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Presentation on theme: "COMBINING LIKE TERMS DICE ACTIVITY By Stephanie Gamache."— Presentation transcript:


2 Introduction  Grade Level Knowledge:  Pre-Algebra: Middle-School (Could be altered to work with all levels)  CCSSM 7ee part 1: Apply properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor, and expand linear expressions with rational coefficients.  Objectives:  Participants will be able to master the concepts of combining like terms through building their own expressions to simplify.  CCSSM Standards:  MP1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them  MP2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively  MP5: Use appropriate tools strategically  MP6: Attend to precision  MP7: Look for and Make use of structure.

3 Prior Knowledge  To complete the activity participants will need to know:  Terms  Variables  Coefficients  Combining like term with exponents  PEMDAS  Basic math skills of addition, subtraction and multiplication.

4 Materials Materials:  Combining Like Terms Cube Activity worksheet  2 dice  Pencil  Eraser  Notebook for calculation work (opt) Basic Description: This was an activity for combining like terms using a dice.

5 Teaching and Learning Strategies  Before completing the activity a lesson on Combining like terms with exponents would occur.  In the lesson the following vocabulary would be covered: Term, variable, exponent, coefficient. Examples to emulate best practices. (Show alternate option if 1 st appears to not help)  Interactive note and homework notebook.  Use Cover, Copy, Compare for practice before hand.

6 Left Picture: Blank worksheet. Students will complete the work on the left side while the answer is covered on the right. Right Picture: After finishing the problem students will un-cover the answer to check their own work and make corrections as needed. Cover Copy Compare

7 Directions Combing Like Terms Dice Activity  Participants will roll the dice 2 times for one larger expression.  Write the basic expression corresponding to the numbers they rolled into the boxes provided.  Repeat this 4 times (could be increased by 2s)  Once done they proceed to further combine 2 parts of the original 4 to make newer expressions.

8 Blank Worksheet

9 Example of Completed Worksheet

10 Evaluation Technique  During Activity:  Ask leading probing questions if see mistakes happening.  Watch for correct work to ensure proficiency  After Activity:  If the activity is complete correctly without error then the student is ready to move on. Possible give a separate assignment for further practice  If the activity is not completed correctly review material and assess again.

11 Questions Comments

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