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Kolarctic ENPI CBC Programme 2007 – 2013 INFORMATION SEMINAR 2nd Call for Proposals 14.03.2011-13.06.2011 Joint Managing Authority Rovaniemi, 18.03.2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Kolarctic ENPI CBC Programme 2007 – 2013 INFORMATION SEMINAR 2nd Call for Proposals 14.03.2011-13.06.2011 Joint Managing Authority Rovaniemi, 18.03.2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kolarctic ENPI CBC Programme 2007 – 2013 INFORMATION SEMINAR 2nd Call for Proposals 14.03.2011-13.06.2011 Joint Managing Authority Rovaniemi, 18.03.2011

2 Table of content 1.What is Kolarctic ENPI CBC? 2.Who can participate? 3.Priorities 4.Overall budget 5.Programme managing structure 6.Project financing 7.Investments 8.Partnerships 9.Actions 10.Costs 11.How to apply? 12.Evaluation and selection of applications 13.Grant Contract 14.Summary of the 1 st Call for proposals 15.3rd Call for proposals 16.More information

3 1.What is Kolarctic ENPI CBC? European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) – is the financial instrument for the European Neighbourhood Policy for the 2007-2013 period Cross Border Cooperation (CBC) – is a key priority of the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument

4 1.What is Kolarctic ENPI CBC? Programme facts Programme for EU’s external borders Kolarctic ENPI Programme document was approved 19.12.2008 The FA was signed for five EU-Russia ENPI Programmes 18.11.2009 These five programmes are Kolarctic (FI-SWE-NO-RU) 70,48M€ Karelia (FI-RU) 46,40 M€ South East Finland – Russia 72,36 M€ Estonia-Latvia-Russia 73,08 M€ Lithuania-Poland-Russia 176,13 M€ –

5 1.What is Kolarctic ENPI CBC? Main aims To reduce the periphery of the countries’ border regions To help the Programme regions to develop their cross-border economic, social and environment potential To manage the close partnership with all participating regions To select and implement activities equally between all regions, authorities, actors

6 1.What is Kolarctic ENPI CBC? Key documents for applicants Guidelines for Grant Applicants 14.03.2011-13.06.2011 (for each Call for Proposals) main document for applicants: Defines the financial allocation for the Call Informs about the important documents for the Call Defines the eligibility criteria Gives information about how to apply and about the procedures to follow Describes the evaluation of the applications Gives instructions how to fill in the Application form Action Plan 2011 (for each year): Defines the focus set for the projects to be financed; Applications coherence with the Action Plan 2011 will be assessed during the evaluation; Defines the timetable of the Call for Proposals for the year and the amount of available financing.

7 1. What is Kolarctic ENPI CBC? Key documents for applicants The Kolarctic ENPI CBC Programme 2007-2013 Document Information and Visibility of Kolarctic ENPI CBC Actions Evaluation grid PRAG Document 2010 mentation/practical_guide/index_en.htm

8 2. Who can participate? Eligible Areas Russia:Murmansk Oblast, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Nenets Autonomous Okrug Finland:Lapland Sweden: Norrbotten Norway: Nordland, Troms, Finnmark Adjacent areas Russia: Republic of Karelia, Leningrad Oblast St. Petersburg Finland:Region of Northern Ostrobothnia Sweden:Västerbotten

9 2. Who can participate? Eligible actors In order to be eligible all applicants must: Be legal persons and Be registered in Finland, Sweden, Russia or Norway and National, regional or local public authorities/organizations Municipalities Private companies* Joint municipal boards Public utility companies Chambers of commerce Organizations and associations Educational institutions Research and training institutions Cultural institutions and operators Environmental protection agencies Tourism public authorities NGOs * NOTE! The project cannot be profit making for the company

10 3. Priorities 1.Economic and social development (40%) 2. Common challenges(25%) 3. People to people cooperation (25%) and identity building Technical assistance (10%)

11 3.Priorities Measures: Priority 1 Economic and social development Operative aims: Cross-border networks and business relations are established between SME’s; Ongoing communication and joint educational planning between businesses and education in the fields of the required competences; Movement of the labour force across the borders is facilitated; SME’s and authorities have better understanding of cross-border business and working opportunities; Cross-border transport, logistics and communication systems are developed to respond to the needs of the Programme area in line with sustainable development; Energy cooperation, the use of renewable energy sources and active energy saving have risen; Businesses enhancing the cultures of the indigenous people are supported; Public and private services are cooperating for the benefit of the inhabitants; Municipalities are cooperating and exchanging best practices.

