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Office of the Under Secretary for Personnel and Readiness Force Readiness and Training Learning Science and Technologies Brief.

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Presentation on theme: "Office of the Under Secretary for Personnel and Readiness Force Readiness and Training Learning Science and Technologies Brief."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of the Under Secretary for Personnel and Readiness Force Readiness and Training Learning Science and Technologies Brief

2 About ADLADL’s 2016 Research ADL’s 10 goals for 2016 5-8 April 2016 Meeting TTA Agreements Top-10 Tools How can we collaborate? ABOUTNEWSSTUFF

3 FACILITATION INNOVATION Established via Executive Order in 1999 To improve learning effectiveness and efficiency across government To conduct R&D on learning science and technology OUSD(P&R) Deputy Asst. Secretary of Defense (Force Education & Training) Sae Schatz, Director Sae Schatz, Director Provide customer support to facilitate implementation LEADERSHIP Help craft the future vision of learning science and tech Show the “art of the possible” via applied R&D

4 Orlando Alexandria

5 Do fewer things better Craft the vision Curate knowledge Serve our customers Be data-driven

6 Performance Tracking/Analysis VR, AR, Games + Simulation Mobile Learning and Support Content Reuse and Discovery Competencies + Credentialing Adaptive Learning Knowledge Design Open Learner Models Instructional Design Learner-Centric Technology- Enabled Data-Driven Learning Learning Organizations Social Learning Learning Science

7 Sample Science and Technology Efforts (more examples available upon request)

8 VR, AR, Simulation and Games Virtual World Sandbox (ADL, Lockheed Martin), Ongoing, Open-source simulations via web browser

9 Instructional Design VR, AR, Simulation and Games Mars Game (Lockheed Martin), FY14-FY16, Web-based game for K12 Math

10 Performance Tracking/Analysis xAPI (ADL Internal Research), Ongoing, Open-source specification for big human-performance data

11 Performance Tracking/Analysis REAPER (Riptide), FY13-FY15, Automated data capture and feedback with xAPI (marksmanship training)

12 VR, AR, Simulation and Games Instructional Design MathCraft (CyCorp), FY12-FY16, Learn-by-Teaching AI-based serious game for 6 th grade math

13 Instructional Design Adaptive Learning PERLS (SRI), FY13-FY17, Context-award adaptive mobile learning Mobile Learning

14 Perceptive and Adaptive Learning Modules (PALMS) Instructional Design Adaptive Learning PALMS (Insight Learning), FY13-FY16, Drill-and-practice adaptive training

15 Instructional Design OSLM (University of Pittsburgh), FY13-FY15, Motivate students through social comparisons Open Learner Models

16 Competencies + Credentialing MIL-CRED (IMT), FY15-FY16, Micro-credential model facilitating transition of military personnel

17 Content Reuse and Discovery Learning Registry (ADL and DOEd), Ongoing, Open-source repository of learning resources

18 Content Reuse and Discovery DECALS (Eduworks), FY13-FY15 Personalized web-based search interface integrated with LR Competencies + Credentialing

19 Re-Usability Support System for E-Learning (RUSSEL), (Eduworks), FY12-13 Content Reuse and Discovery

20 (University of Memphis, Carnegie Learning), FY14-FY17, Big data tutoring best practices Instructional Design

21 HPIT (Carnegie Learning), FY13-FY15, Personalized open-source ITS that detects non-cognitive factors Instructional Design Adaptive Learning Mobile Learning



24 New DoDI is officially signed Establish and monitor KPIs, and share with partner gov’t labs Establish transition agreements for a significant number of BAA projects JULY 2016 ADL ACCOMPLISHMENTS Author the roadmap of the future LS&T whitepaper LS&T requirements documentation (STOs) and corresponding visualization Emerging Concepts Showcase and Mobile Demo Kits Expand Partnership Network (and show tangible results in it) Establish policies and “birddogs” for each of the Services Conduct site visits to share products and collect information (clearing house) Introduce a new discipline: Industrial Knowledge Design

25 FY15: Architect, Systems Integrator, and Content Brokering LRS Online LMS (e.g., MarineNet, AKO) FY15+: Micro- Learning (PERLS) FY16: Live (IoT + xAPI) FY16: Instructor (Observer) Inputs FY15: Competencies & Learner Profiles FY16: Individual Student Profile (incorporate OSLM Lessons Learned) FY16: Cohort Analytics Dashboard Independent Assessor + Authoring Tools? FYY15: + PALMS API + GIFT? + AutoTutor? +Learning Analytics? 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 FY16: UX/Content (Transmedia) 9 1011 12 13 Crowdsource Readiness (OSD(P&R)) Study 14 FY15: + Badging? (MIL-CRED) 15 18 Month integrated demo; notional, high-level ideas rev. 9/11/2015 FY15 Legend FY16MAYBE? FY16

26 1.ADL Lexicon 2.Choosing an LMS 3.Choosing an LRS 4.Choosing an Authoring Tool 5.IEEE Actionable Data Book 6.Installing the ADL LRS 7.The mLearning Design Reference Model 8.SCORM-to-xAPI Wrapper 9.xAPI Dashboard 10.Virtual World Sandbox Manual

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