousandth of a meter. That means there are 1,000 millimeters in one meter.

45 We can use a meterstick or a metric ruler to measure meters, centimeters, and millimeters. A meterstick is exactly one meter long. A meterstick is a little longer than a yardstick.

46 A kilometer is a larger unit of metric length. A kilometer (km) is equal to 1,000 meters. It would take a person about 10 minutes to walk one kilometer.

47 We would use centimeters or millimeters to measure small things, such as a leaf or an insect. We would use meters to measure something larger, such as the height of a tree. If we measured a longer distance, such as the length of a stream, we would use kilometers.

48 This chart shows how some metric units of length compare with each other. 1 centimeter = 10 millimeters 1 meter = 100 centimeters 1 meter = 1,000 millimeters 1 kilometer = 1,000 meters

49 The gram (g) is the basic unit of mass in the metric system. One gram is equal to about the mass of a paper clip. An apple might have a mass of about 200 grams.

50 The kilogram (kg) is a larger unit of mass. A kilogram is made up of 1,000 grams. A hardcover book, such as a textbook, has a mass between 1 and 2 kilograms.

51 We have already learned that we can use a pan balance to measure mass. The weights that we add to one pan are called gram weights. Each one is marked with its mass in grams.

52 The liter (L) is the basic metric unit of volume for a liquid in the metric system. A liter is equal to a little more than 1 quart.

53 Think about a 2 liter Coke bottle. It holds 2 liters of Coke!

54 The liter is divided into smaller units called milliliters. A milliliter (mL) is one-thousandth of a liter. That means there are 1,000 milliliters in 1 liter. A small eyedropper holds about 1 milliliter of a liquid.

55 We have already learned that we can use a graduated cylinder to measure the volume of a liquid. The sides of the graduated cylinder are marked in milliliters. Measuring cups can also be marked in milliliters.

56 Temperature is measured in units called degrees. In the United States, weather reports give the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit (°F). Scientists measure temperature in degrees Celsius (°C).

57 A degree Celsius is a metric unit of temperature. Water freezes at 0°C. Water boils at 100°C.

58 This thermometer measures the temperature on both scales- Celsius and Fahrenheit. The thermometer shows a temperature of 75°F and 24°C.

59 Click the picture to watch the video.

60 Measurement Activity #1-4

61 Measurement Activity #5-15

62 Complete Measurement Review

63 Click the picture for a review activity.

64 Physical Property:Metric Unit of Measurement:Scientific Tool: Temperature Mass Volume Length and Distance

65 Prefixes are used to make a base unit a ________ or ________ unit of measurement. Kilo-(kilometer, kilogram, kiloliter): Makes the unit __________. Centi-(centimeter, centigram, centiliter): Makes the unit __________. Milli-(millimeter, milligram, milliliter): Makes the unit __________.

66 Choose a type of measurement and the appropriate tool that goes along with it. Write about a situation in which you might need to use that particular tool to observe the physical properties of an object.

67 Liters are the basic unit of _____ in the metric system. A pan balance is used to measure _____. The basic unit of length in the metric system is the _____. A _____ is a tool used to measure temperature. Volume is measured with a _____.

















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