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Housing: Needs & Wants Decisions?  r renting v. buying n ew / existing Housing expense  a avg. American --- ¼ $$ ss atisfaction >>> “home”

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Presentation on theme: "Housing: Needs & Wants Decisions?  r renting v. buying n ew / existing Housing expense  a avg. American --- ¼ $$ ss atisfaction >>> “home”"— Presentation transcript:


2 Housing: Needs & Wants Decisions?  r renting v. buying n ew / existing Housing expense  a avg. American --- ¼ $$ ss atisfaction >>> “home”

3 Size (land) Quality Construction Neighborhood Age / Market* Amenities / Condition

4 Rent or Buy? How much Housing can you Afford?


6 Purchasing House $$ payment & closing costs… * title search* legal costs * credit report* taxes * home inspections* prepaid interest ss eller assist pp oints-

7 Bills, bills, & more $$ water oil/heat trash/sewer phone cable/internet electric school tax insurance $30 $150 $30(P-ville?) $40 $140 $100 $110+ $60

8 standard fixed-rate flexible-rate Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Graduated Payment Veteran’s Administration (VA) EE quity: Line of Credit / Lump Sum

9 Renting: Tenant Rights #1 living area #2 privacy landlords… r epairs s how apartment

10 Renting: Tenant Responsibilities 1 st pay on time 2 nd reasonable care (property) 3 rd notify landlord --- repairs

11 Renting: Tenant Responsibilities restrictions security deposit  damages{tips}  copy ALL bills  break lease early

12 Landlord Responsibilities provide minimum services obey safety laws repairs >>> reasonable time [tenants repair??]

13 Government Assistance HUD housing authorities - low-income familieshousing state laws  state laws  30% of income

14 Buying an Automobile Buy or Lease? opportunity costs $$ $ & time car loan / finance dd own payment ii nterest / monthly payments tt ypes & trade-offs

15 Terminology factory rebates (1) customer (2) factory to dealer MSRP factory invoice price

16 Costs of Operating basics… Extended Warranty  new & used * varies * 30-90 days PA Lemon Law

17 Depreciation age / obsolete features / wear & tear / mileage technology & features 22 0% yr = largest cost collector's items

18 major cost… (premium) ll iability insurance- (40-50%) cc ollision- (30%) cc omprehensive- (12%) d eductible - Rates Based On… a ge g ender m arital status

19 Other Factors… 1- type of car 2- where you drive 3- what car used for

20 More Factors… 4- safety record (you & auto)  points  driver education  grades 5- # of drivers increase OR discount  state regulates --- $$ rates








28 LinkLink*




32 $ $ $ $


34 Affording






40 $$ Tips for Savings $$



43 1. I expect to hold onto this car… 3 yrs or less b/w 3-4 yrs for as long as it lasts = 1 pt = 2 pts = 3 pts 2. The condition in which I keep my car is… mint- it looks good as new a few minor dents, scratches, & interior stains has the “lived-in” look = 1 pt = 2 pts = 3 pts

44 3. Within a year, I typically drive my car… 12,000 miles or less 12,000 to 15,000 miles over 15,000 miles = 1 pt = 2 pts = 3 pts 4. I frequently use the car to do the following… commute more than 20 miles each way to work transport small children or pets go off-road / dirt or gravel haul heavy cargo

45 5. To get this car I am willing to put down… 20% or more of the purchase price some money, but less than 20% nothing @ all = 2 pts = 1 pt Total Score 4- 7 pts= good lease candidate 8-10 pts= leasing & buying --- options 11-16 pts= buying is best choice




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