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WOMEN’S WEIGHT TRAINING MUSCLE OVERVIEW. Before touching any weights, you need to have an understanding about your body and which muscles you will be.

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Presentation on theme: "WOMEN’S WEIGHT TRAINING MUSCLE OVERVIEW. Before touching any weights, you need to have an understanding about your body and which muscles you will be."— Presentation transcript:


2 Before touching any weights, you need to have an understanding about your body and which muscles you will be working with weights. There are 650 muscles in the Human Body, however we are going to have a basic general overview of the muscles Before touching any weights, you need to have an understanding about your body and which muscles you will be working with weights. There are 650 muscles in the Human Body, however we are going to have a basic general overview of the muscles Let us work from top to bottom….. Let us work from top to bottom…..


4 Sternocleidomastoid Rotates the head TRAPEZIUS One major muscle in the back One major muscle in the back Responsible for moving, rotating, and stabilizing the shoulder blade Responsible for moving, rotating, and stabilizing the shoulder blade Extends the head and neck Extends the head and neck Latissimus Dorsi Supports various movements of shoulder

5 A R M S Strength training exercises are common ways to increase the size and overall strength of the major muscles in the arms. Common exercises to build up arm muscles include curls, presses, pushdowns, and extensions using weights.

6 THE MUSCLES OF THE ARM THAT CAN BE SEEN EASILY ON THE SURFACE INCLUDE: Biceps: This large muscle of the upper arm is formally known as the biceps brachii muscle, and rests on top of the humerus bone. It rotates the forearm and also flexes the elbow. Triceps: This large muscle in the back of the upper arm helps straighten the arm. It is formally known as the triceps brachii muscle

7 ARMS CONTINUED… Brachioradialis: This muscle, located at the top of the forearm near the elbow, helps rotate the forearm both outwardly and inwardly. It also flexes the forearm at the elbow.

8 CONTINUED…. Extensor carpi radialis longus: This muscle next to the brachioradialis is one of five major muscles that help to move the wrist in multiple directions. When you clench your fist, this muscle bulges out from the skin. Deltoid: Although technically part of the shoulder, the deltoid muscle controls the majority of the shoulder’s movements and thus enables the arm to have increased range of motion.

9 MUSCLES OF THE CORE Complex series of muscles Complex series of muscles Everything except the arms and legs Everything except the arms and legs Incorporated in almost every movement of the body Incorporated in almost every movement of the body Most often acts as a stabilizer and force transfer Most often acts as a stabilizer and force transfer

10 2 MAIN MUSCLES.. Rectus Abdominis Rectus Abdominis “Abs”“Abs” Long flat muscles that extend vertically along the length of abdomenLong flat muscles that extend vertically along the length of abdomen External Abdominal Obliques External Abdominal Obliques Pair of broad, thin, superficial muscles that lie on sides of ab region of body Pair of broad, thin, superficial muscles that lie on sides of ab region of body Flexion and rotation of trunk (side bend) Flexion and rotation of trunk (side bend)


12 ….. Quadriceps: Quadriceps: Front of “thigh” Front of “thigh” Main function is to straighten knee Main function is to straighten knee Hip Flexor: Hip Flexor: Pulls knee Towards Chest Pulls knee Towards Chest Hamstrings: Hamstrings: Back of thigh Back of thigh 2 main functions 2 main functions Bend knees Bend knees Pull legs behind you (“Hip extension”) Pull legs behind you (“Hip extension”) Conjunction with gluteus Conjunction with gluteus

13 ….. Gluteus: Gluteus: The “butt” The “butt” 3 muscles that move thigh 3 muscles that move thigh Gluteus Maximus – Largest- makes up large portion of shape and appearance of hip Gluteus Maximus – Largest- makes up large portion of shape and appearance of hip Gluteus Medius- situated on outside of pelvis Gluteus Medius- situated on outside of pelvis Gluteus Minimus – Smallest of 3- situated immediately beneath the medius Gluteus Minimus – Smallest of 3- situated immediately beneath the medius Glutes pull the leg out away from the body Glutes pull the leg out away from the body “Hip ab duction” “Hip ab duction”

14 Adductors:  Muscle inside of thigh  Pulls leg in towards the centerline of body o “Hip Adduction” Calves:  Push foot down (point toes)  2 muscles o Gastrocnemius- Bigger muscle  Buldge visible under skin o Soleus- smaller, flat muscle under gastroc  Both muscles taper and merge @ base of calf  During walking and running, the calf pulls the heel up to allow forward movement Dorsiflexors:  Group in front of shin  Pull foot and toes up to shin


16 WHY? Lactic acid Your muscles produce it during intense exercise. It's a metabolic byproduct that makes no contribution to exercise performance. It causes muscle fatigue and post-exercise muscle soreness. Lactic acid is a normal byproduct of muscle metabolism, but it can irritate muscles and cause discomfort and soreness. Muscle soreness associated with exercise is known as delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS. It is delayed because you will not feel the soreness until a couple hours later, next day, worst after 2 days


18 Recovery 1) Rest/Active Recovery - Getting plenty of sleep and resting your body may be the most effective treatment. In addition, active recovery, which is light exercise during the recovery phase can stimulate blood flow to the muscles to help reduce muscle pain. Active recovery can include swimming, or a light jog. 2 ) Hydration - Drinking plenty of water can help flush out toxins from your body and prevent dehydration, which can make muscle soreness even more painful. 3) Pre & Post-Workout Nutrition - Consuming a 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein either before, or after a workout, or both, may help reduce the severity of muscle soreness - See more at: answers-recover-faster-and-stronger#sthash.fKH7qeMI.dpuf answers-recover-faster-and-stronger#sthash.fKH7qeMI.dpuf


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