12 3.Priorities Measures: Priority 2 Common challenges Operative aims: Local and regional authorities have common plans, agreements and/ or activities for multilateral cooperation in common challenges; Public awareness about the common challenges has risen; Environmental knowledge has risen; Activities in environmental and nature protection have been implemented; Adaptation to climate change has progressed; Border crossing authorities are cooperating multilaterally to harmonise and to simplify procedures.

13 3.Priorities – Measures: Priority 3 People to people cooperation and identity building Operative aims: Common cultural/ sports events and meeting places bring people together from the Programme area; Common information is published in the public media; Cooperation and communication is increased; Cooperation between cultural institutions is increased; Promotion of the cultural diversity is supported.

14 4.Overall budget Community financing (= EU-financing) 28, 241 M€ Norwegian Kolarctic financing 7 M€ National financing from the EU Member States 14 M€ National financing from Russia 14 M€ National financing from Norway 7 M€ Partner’s own contribution (public or/and private financing)  Total ~ 70 M€

15 4.Overall budget Financial allocation for the 2 nd Call Combined Programme Financing 11, 725 M€ (EU+National state co-financing form Finland and Russia) Option for extra 3,5 M€ Norwegian Kolarctic financing 1,900 M€ National co-financing from Sweden and Norway 3,575 M€

16 5.Programme managing structure Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC): Is decision – making body of the Programme Composed by 2 central government and 3 regional representatives from each participating country Joint Selection Committee (JSC): Is in charge of evaluation project applications Draws up its recommendations on the assessments made by RAGs consists of 3 regional representatives from each participating country (12) Regional Assesor Groups (RAGs): Assess the application in accordance to the evaluation criteria (Evaluation grid) Draws up recommendations to JSC Are established in 4 countries.

17 5.Programme managing structure (2) Joint Managing Authority (JMA): Is responsible for the operational and financial management of the Programme Ensures the legality and regularity of the operations Is divided into Operational and Financial Units Branch offices (BOs): Sweden (Luleå) Norway (Vadsø) Russia (Murmansk, Arkhangelsk) help the JMA Operational Unit in the dissemination of information to potential beneficiaries support the operative work of the JMA

18 5.Programme managing structure (3) JMA Operational Unit: Ms. Päivi Ekdahl, Programme Director Ms. Marjaana Lahdenranta, Senior advisor Ms. Katja Sukuvaara, Senior advisor Ms. Hilkka Hakala, Advisor Ms. Renata Musifullina, Advisor JMA Financial Unit: Ms. Katri Niska-Honkonen, Head of the Financial Unit Branch offices (BOs): Mr. Hans Dahlin, Programme coordinator (Sweden) Mr. Jan Martin Solstad, Programme coordinator (Norway) Ms. Linda Mosand, Programme auditor (Norway) Ms. Julia Korshunova, Programme coordinator (Russia) Ms. Marina Zhestovskikh, Programme coordinator (Russia)

19 6.Project financing Starting from the beginning Total financing of the project… … Is equal to the eligible costs of the project = Eligible costs 100 € Total financing 100 €

20 6.Project financing Private financing The (possible) private financing of the project is part of the financing of the eligible costs of the project Private financing

21 6.Project financing Public financing Financing, which is not private is public financing Private financing Public financing

22 6.Project financing EU financing The share of EU financing is 50 % of the public financing of the project; NOT of the total financing of the project. Private financing EU-financing– 50 % of the public financing Public financing

23 6.Project financing Own contribution Own contribution - is a financing that comes from own resources of Lead Partners and/ or Partners. It can consist of either public or private financing Own contribution can be included either in public financing or in private financing of the project depending on the partners: are they public or private organisations?

