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Evangel Christian Fellowship God’s Desire & Purpose for Establishing His Church Pastor Joseph 10-07-2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Evangel Christian Fellowship God’s Desire & Purpose for Establishing His Church Pastor Joseph 10-07-2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evangel Christian Fellowship God’s Desire & Purpose for Establishing His Church Pastor Joseph 10-07-2016

2 Evangel Christian Fellowship The Church  Church – The one universal many membered corporate body of Christ  One must understand how precious the church is to Christ Jesus  It cost Him more to bring forth the church than anything else that He had done throughout eternity

3 Evangel Christian Fellowship The Church  When God created the heavens & the earth – all He had think of what He wanted & then spoke His creative word & it came to existence  When God created man, all He had to do was to take up a handful of dirt and transform it into the human body of Adam. Just by a little creative handiwork, then breathing some of his eternal Spirit into man that caused Him to become a living soul

4 Evangel Christian Fellowship The Church  When God called forth Abraham to start the Hebrew race,  Which would bring forth His chosen nation of Israel all the He had to do was bring forth a REVELATION to Abraham & then watch over his descendants until they came back from Egypt to possess their promised Canaan land

5 Evangel Christian Fellowship I.What DID it Cost God to PRODUCE the Church?  Now let us see what it cost the Godhead to bring forth the church  All of the eternal Godhead became involved in producing the Church  Jehovah God gave His Son Jesus to the world for the redemption of humankind – so that they could become members of Christ’s Church

6 Evangel Christian Fellowship I.What DID it Cost God to PRODUCE the Church?  Jesus loved the church and gave Himself for it  So that He might present it to Himself, a glorious church, without spot or wrinkle (Eph 5:25-27)  Jesus gave the Holy Spirit to the church for its empowerment, preservation and perfection

7 Evangel Christian Fellowship I.What DID it Cost God to PRODUCE the Church?  The Holy Spirit gives each individual member of the church the ability to communicate with God in a new prayer & praise language of the Spirit, a dynamo generating inner life and power

8 Evangel Christian Fellowship II.The Church is as Eternal as Christ Jesus  The church was conceived in the mind of God from eternity past  It was in the mind of the Eternal from the beginning & was planned & ordained before the foundation of the world (Eph 1:4, Rev 13:8)  The concept of the church is as eternal as Christ Jesus Himself, it was chosen in Him from the beginning

9 Evangel Christian Fellowship II.The Church is as Eternal as Christ Jesus  The Death of Jesus, on the cross PAID THE REDEMPTIVE PRICE for every person who would become a member of the Church  The resurrection of Jesus authorised the bringing forth of the church  The coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost gave birth to the church

10 Evangel Christian Fellowship III.What Did it Cost CHRIST to Purchase & Produce the Church?  His indescribable agony in the garden of Gethsemane  A crown of thorns on His head  39 painful lashes upon His back,  Carrying that big wooden cross on His lacerated back

11 Evangel Christian Fellowship III.What Did it Cost CHRIST to Purchase & Produce the Church?  And finally His horrible humiliation, suffering and shedding of the last drop of HIS life’s blood while hanging on that cruel cross until His Death  That was the purchase price He paid to have His church  He battled the hordes of hell and arose victoriously on the third day from the grave

12 Evangel Christian Fellowship III.What Did it Cost CHRIST to Purchase & Produce the Church?  Yes it personally cost God more than anything else He had ever done  It cost Him His very life  The church means more to Christ than life itself for He gave His very life for it  The church is more precious to Him than anything else in heaven & earth

13 Evangel Christian Fellowship IV.Did God want the Church? If so why?  ABSOLUTELY! He personally declared: “ I will build My church” “I” Personally committed to the building of His church “will“ Determination to produce & perfect “build“ A long, slow, drawn out process (Eph 2:20) “My“ His personal property, pride & possession (Acts 20:28 | Eph 5:25) “Church“ Special called – out company & every other classification of human being

14 Evangel Christian Fellowship IV.Did God want the Church? If so why? “Church“ (Cont…) Special called – out company & ev ery other classification of human b eing All heaven & even hell recognises t hat the church belongs to Jesus All evil forces & humanistic people ar e trying to prevent Christ’s church f rom becoming all that God had pre -planned ultimate purpose & work will do during the church age and et ernity

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