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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Quarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3Quarter 4 Wild Card.

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1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Quarter 1Quarter 2Quarter 3Quarter 4 Wild Card

2 Explain the following: Red/100 A.Control group B.Independent variable C.Dependent variable D.Constant

3 A. The group that receives no treatment B. The group that receives the “testing” C. The thing being measured D. Things that stay the same Red/100

4 Explain cancer. Red/200

5 Uncontrolled cell growth that smothers healthy cells Red/200

6 Compare DNA and RNA. Be sure to discuss the structure, the nitrogen bases and the sugar in each molecule. Red/300

7 DNARNA Sugar:deoxyribose ribose Structure: double helix single strand Nitrogen Bases: ATGCAUGC Red/300

8 What are the steps of the cell cycle? Begin with Interphase and explain what happens in each phase. Red/400

9 Interphase (G1, S, G2) – cell growth, DNA replication, more growth Prophase – begin to see chromosomes Metaphase – chromosomes line up at middle of cell Anaphase – sister chromatids pull apart Telophase – cell begins to split into two identical cells Red/400

10 Give the function, monomer and at least 3 examples of each macromolecule. Red/500

11 Lipid – long term energy storage, triglyceride, fat, oil, wax Protein – structure/builds new cells, amino acid, meat, nuts, enzymes Nucleic Acid – genetic information, nucleotide, DNA, RNA, ATP Carbs – energy storage, monosaccharide, glucose, cellulose, chitin Red/500

12 What happens in the following cell organelles? A. nucleus B. chloroplast C. mitochondria D. ribosome

13 A. Control center, tells the cell how to function B. photosynthesis C. creates energy by cellular respiration D. makes proteins

14 Which of the following is paired correctly? A.Gametes – mitosis B.Somatic cells – meiosis C.Haploid – gametes D.Diploid – egg cells

15 c. Haploid – gametes

16 Contrast active and passive transport. Contrast osmosis and diffusion

17 Active – energy passive – no energy Osmosis – movement of water Diffusion – movement of particles

18 Explain protein synthesis. Discuss: *transcription and translation (what are they, what do they make, where do they happen?) *what is the building block of a protein? *What is a codon? How many codons code for 1 amino acid?

19 *Transcription – occurs in the nucleus, mRNA copies DNA Translation – happens in the ribosome, mRNA gets sent to the ribosome with a code that will eventually become a protein *building block = amino acid *codon = 3 letters on mRNA, codes for 1 amino acid

20 Colorblindness is a sex linked trait. Cross a colorblind female with a normal male; give the genotype and phenotype ratios of their possible children.


22 What is the MAJOR difference between viruses and cells?

23 Viruses REQUIRE a host!

24 Contrast the lytic and lysogenic cycles of viral reproduction.

25 Lytic explodes the cell, lysogenic hides in the host DNA.

26 Explain a common ancestor, list 3 ways you could determine if organisms had a common ancestor.

27 Common ancestors are a link that connects organisms together, showing evolution. Ways: homologous structures, vestigial structures, amino acids, DNA evidence, fossils, embryos

28 Explain commensalism, parasitism, mutualism and predator-prey relationships.

29 Comm Para  Mut Pred-Prey XX ____

30 What 4 kingdoms belong to the domain Eukarya?

31 Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia

32 Plants are _____trophs, _____celluar, ____karyotic

33 Auto, multi, eu

34 What is the name of the sugar plants make in the chloroplast?

35 GLUCOSE! C6H1206

36 Explain the following plant parts: anther petal vascular system stomata

37 Make sperm attract pollinators transport gas exchange

38 Explain how the digestive, muscular, endocrine, circulatory and respiratory systems maintain homeostasis

39 D – digest nutrients M - movement E – produce hormones that regulate body C – move CO2, O2 and other nutrients around body R – take in O2, release CO2

40 What is the function of an enzyme?

41 Speed up chemical reactions

42 What is the purpose of a karyotype?

43 To determine gender, chromosomal disorders, etc.

44 Turn the following DNA into mRNA: A T T C G A T A C G C T T A A

45 U A A G C U A U G C G A A U U

46 What is carrying capacity?

47 The maximum amount of space, individuals, etc that a population can sustain

48 What is the helpful bacteria that lives in our gut called?

49 E. coli

50 An organism is found to be prokaryotic, which kingdoms COULD it belong to? An organism is found to be an autotroph and have cellulose in its cell walls and chloroplasts, which kingdom does it belong to? An organism is found to be a heterotroph and have cell walls of chitin, which kingdom does it belong to?

51 Archae OR Eubacteria Plantae Fungi

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