24 6.Project financing Own contribution In Kolarctic ENPI Project it is at least 10 % Amount of own contribution is dependent on the type and the nature of the project: Projects under priority 1, which are targeted to the economical development and where private companies are Partners/Lead Partners – 30% Private financing Own contribution Public financing

25 6.Project financing Financial structure of the project Total financing of the project consists of public financing (EU financing, Norwegian Kolarctic financing + national co-financing) private financing (is not counted as national co- financing, but extra financing!) own contribution (private or/and public financing) Own contribution Public financing EU-financing– 50 % of the public financing National co-financing Private financing Own contribution

26 6.Project financing Budgetary allocation Programme priority Programme financing Own contribution EU financing National Co- financing Private financing Public financing Priority 170% for projects which are targeted to the economical development and where private companies are Partners/Lead Partners 90% for other projects 10-30% Priority 290%10% Priority 390%10%

27 7.Investments Small-scale investments Maximum amount of the investment is 50% of the total budget and 2 M€ 4M€ Financing can not exceed the maximum amount defined in the national legislation of the country to which the investment is to be placed Maximum amount of financing of small-scale investments is always 70%, including EU funding and national co-financing The amount of EU financing shall always be complemented with national financing

28 7.Investments Large Scale Projects (LSPs) Projects that include Large-scale investments JMC is considering to implement LSPs in the Programme More information after final decision of JMC Financial structure of investments must be differentiated according to the country in which the investment locates

29 8.Partnerships Beneficiaries: Public bodies and local, regional and national authorities; Universities and research centres; Non-Governmental Organisations; Traders’ associations and organisations representing economic and social interests; Companies and other private organisations. The Lead Partner (LP) is responsible for the management, implementation and coordination of the activities among the partners involved, and it is legally responsible for the partnership. Partners play an active role in the development and implementation of the project activities, together with the Lead Partner. Associates are another organisations, which may be involved in the project implementation but are not entitled to funding from the grant awarded with the exception of travel costs. Associates do not have to meet the eligibility criteria. Subcontractors: the grant beneficiaries have the possibility to award contracts to subcontractors, which are neither partners nor associates.

30 8.Partnerships Eligibility of the Lead Partner/ Partner In order to be eligible all applicants must: Be legal persons and Be registered in Finland, Sweden, Russia or Norway and (Lead Partner) be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the project with other partners, not acting as an intermediary The project must have at least one actor from an EU Member State and one actor from Russia one is the Lead Partner and the other one is the Partner Priority is given to the projects with partners from more than two countries Projects with partners only from Norway and Russia can also be financed under Priority 1 within sectors where partners cannot be found from Finland and/ or Sweden EU financing is not available for these projects

31 8. Partnerships Eligibility of the Lead Partner/ Partner The LP/P can also be from the adjacent area if: Their participation in the project can be justified If the expertice of their know-how is unavailable in the actual Programme area Project is multilateral Project is nationally and internationally significant Project supports the development of the Programme area NOTE! It’s possible to have projects where LP/Ps only from the adjacent areas but it must benefit the whole Programme area ALL partners must sign the Partnership Statement

32 8. Partnerships Associates Participate in the implementation of the project with their own financing Are not entitled to the projects Combined Programme Financing or to the Norwegian Kolarctic financing or to the national co-financing except for the travel costs Don’t have to meet the eligibility criteria or sign the Partnership Statement

33 8.Partnerships Subcontractors Are not Partners or Associates Are subject to the procurement rules Participation is limited and clearly defined Max 50% of the eligible costs can be derived from subcontracting (is not applied to investments!) Subcontractors undertake to provide the audit and control bodies Subcontracting Is ineligible if: It adds the costs of the operation without adding value Payments are defined as percentages of the total cost of the operation (unless it is justified)

