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Singapore Textbook Project St John’s First School Wimborne Our ‘Maths -No Problem!’ Journey.

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Presentation on theme: "Singapore Textbook Project St John’s First School Wimborne Our ‘Maths -No Problem!’ Journey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Singapore Textbook Project St John’s First School Wimborne Our ‘Maths -No Problem!’ Journey

2 The Project

3 2014-15 2015-16 Developing a Mastery curriculum Jurassic Hub involvement in the project Constant reflection, dialogue, collaboration, adaptation. Pilot school St John’s First School Wimborne, Parley First School Ferndown, St Sidwell’s Primary School Exeter, Stockwell Primary School Exeter St John’s and Parley half termly training for teachers to observe, reflect unpick and develop the approach to maths using high quality textbooks. What next…. 2016-17 Maths No Problem training in Wimborne Increased number of First, Middle and Primary schools

4 The Pedagogy

5 The mathematical content of the textbook, or the series of textbooks, is presented in a coherent and connected manner, exemplifying a logical, step by step approach across the age range(s) it addresses. The learning sequence is set out in carefully organised sections with clear lines of progression, showing how current ideas develop from previous work and are interconnected. Concepts are presented and developed in a detailed, step by step, logical approach, to avoid gaps in learning. NCETM Textbook Guidance (December 2014) TeMxatsbtoeorkys&TeMxatsbtoeorkys&

6 5 Steps to Mastery

7 Putting it into practice

8 3-Part Lesson

9 Planning lessons Textbooks Maths No Problem online resources


11 What about ‘differentiation’?

12 The impact

13 C-P-A Use of carefully chosen concrete resources to develop fundamental concepts

14 Everyone moves at broadly the same pace.

15 Part-part-whole model

16 Exploration of multiple representations

17 Anchor tasks are always contextualised- problem-solving is integral.

18 ‘Journaling’

19 ‘Advanced’ learners have space to demonstrate their initiative, creativity, curiosity...

20 … and compassion.


22 Workbooks are a tool - for pupils to practise - to complement teacher assessments

23 2015-2016 Second year of the project - current Year 2 continuing. Decision to share the approach across the whole school - now embedding Lesson study to enhance teachers’ knowledge and skills and ultimately enhance children’s learning

24 Looking forward... Academy Trust

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