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University High School PSAT Interpretation Ngan (Nan) To Tutoring Manager 949 359 3770 TEXT UniPSAT to 877877 to receive a personalized.

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Presentation on theme: "University High School PSAT Interpretation Ngan (Nan) To Tutoring Manager 949 359 3770 TEXT UniPSAT to 877877 to receive a personalized."— Presentation transcript:

1 University High School PSAT Interpretation Ngan (Nan) To Tutoring Manager 949 359 3770 TEXT UniPSAT to 877877 to receive a personalized consultation on your PSAT!

2 What We’ll Discuss Today Your PSAT Exam Results The Changes to the SAT The ACT College Admissions/Testing Timeline Your Testing Options How can The Princeton Review help you? TEXT UniPSAT to 877877 to receive a personalized consultation on your PSAT!

3 Your Score Report… Each section is scored 160-760 and then they are added together to get the total score. Highest possible total is 1520.

4 What is the PSAT? It’s a “pre-SAT” Doesn’t count towards your college admission. Practice for the real SAT. High PSAT scores can qualify you for a National Merit ® scholarship (among others).

5 Did you know that the SAT has Changed? Let’s walk through the differences between the current SAT and the New SAT. TEXT UniPSAT to 877877 to receive a personalized consultation on your PSAT!

6 General Format and Scoring ChangeOld SATNew SAT SECTIONS 3 subjects Math Critical Reading Writing Skills (essay included) 2 Areas Math Evidence-Based Reading and Writing *Optional essay not included in other scores SCORING Total score out of 2400 200 – 800 for each subject Composite score out of 1600 200 – 800 for each of the 2 Areas

7 General Format and Scoring 1440 PSAT 10 - PSAT / NMSQT 240 PSAT 8/9 2004006008001000120016001400 New SAT 320 1520

8 The new PSAT is almost identical to the new SAT. Section New SAT Questions Time per Section New PSAT Questions Time per Section Reading5265 minutes4760 minutes Writing and Language 4435 minutes4435 minutes Math – no calculator 2025 minutes1725 minutes Math – calculator3855 minutes3145 minutes Essay (optional)150 minutes

9 Answers ChangeOld SATNew SAT ANSWER CHOICES5 answer choices per question4 answer choices per question INCORRECT ANSWER PENALTY 1/4 point off for each incorrect answer on multiple choice questions No penalty for incorrect answers

10 58 attempted 38 attempted: 30 correct20 guesses+4 26 correct32 incorrect 05 1015 2025 3035 4045 50 55 58 05 1015 2025 3035 4045 50 55 58

11 Other Changes ChangeOld SATNew SAT GRAPHICS None other than graphs in math problems. Charts and graphical elements throughout the exam. HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS AND SPEECHES Not featured.Will appear throughout the exam. CALCULATORS Permitted throughout the math sections. Permitted on only one of the two math sections. FORMATPaper and pencil onlyPaper and pencil

12 Other Changes… Graphics everywhere

13 What about the ACT? Let’s walk through the differences between the ACT and the New SAT. TEXT UniPSAT to 877877 to receive a personalized consultation on your PSAT!

14 General Format and Scoring ChangeACTNew SAT SECTIONS 4 Test Subjects English Math Science Reasoning Reading *Optional essay not included in other scores 2 Areas Math Evidence-Based Reading and Writing *Optional essay not included in other scores SCORING Composite score out of 36 1-36 for each Test Composite score out of 1600 200 – 800 for each of the 2 Areas

15 Answers ChangeACTNew SAT ANSWER CHOICES4 answer choices per question INCORRECT ANSWER PENALTY No penalty for incorrect answers

16 ACT vs New SAT

17 New SAT vs ACT







24 Take our quick quiz online to find out which test you should take!

25 Breaking down college admissions year-by-year FreshmanSophomore Junior Grades Activities Grades Activities A practice PSAT Visit schools Work on your college essays Summer Senior Prep for SAT/ACT Grades Activities SAT/ACT Grades Activities SAT/ACT (if needed)

26 Admission tests..TrueFalse … measure intelligence? … can be used to award aid? … reflect your GPA in high school? … predict your college GPA? … can be prepared for? … should be prepared for? … test what you’ve learned in HS? What do the SAT, ACT and new SAT measure? What do the PSAT and SAT measure?

27 Pretty Predictable Questions on the SAT expect you to respond in a pretty predictable way. What do they want you to answer on this question? If a store raises the price of an item by 20%, then decreases the new price by 15%, what was the percent change in the price of the item?

28 Drill

29 Introduction – Basic Strategy POE: What It Is and Why It Rocks Because the SAT & ACT are multiple choice exams, the correct answer will always be right in front of you. By using Process of Elimination (POE), you increase your chances of gaining points. Any time you can tell that an answer choice is wrong, cross it off! The wrong answers are there for one reason: to distract you and keep you from picking the right answer!

30 Process of Elimination What is the capital of Malawi? A)London B)Tokyo C)Paris D)Madrid E)Lilongwe

31 Ballparking For some questions, you can ballpark the correct answer without even solving the problem!

32 Pacing and POOD DO the questions that you have time for and aim for accuracy. DON’T waste time with questions that are too hard or too long.

33 Plugging In Basic Approach for Plugging In 1. Identify the variable 2. Plug in a number for the variable. 3. Work the steps of the problem. 4. Calculate the Target Value. 5. POE until one answer choice is left.

34 Plugging In

35 Freshman & Sophomore years More than 40 subjects including AP classes. Get help with homework, go over a concept you missed in class or prepare for a big exam. Work with an expert tutor 96% of students report they improved their grades. Try a free 30 minute session at Better Grades Guaranteed. Homework Help = Better Grades Grades Activities Practice PSAT

36 Junior year Better Grades Guaranteed. Comprehensive Test Prep Your Choice: Classroom Courses Semi-Private Instruction Private Tutoring Online Prep EXCLUSIVE! Student Portal with access to videos, paced practice questions, quizzes and more.Student Portal EXCLUSIVE! Chat with a Teacher on the student portal connects you to our expert instructors 1:1 online through test day. Better Score Guaranteed. How do you want to prep? We have options to fit any schedule and learning style. SAT/ACT Activities Grades Test Prep

37 Senior year Better Grades Guaranteed. College Admissions Counseling Work with a former Ivy League admissions expert. Find the right school, write a perfect college essay. Application strategies to access more scholarships. Take the stress out of the application process. The Princeton Review is #1 at getting students into top colleges. SAT/ACT Activities Grades Test prep College essays Visit schools

38 Things to remember Schools like to see well- rounded applicants.

39 We’re #1 at getting students into top colleges 30 years of proven methods and test taking strategies Awesome teachers Guaranteed better scores and better grades We want to help you get into your dream school!

40 Important Links SAT vs. ACT HS Timelines Free Practice Tests and Events Free 30 Minute Tutoring Session Questions?

41 Ngan (Nan) To Tutoring Manager 949 359 3770 TEXT UniPSAT to 877877 to receive a personalized consultation on your PSAT!

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