34 9.Actions Eligible actions Open Call with no limitations to any given theme or priority The Grant Application can cover any of the programmes three priorities (only one!) Project duration is dependent on the actions to be implemented Maximum duration is 36 months Minimum duration is not defined The activities must be beneficial for the Programme area Costs are eligible starting on the day following the signing of the Grant Contract

35 9. Actions Ineligible actions Actions conserning: Only, or mainly individual sponsorships for participation in workshops, seminars, conferences and congresses Only, or mainly individual scolarships for studies or training courses Scientific research without specific direct benefit for the development of the Programme region Actions, which bring profit or create a competetive advantage to the participating private enterprices

36 10.Costs Eligible costs The budget is ”a ceiling” for eligible costs Eligible costs must fulfill the following requirements: They are incurred during the implementation of the project as specified in the Grant Contract They are indicated in the Grant Application and financing plan They are necessary for the implementation of the project They are identifiable and verifiable in the project’s accounting records They are reasonable and cost-effective

37 10. Costs Eligible costs Actual salaries plus the social security charges of the staff assigned to the project not exceeding those normally used in the organisation Travel costs Purchase or rental costs for equipment, supplies and services Subcontracting expenditure Costs deriving from the requirements of the Contract (dissemination of information, evaluation, translation etc)

38 10.Costs Contingency reserve Covers the expenditure or costs arising from a sudden rise in budgeted costs Costs that could not be taken into consideration when drawing up the budget May not exceed 5% of the projects eligible costs Can only be used with the prior written authorisation of the JMA

39 10.Costs Administrative costs (overheads) Maximum 7% of the overall amount of eligible costs Covers the administrative costs arising from the implementation of the project Don’t need to be supported by accounting documents BUT they have to be available for verification afterwards

40 10.Costs Contribution in kind Are not eligible costs Can not be considered as the Lead Partner’s/ Partners’ co-financing to the project If contributions in kind are anticipated for the project they must be specified in the Grant Application NOTE! The salary costs of the personnel of the organisation are not contributions in kind, but Actual salary costs

41 10.Costs Ineligible costs Depts and provisions for losses or depts Interest owed Items/ service already financed in another framework Purchases of land or buildings, exept where necessary for the direct implementation of the project Currency exchange losses Taxes (VAT is eligible if it remains a final cost to the applicant!) LP/Partners are responsible for getting information about taxation in their own country! Credits to third parties

42 11.How to apply? Electronic Application form Is to be used when applying for Combined Programme financing, Norwegian Kolarctic financing or Swedish/Norwegian national co-financing NOTE that national financiers may request the use of another application form! Application must be filled in in English

43 11.How to apply? Signing and submission of the Application Step 1:The Lead Partner fills in the application Step 2:The LP sends the Application to the JMA via the EMOS-monitoring system NOTE that after sending the Application can no longer be changed Step 3: The LP prints out the Application after sending and signes the Lead Partner Declaration Step 4:The Partners print and sign their Partnership Statements and send them to the LP as originals or as scanned copies

44 11.How to apply? Signing and submission of the Application Step 5:The LP attaches the Partnership Statements to the printed and signed application Step 6:The LP fills out the Checklist and attaches it to the application Step 7:The LP submits the application with all the annexes + one copy to the JMA in a closed envelope

45 11.How to apply? Deadline for the submission of the applications Deadline for the submission of Applications is 13.06.2011 at 18:00 (Finnish time) MEANS, that the Application has to be sent to the JMA via the EMOS-monitoring system by that deadline EMOS will be closed at 18:01 The signed Application with annexes must be submitted by the deadline (Not received) NOTE, that the office of the JMA will be closed at 16:00 (for hand-deliveries or courier services)

46 11.How to apply? Information for the Applicants Information seminars JMA and the Branch Offices inform the applicants about the Call process and about drawing up of the application Questions may be sent also in writing by e-mail ( or by fax 21 days prior to the deadline for the submission of proposals (23.05.2011) Replies to the questions posed will be provided no later than 11 days prior to the deadline for the submission of proposals (02.06.2011)

