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Stillson Elementary K-5 385 Students 369 Caucasian and 16 Non-Caucasian 37 students receiving Special Education services 120 Economically Disadvantaged.

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Presentation on theme: "Stillson Elementary K-5 385 Students 369 Caucasian and 16 Non-Caucasian 37 students receiving Special Education services 120 Economically Disadvantaged."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stillson Elementary K-5 385 Students 369 Caucasian and 16 Non-Caucasian 37 students receiving Special Education services 120 Economically Disadvantaged Trained PBIS Tier 12009-2010 Tier 22012-2013 Chippewa Falls

2 Stillson Elementary SAIG Decision Rules: 2 ODR’s of the same behavior or location or 3 ODR’s of any kind in 30 days Daily Emails: Flag and identify students with 2 ODR’s in 30 days Determine: Does the student need a Basic SAIG or some other intervention? Basic SAIG Groups Cafeteria Playground Homework Specific Behaviors

3 Decision Rule: 2 or more ODR’s in 30 days in playground location Student Success: No playground ODR’s for 30 days following completion of the Playground Basic SAIG. If success is not achieved, student will enter into an intensive SAIG/loss of recess time. Fidelity Check: Basic SAIG Slip Facilitator:Time/Date:Location: Paras Noon Hour Monitors During recess timesPlayground Procedure: 1.Students are flagged and email is automatically sent to Tier II team. 2.Emily D. will review ODR’s and send out if ODR’s are for lunchroom. 3.Carol will notify parent and classroom teacher via the ODR sent home. 4.Carol will notify para(s) and noon hour monitors. 5.Paras will hand in completed Basic SAIG dpr to Jess or Emily D./coaches. 6.Coaches will enter in start/end dates into Tier II Intervention Tracker.

4 Schedule: Teaching Resources Available: Day 1: Practice Teaching To behaviors - positive and negative with student. (Chart on bottom of Cool Tool sheet) Day 2: Walk with para and observe and discuss other students playing appropriately. Day 3: Para and student discuss Scenarios from Cool Tool. Day 4: Reflect and review based on observations and student’s progress. *Student demonstrates appropriate behavior at every recess. Green Space Cool Tool Winter Play Cool Tool Playground Cool Tool

5 Day 1:Day 2:Day 3:Day 4: ❏ ___________ Playground Basic SAIG Slip Name: _________________________ Class: __________ Date: _________________ Target Behavior: _______________________________________________________

6 Playground Basic SAIG Slip *Student demonstrates appropriate behaviors at every recess. Positive Comments: ________________________________________________________________________ One thing I did really well was: ______________________________________________________________ Something I will continue to work on: ________________________________________________________ Day 1:Day 2:Day 3:Day 4: Practice Teaching To behaviors - positive and negative with student. (Chart on bottom of Cool Tool sheet) Walk with para and observe and discuss other students playing appropriately. Para and student discuss Scenarios from Cool Tool. Reflect and review based on observations and student’s progress. *Photocopy forms and put in classroom teacher and Emily D/Jess’ mailbox.

7 Teaching-To Behaviors PositiveNegative 1. Dress for the weather1. Not wearing boots, gloves, snow pants, etc. 2. Include others and ask before joining2. Telling others they cannot play, interrupting the game, stealing equipment 3. Use kind words and actions and help others3. Name calling, hitting, fighting, stealing, ignoring others, etc. 4. Play by the rules4. Can not make up own rules 5. Two-hand touch5. tackling 6. Have good sportsmanship-complimenting, Right Way to Play-Green Space School-wide expectations: Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Safe Purpose: Students will play recess games following expectations fairly. Rationale: Learning how to play games safely with others is an important social skill students need to have for recess areas. Procedure Model: Teacher demonstrates full range of behaviors below. (“I do”) Positive and negative Lead: Teacher and students practice positive behaviors. (“We do”) Teacher demonstrates full range, students practice positive behaviors only. Test: Students demonstrate positive behaviors. (“You do”) Students practice positive behaviors only. *Never allow students to practice misbehavior

8 Incomplete Homework Incomplete= an assignment that isn’t complete at all or is partially complete (teacher discretion) or an assignment that isn’t returned to school on its due date (ie. “It’s done, but I forgot it at home.”) Data is collected by the classroom teacher for each student using the collection form. Multiple incomplete assignments that occur in one day count as only one step. Basic SAIG is taught by the school counselor. Intensive SAIG is taught by the principal.

