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Special Assembly Welcome!. Why are we here today? Clues in this song – sing along.

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Presentation on theme: "Special Assembly Welcome!. Why are we here today? Clues in this song – sing along."— Presentation transcript:

1 Special Assembly Welcome!

2 Why are we here today? Clues in this song – sing along

3 Build Up Build up one another Build up your sisters and brothers Build up one another Bui……ld Up Every word you say Every game you play Every silly face Every single place……..or you can tear down Every joke you tell Every name you spell Everywhere you go Everyone you know up…… or you can tear down Every song you sing Every bell you ring Everything you spend Every special friend You..…….or you can tear down

4 House Points – Some changes!

5 Class Star

6 Weekly Assemblies Celebrate class star Singing Move into EARNI time

7 EARNI time

8 Playground changes Zones Happy/sad faces New playground games

9 Green zone –only for breaktime. Groups will change Chill Out Zone – music/ chalks/ board games/ reading/ quiet play board games/ reading/ quiet play Play zone – new games to be added/ Play Squad Hoops zone – only for basketball Supervised by LA and P7s Astro - zone – will be coned off To allow three separate games to take place. Football only allowed in here.

10 Term Stars A special invite to you and your parents!

11 Craigour Park – school song!

12 CRAIGOUR PARK There is a school that they call Craigour Park A place where dreams do come true It's full of love and joy and happiness and children doing just their best It is the school close to our hearts Craigour Park, Craigour Park You make us feel so very proud We earn house points, we have good times, we make friends that last for life times. This is the place that we call home. Our teachers make us feel so confident, like we can reach our every goal. We are proud we are brave We are tough and we have lots of fun This is the place that we dream of Written by Primary 3B

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