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Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/27/2016 AMD 560 Apparel Product Development Presentation (Phase 3 & 4), Tech Pack & Actual Prototype Week 10.

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Presentation on theme: "Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/27/2016 AMD 560 Apparel Product Development Presentation (Phase 3 & 4), Tech Pack & Actual Prototype Week 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/27/2016 AMD 560 Apparel Product Development Presentation (Phase 3 & 4), Tech Pack & Actual Prototype Week 10

2 9/27/2016 Presentation Phase 3 & 4

3 9/27/2016 Today  SRCEE Poster (Designer & Merchandiser) - April 7, 2014  Tech Pack (Merchandiser)  Actual Prototype (Designer)

4 Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/27/2016 AMD 560 Apparel Product Development SRCEE Poster Week 10

5 9/27/2016 SRCEE Poster  Size: 36” X 48”, Landscape  Type: Powerpoint

6 9/27/2016 SRCEE Poster Example (1)

7 9/27/2016 SRCEE Poster Example (2)

8 9/27/2016 SRCEE Poster Example (3)

9 9/27/2016 SRCEE Poster Example (4)

10 9/27/2016 Today SRCEE Poster (April 7, 2014)

11 Click to edit Master subtitle style 9/27/2016 Tech Pack Week 10

12 9/27/2016 Tech Pack (1)  It is an assemblage of information required by an apparel manufacturer to create, put together, and package a garment.  It encompasses all the garment specifications needed before mass production.  The package can be simple or complex, depending on the user’s needs.  The design of a technical package, also know as a production package, varies greatly within the industry.  The production department uses the tech-pack as a reference and guide for bulk manufacturing.

13 9/27/2016 Tech Pack (2)  The tech pack maybe used in the following ways: 1. The production department can go into the manufacturing process without needing to refer back to the design team. 2. Merchandisers and sourcing agents can ensure required materials are made available for production in proper quantities and on time. 3. Marketing can use the document in presentations or to sell styles to key customers before line samples are made. 4. Various departments within the common can refer to the tech-pack for points of discussion. 5. The tech-pack brings unity and efficiency to a company.

14 9/27/2016 Tech Pack (3)  It is graphic representation and written descriptions of styling, materials, dimensions, production procedures, and finishing instructions for a garment style.  contains complete product descriptions and expectations.  provides a basis for communication with everyone involved in the product development chain.

15 9/27/2016 Tech Pack (4)  It is not only used throughout the firm for communication purpose, but they also form the basis for contracts with contractors and vendors for materials, production, and establishment of criteria for maintaining quality standards.  The importance of accurate communications provided by written and graphic specifications cannot be overemphasized in today's global environment.  No standard pack.  All packs should cover the basics.

16 9/27/2016 Tech Pack (5)  Style Summary Sheet  Design Sheet  Illustration Sheet  Cost Sheet  Materials Sheet  Fabric Sheet  Pattern Sheet  Measurement Sheet  Size Sheet  Label/Packing Sheet  Construction Detail Sheet

17 9/27/2016 Style Summary Sheet Source: Keiser, Sandra J. and Garner, Myrna B.(2008), Beyond Design: The Synergy of Apparel Product Development. P. 306. New York: Fairchild

18 9/27/2016 Style Summary Sheet  A style summary sheet includes:  A drawing of the style. A drawing of the garment style is developed specifically for inclusion in the spec package. This drawing could be in a technical flat. The front and back views of the style are included.  General style information is provided (a style number, a basic fabric information, a brief item description, identification of the selling season, date for design approval, size range, & planned colors).  Brief identifying description

19 9/27/2016 Design Sheet

20 9/27/2016 Illustration Sheet

21 9/27/2016 Cost Sheet Source: Keiser, Sandra J. and Garner, Myrna B.(2008), Beyond Design: The Synergy of Apparel Product Development. P. 307. New York: Fairchild

22 9/27/2016 Cost Sheet  The components of a cost sheet include information about the style. 1. The general style information. 2. The fabric identification, including price and quantity of yardage estimates for an individual garment. 3. A listing of trimmings, called findings by most producers, with their quantity and cost estimates. 4. An estimate of labor costs for producing the garments.

23 9/27/2016 Fabric Sheet

24 9/27/2016 Material Sheet Source: Keiser, Sandra J. and Garner, Myrna B.(2008), Beyond Design: The Synergy of Apparel Product Development. P. 307. New York: Fairchild

25 9/27/2016 Materials Sheet  The main functions of this form are to identify all the materials needed to construct the sample garment and to ensure that all the needed components will be available in the appropriate colors and quantities when production begins.  The fiber size and color of thread  The length of zippers  The size and color of buttons  The width and characteristics of the shell fabrics.

26 9/27/2016 Pattern Sheet Source: Keiser, Sandra J. and Garner, Myrna B.(2008), Beyond Design: The Synergy of Apparel Product Development. P. 307. New York: Fairchild

27 9/27/2016 Pattern Sheet  It is a listing of all of the pattern pieces that make up the set needed to make the style.  A drawing of each pattern piece  A name of each pattern piece  Some of these pattern sheets require sewing guides for unusual constructions procedures or for achieving specific or uncommon appearance.

28 9/27/2016 Measurement Sheet

29 9/27/2016 Measurement Sheet

30 9/27/2016 Measurement Sheet

31 9/27/2016 Size Sheet Source: Keiser, Sandra J. and Garner, Myrna B.(2008), Beyond Design: The Synergy of Apparel Product Development. P. 307. New York: Fairchild

32 9/27/2016 Size Sheet  Size charts are based on the measurements of the sample size garments (usually an 8 or 10 for misses clothing).  The charts will be different from one garment style to the next because the fit and styling ease amounts vary between styles.  Many other specific detail measurements need to be communicated in these charts:  Ex)The length of the elastic in a waistband, the length of a skirt's side slit, the width of the hem, and the placement of pockets, buttons, and trim.

33 9/27/2016 Label/Packing Sheet

34 9/27/2016 Construction Detail Sheet

35 9/27/2016 PLM & PDM  It can be built using a different software application.  Product Lifestyle Management (PLM) is a popular software system, often used in conjunction with Product Data Management (PDM) software.  This information is produced at the source – this is, the employee who is responsible for a process or procedure enters the corresponding data.  Problems and errors can be identified quickly, saving time and costly production mistakes.

36 9/27/2016 PDM System  Product Data Management (PDM)  It is a fully integrated system that offers sophisticated computer tools for designing on-screen.  The uniqueness of a PDM system: 1. All designs are generated on screen. 2. If you change a design (for example, the length of a skirt), the amount of the fabric and the cost of the fabric also changes automatically. 3. The information is automatically updated, enabling all staff members to view the entire development process. 4. In the long term, designs are improved, costs are reduced (because the trial and error steps are reduced), and communications are improved. The bottom line is value to the customer. A better product is delivered at the sharpest cost.

37 9/27/2016 Next Class  SRCEE Poster (Designer & Merchandiser) - April 7, 2014  Tech Pack (Merchandiser)  Actual Prototype (Designer)

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