9 Student:_______________________ Steps within 30 DaysDate/Comments/Late Assignments Date/Late Assignments/Comments Date/Comments/Late Assignments 1 Finish work at recess (go outside when finished), note home 2 Finish work at recess (go outside when finished), note home 3 Finish work at recess (go outside when finished), note home 4 Contact counselor for BASIC SAIG, finish work at recess (go outside when finished), note home for every late assignment during this time, punch card ____Day 1 ____ Day 6 ____Day 2 ____ Day 7 ____Day 3 ____ Day 8 ____Day 4 ____ Day 9 ____Day 5 ____ Day 10 10 homework days 80% ____Day 1 ____ Day 6 ____Day 2 ____ Day 7 ____Day 3 ____ Day 8 ____Day 4 ____ Day 9 ____Day 5 ____ Day 10 10 homework days 80% ____Day 1 ____ Day 6 ____Day 2 ____ Day 7 ____Day 3 ____ Day 8 ____Day 4 ____ Day 9 ____Day 5 ____ Day 10 10 homework days 80% 5 Contact Principal for INTENSE SAIG, finish work at recess, lunch with the principal, note home for every late assignment during this time Note: If step 4 is successful (80%), student will start back at step 1. If this student cycles through steps 1-3 again, then s/he will automatically skip step 4 and go to step 5. If step 4 is unsuccessful (below 80%), student will continue on to step 5. Incomplete Homework Data Collection Grades 3-5

10 COMPLETING HOMEWORK NOTE (Parent Communication) GOAL: To be able to bring back completed homework, on time, as directed by teacher. RATIONALE: Learning how to complete a task and turn it in on time will build responsibility and organizational skills needed for future education and work settings. What I Should Do: 1.Put homework in backpack to take home. 2.Find a place to work at home. 3.Look at assignment notebook. 4.Complete homework at home. 5.Put homework back in backpack as soon as completed. 6.Bring completed work back to school when due. Please circle: this is what I did instead of doing my homework: Left homework at schoolHad someone else do my homework Refused to work at homeLost it Forgot it Brought homework back, but not finished Forgot I had homework to do/didn’t check my assignment notebook to see if I had any OR ___________________________________________________________________

11 Now write your homework solution below: Next time I will…………………. ___________________________________________________________________________ (Student Signature) ____________________________________________________________________________ (Parent/Guardian Signature)

12 Day 1:Day 2:Day 3:Day 4: Notes: Notes: Day 1:Day 2:Day 3:Day 4: Discuss problem areas and think of solutions to fix it. Discuss organization and planning strategies. Report progress and tailor solutions as needed. Discuss progress and tailor solutions as needed. Review organization and planning strategies. *Emily S photocopy forms and put in classroom teacher and Emily D/Jess’ mailbox. Homework Basic SAIG Slip Name: _________________________ Class: __________ Start Date: ____________ Target Behavior: ______________________________________________________________________ One thing I did really well was: ___________________________________________________________ Something I will continue to work on: ______________________________________________________

13 Homework Completion Punch Card for BASIC SAIG

14 Homework Intensive SAIG Slip Name: _________________________ Class: __________ Start Date: __________________ Target Behavior(s):_____________________________________________________________________________ My goal is:______________________________________________________________________________ Day/Date Y/NToday I learned about... I’m doing well at.../I can improve upon... 1 2 3

15 2015-’16 Data Interventions# of Students in Intervention # of Students Successful % Responded Homework BASIC SAIG15967% Homework INTENSE SAIG7571% Recess SAIG55100% Lunch SAIG2150% Bathroom SAIG11100%

16 Contact Information Emily Dorney- Tier 2 Coach Emily Seavecki- School Counselor

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