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Welcome North Devon Case Study Stakeholder Workshop 4 Caddsdown Business Support Centre, Bideford – 25 th September 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome North Devon Case Study Stakeholder Workshop 4 Caddsdown Business Support Centre, Bideford – 25 th September 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome North Devon Case Study Stakeholder Workshop 4 Caddsdown Business Support Centre, Bideford – 25 th September 2014


3 What is VALMER? VALMER is an eleven partner, Anglo-French project co- funded by the INTERREG IV A France ‘Channel’ England programme through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), which aims to examine how improved marine ecosystem service valuation can support effective and informed marine management and planning.

4 Who are VALMER UK Cornwall Council Devon County Council Dorset County Council Marine Biological Association Plymouth Marine Laboratory Plymouth University France AAMP Ifremer SIAGM University of Brest University of Pierre and Marie Curie, Roscoff

5 Why is VALMER important? Western Channel is a shared sea space with shared management challenges (e.g. energy production, fishing, invasive species, recreation). Ecosystem services assessment has the potential to contribute to improved marine management – but it remains untested in marine environments Testing methods is crucial to move the science and management forward from academic model to practical management tool It is a chance for stakeholders to learn more about the ecosystem services approach

6 …where the project will demonstrate not only how an Ecosystem Services Assessment (ESA) has the potential to improve marine management and planning in theory but, crucially, how such an improvement can be achieved in the context of real, site specific, marine management issues Where is VALMER working? Six Case Study Sites 1.North Devon 2.Poole Harbour 3.Plymouth Sound-Fowey 4.Golfe Normand-Breton 5.Parc Naturel Marin d’Iroise 6.Golfe du Morbihan

7 Focus of VALMER’s Six Case Studies Sub-tidal benthic habitats Seagrass habitats Recreation activities All intertidal and subtidal habitats Kelp habitats Tidal and subtidal benthic habitats

8 Where can I find out more about VALMER

9 Q1:What specific mechanisms / initiatives / areas of your work can you see the ES Approach informing /supporting? Q2:How useful is the ES Approach for marine planning? Q3:Do you think this approach is a good way to connect / engage people with the marine environment & its management (empowerment /trade-offs) Q4:How transferable is the process for other management in the area? (prompts: catchment planning)

10 What Next End of the formal process…but hopefully not the dialogue North Devon Case Study Report – early November The VALMER project runs until 31 st March 2015 Work Package 5 - Short Survey Thank you! Food

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