47 11.How to apply? Information for the Applicants The JMA and the Branch Offices cannot give a prior opinion on the eligibility of an applicant, a partner or an action! The answers provided to one applicant, on those points that may be of interest to other applicants, will be published on the programme’s website

48 11.How to apply? Public national co-financing Finnish and Russian national state co-financing to the Programme is applied from the JMA using the Programme’s application form The LP always acts as the applicant for public national co-financing of its own country Partners from other countries than the LP must agree which of them will apply for the public national financing on behalf of all the partners from the same country Public national co-financing must be applied before OR together with the application of EU financing

49 11.How to apply? Finnish public national co-financing Is a part of Combined Programme Financing and applied from the JMA by the programme’s official application form If the LP is from Finland, the EU grant application is also an application for Finnish national state co-financing If LP from another country needs to feel in the form “Applicant of the national co-financing” In addition Finnish national co-financing can be granted by public organisations Commitments of other Finnish national co-financing (other than state or own) have to be delivered to JMA before JSC meeting Signed Partnership Statement is considered as a commitment of Partners’ own financing

50 11.How to apply? Swedish public national co-financing A Swedish LP and partners request the Swedish public national co-financing from different public organisations If the LP is not from Sweden, one partner from Sweden applies for Swedish public national co-financing on behalf of all the Swedish partners Commitments of other swedish national co-financing (other than own) have to be delivered to JMA before JSC meeting Signed Partnership Statement is considered as a commitment of Partners’ own financing

51 11.How to apply? Russian public national co-financing Is a part of Combined Programme Financing and applied from the JMA by the programme’s official application form If the LP is from Russia, the EU grant application is also an application for Russian national state co-financing If LP from another country needs to feel in the form “Applicant of the national co-financing” In addition Russian national co-financing can be granted by public organisations Commitments of other Russian national co-financing (other than state or own) have to be delivered to JMA before JSC meeting Signed Partnership Statement is considered as a commitment of Partners’ own financing NOTE! the Russian state co-financing or other public co-financing may never be directed to Swedish beneficiaries!!!

52 11.How to apply? Norwegian public national co-financing Corresponds to EU financing in case of Norwegian projects actors 50% of Norwegian public financing NOTE! Norwegian LP is responsible for applying and managing EU financing, but can’t cover costs! Norwegian Kolarctic financing is applied for by using the official application form If the LP is from Norway, it will submit the EU grant application and the application for Norwegian Kolarctic financing to JMA If the LP is not from Norway, one partner from Norway applies for Norwegian public national co-financing on behalf of all the Norwegian partners Norwegian Kolarctic financing must always be supplemented with Norwegian public national co-financing, which may be applied from public organisations Commitments of other Norwegian national co-financing (other than own) have to be delivered to JMA before JSC meeting Signed Partnership Statement is considered as a commitment of Partners’ own financing

53 12.Evaluation and selection of Applications Step 1: Opening session and administrative check Is done by the JMA The report will be accepted by the Joint Selection Committee JMA can ask the applicant to submit the minor information that is missing from the application JMA informs the LP in writing about the result of the administrative check

54 12.Evaluation and selection of Applications Step 2: Evaluation of the Application Regional Assessor Groups assess the applications in accordance to the evaluation criteria (evaluation grid!) Joint Selection Committee draws up its recommendations based on the assessments made by the RAG’s Joint Monitoring Committee Decides on the awarding of the grant or rejecting an application based on the proposal of the Joint Selection Committee Contradiction in JMC and JSC opinions? JMA submits an implementation decision to the LP within 15+15 days

55 13.Grant Contract Negotiations start after the final list of projects have been approved by EC Negotiations between the JMA and the LP The standard Grant Contract (General conditions) Specific issues of the project will be written to the Special Conditions The Partnership statement between the LP and all the partners must be signed prior to signing of the Grant Contract

56 14.Summary of the 1 st Call for Proposals 34 applications were received and 13 of them were approved.

57 15. 3 rd Call for Proposals Will be decided after the JMC meeting

58 16.More information W-pages: e – mails:

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