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Los mandatos formales Español 2. Regular Formal commands (affirmative AND negative) 1.Start with the form of the verb 2.Drop the. 3. Then put on the __________________.

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Presentation on theme: "Los mandatos formales Español 2. Regular Formal commands (affirmative AND negative) 1.Start with the form of the verb 2.Drop the. 3. Then put on the __________________."— Presentation transcript:

1 Los mandatos formales Español 2

2 Regular Formal commands (affirmative AND negative) 1.Start with the form of the verb 2.Drop the. 3. Then put on the __________________ YO (Ud./Uds.) O opposite personal ending.

3 Formal Commands (+/-) -ar verbs-er/-ir verbs Ud. Uds. e a en an habl corr

4 -car, -gar, -zar verbs Verbs that end in –car will have a spelling change in which the changes to. Verbs that end in –gar will have a spelling change in which the changes to. Verbs that end in –zar will have a spelling change in which the changes to. cqu ggu zc

5 Práctica ¡Salgan! ¡Apague! ¡Empiecen! ¡Busque! ¡Comiencen! ¡No escriban! ¡No ponga! ¡No hablen! ¡No jueguen! ¡No coman!

6 “IR” Stem-changers (o-ue Verbs) DORMIRMORIR Ud. (no) duerma Ud (no) muera Uds. (no) duerman Uds (no) mueran

7 Los Irregulares (D.I.S.H.E.S.) Dar Ir Ser Haber Estar Saber Ud. Uds. dé vaya sea haya esté sepa den vayan sean hayan estén sepan

8 Commands with DIRECT OBJECTS PRONOUNS with the affirmative command all we do is ____________ the object pronoun to the affirmative command. –Comprar el regalo (Ud.) __________ –Abrir la puerta (Uds.) __________ notice we added an accent mark to keep the stress in the original place. un, dos, tres bam! ATTACH cómprelo ábranla

9 Negative Commands The difference with the negative commands is that the object pronoun will be placed _______________ the verb. –No comprar el regalo (Ud.) ______________ –No abrir la puerta (Uds.) _____________ BEFORE No lo compre No la abran

10 A practicar Commands with Direct Object Pronouns Cómpremelos. Póngalos. Lávelas. comprar los zapatos para mi Poner los libros en la mesa Lavar las camisas

11 A practicar Commands with Direct Object Pronouns No lo ponga en el pupitre. No lo bañe. No se la dé. No poner un lápiz en el pupitre No bañar! (el perro) No dar la tarea a ella

12 Los mandatos formales Practice

13 Write the imperative form for the given verb and pronoun. 1. Buy the book. (comprar) __________Ud. el libro. __________ 2. Bring the food. (traer) __________ Uds. la comida. __________ Compre Traigan Cómprelo Tráiganla

14 Write the imperative form for the given verb and pronoun. 3. Don't cry so much. (llorar) No ______ Ud. tanto. 4. Don't smoke here, please. (fumar) No _______ Uds. aquí, por favor. llore fumen

15 5. Read the book. (leer) _______Ud. el libro. ________ 6. Go with her. (ir) ______ Uds. con ella. Write the imperative form for the given verb and pronoun. Lea Léalo Vayan

16 7. Dial the number. (marcar) ________Ud. el número. ________ 8. Don't sleep. (dormir) No _________Uds. Write the imperative form for the given verb and pronoun. Marque Márquelo duerman

17 9.Stir the rice. (agitar) _______ Ud. el arroz. ________ 10. Listen, please. (oír) ______ Ud., por favor. Write the imperative form for the given verb and pronoun. Agite Agítelo Oiga

18 11. Turn left. (doblar) _______ Ud. a la izquierda. 12. Open your books. (abrir) ________ Uds. sus libros. _________ Write the imperative form for the given verb and pronoun. Doble Ábranlos Abran

19 13. Come back tomorrow. (volver) ________ Ud. mañana. 14. Don't bring the car. (traer) No ________ Uds. el coche. Write the imperative form for the given verb and pronoun. Vuelva traigan

20 15. Don't go with John. (ir) No ______ Ud. con Juan. 16. Be good. (ser) _____Ud. bueno. Write the imperative form for the given verb and pronoun. vaya Sea

21 17. Don't buy that house. (comprar) No _________ Uds. esa casa. No __________ Uds. 18. Don't be bad. (ser) No _____Uds. malas. Write the imperative form for the given verb and pronoun. compren la compren sean

22 19. Open the window. (abrir) ______ Ud. la ventana. 20. Don't turn right. (doblar) No ________ Uds. a la derecha. Write the imperative form for the given verb and pronoun. Abra doblen

23 RECUEDA..USE “Se” because they are formal Ud. & Uds. Commands No lavarse (Ud.)_________________ No secarse (Uds.) _______________ ¡No se lave! Don’t wash yourself! ¡No se sequen! Don’t dry yourselves!

24 A PRACTICAR lavarse (Ud.) _________________ secarse (Uds.)_______________ Lávese Wash yourself! Séquense Dry yourselves!

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