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DEVELOPING A DASHBOARD FOR HHR Consolidate and Track Critical Metrics Drill down to Regional Levels Visually Organize Data Goal: Better Manage the Performance.

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Presentation on theme: "DEVELOPING A DASHBOARD FOR HHR Consolidate and Track Critical Metrics Drill down to Regional Levels Visually Organize Data Goal: Better Manage the Performance."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEVELOPING A DASHBOARD FOR HHR Consolidate and Track Critical Metrics Drill down to Regional Levels Visually Organize Data Goal: Better Manage the Performance of HHR Agencies

2 Operational Overview By Each Agency Key metrics selected by Agencies Data gathered monthly / quarterly Performance reviewed quarterly

3 VDH Also Utilizes An Internal District Dashboard Updated and Posted on HAN on a Monthly Basis Contains 12 Core Metrics Initially Identified by Senior Leadership VDH District Dashboard Screen Shot of Monthly Dashboard Front Page

4 Allows Leadership to Drill Down on Metrics to View District Performance Per Metric VDH District Dashboard

5 HealthBaselineCurrentTrendGoal Immunization District Cohort: Immunization Rates for Children 2 Years Old Served At LHD 58%60%2.1%80% Entire Cohort in VIIS: Immunization Rates for Children 2 Years Old 15%26%10.9%80% Percent of Children (Age 11-17 Years) Adequately Immunized with Tdap Vaccine 77%87%9.8%80% Immunization Rates for Children at School Entry (Public and Private Kindergartens) 77%81%4.1%- Number of Organizations Enrolled in VIIS 172025167963000 Children & Families Percent of Eligible Women of Childbearing Age Receiving Multivitamins with Folic Acid Counseling 18%31%13.1%30% Percent of Eligible Women of Childbearing Age Receiving a 100-Day Supply of Multivitamins with Folic Acid 16%22%6.2%30% Percent of Eligibles Served in Plan First 3%11%8.5%20% Plan First Enrollment 8,35137,15028,79924,000 Food/ Sewage Percent of Risk Factors Discovered at Restaurant Inspection that are Corrected at the Time of Inspection 44%61%17.1%70% Percent of Risk Factors Discovered at Restaurant Inspection that are Corrected Within 10 Days After Inspection 44%61%17.0%70% Percent of Restaurant Inspections that are Conducted Within Required Timeframes 55%73%17.9%70% Percent of Failing Onsite Sewage Disposal Systems that are Corrected Within 30 Days After LHD Is Notified 16%22%5.6%80% VDH District Dashboard The green column demonstrates the progress VDH has observed since time it began monitoring each measure up until April 2013.

6 Future Efforts – VDH is Working on Two New Systems 1.An Expanded Internal Dashboard Which Measures Progress by Core Agency Goals, Tying Together All Operational Metrics and Establish an Ongoing Review Process Example:

7 Future Efforts – VDH is Working on Two New Systems 2. A District Profile, which summarizes general data about the health of the district and some of it’s basic functions.



10 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) - a state-based, random-digit dialed telephone survey that tracks the health behaviors, risk factors, and health status of non-institutionalized adults aged 18 and older in the United States County Health Rankings VEDSS STD Surveillance Outbreaks Operational Data: Number of Clients Served, Number of Restaurants Inspected, Number of Immunizations Treated, etc. District Profile – Future Data Sources

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