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1 MIKE NET SCADA SCADA Integration Real-time and on-line analysis helps you to understand the system behavior and optimize its operational costs Forecasting.

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Presentation on theme: "1 MIKE NET SCADA SCADA Integration Real-time and on-line analysis helps you to understand the system behavior and optimize its operational costs Forecasting."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 MIKE NET SCADA SCADA Integration Real-time and on-line analysis helps you to understand the system behavior and optimize its operational costs Forecasting and Planning Suitable tool to train the system operators

2 2 MIKE NET - SCADA Levels of Information GIS (Static information) SCADA (Dynamic information, system control) Strategic Model (System forecasting, strategic planning. Boundary conditions for detailed models) Detailed Model(s) (Detailed information, maintenance and operation) Detailed Model(s) Strategic Model SCADA Operation, control, … System understanding, planning, forecasting, IF-THEN scenarios… Detailed information, maintenance, … GIS Information

3 3 MIKE NET - SCADA SCADA Systems Field Instrumentations Remote Stations Communication Networks Central Monitoring System

4 4 MIKE NET - SCADA Implementation Scheme MIKE NET OFF-LINE Real-time control, forecasting, IF-THEN scenarios, planning SCADA Real-time Database Historical Database MIKE NET ON-LINE (Service application) On-line hydraulic, water quality, and economic analysis ADO, Native Drivers SCADA SERVER PC 1 MIKE VIEW ON-LINE Detailed results post- processing

5 5 SCADA Locations: measured data collection in the selected locations MIKE NET ONLINE MIKE NET OFFLINE Forecasting, Breakdown analysis, Detailed hydraulic, water quality, and economic modeling IF-THEN analyst Learning tool On-Line analysis Real-time comparison of the measured and calculated data Automatic data pre- processing for the forecasting Off-line module Pressure, and flow calculation at any point of the system ADO ODBC MIKE NET - SCADA WTP

6 6 MIKE NET - SCADA MIKE NET WORKSTATION Off-line operation: Steady state and dynamic computations. Simulations: flows, pressure dist., WQ. Forecasting and prediction of system behavior. Modeling performance in simulated conditions. Contingency planning, optimization. Capital improvement planning tool On-line operation: Hydraulic modeling with real time data. Calibration, compare projected to measured. Flag system irregularities, consumption patterns, etc. SCADA SERVER GIS SERVER GIS WORKSTATION Static system layout and infrastructure SCADA WORKSTATION WITH MIKE NET ONLINE MODULE Real-time monitoring and control. Process and display of “virtual sensors”. Historical data base, alarm log, report generation Commands, setpoints Measurements, statuses, and alarms

7 7 MIKE NET - SCADA Modeling Services MIKE NET OFF-LINE Real-time control, forecasting, IF-THEN scenarios, planning MIKE NET ON-LINE (Service application) On-line hydraulic, water quality, and economic analysis Automatic and periodical model update Automatic hydraulic, water quality, and energy costs analysis Automatic comparison of measured and modeled values Prediction of the system behavior within the next time period Analysis of any historical events

8 8 Data Acquisition - Validation Visualisation SCADA System MIKE NET OnLine1 6 MIKE NET ONLINE Control strategies 5 Historical Data Base Gap Filling Costs Analysis Forecasting Polution Control Add On Modules2 DIMS/SCADA User interface Network Points of Measurements and Points of Control 4 MIKE NET OffLine Forecasting and Computational Engine HD / WQ / Economics 3 4 SCADA 2 MIKE NET - SCADA

9 9 PID Controller The active control is performed by regulators – controllable movable devices (throttle control valves, variable speed drive pumps, etc). The operation strategy may consist of two parts:  control function  control logic (rules) A control function establishes a relation between a control variable and a controlled variable. The control algorithm is based on the numerical solution of the “continuous control problem” equation and is usually termed as PID (Proportional-Integral-Differential) control. The actuation signal for the regulator is generated by a PID controller, which usually appears as part of the operational strategy programmed in a Programmable Logical Controller (PLC).

10 10 PID Controller At each simulation time step, the set-point is evaluated against the actual value of the control variable (flow, water level, pressure, depending on the set-point type). The actual output is determined from the following equation: where: u = output signal (flow, water level) e = error to be minimised K = proportionality factor Td = derivation time Ti = integration time

11 11 PID Controller Fluctuations around the set-point depending on the size of the integration time Ti


13 13 PID Simulation Configuration Local Set Points (muConstantValue) Remote Set Points (muConstantValue) Set Point Switches UI (muSwitchUI) Set Point Switches (muSwitch) PID Controller (muPID) Remote Valve Positions (muConstantValue) Node/Depth Control (muLookupTable) Control Switch UI (muSwitchUI) Control Switch (muSwitch) Controller (muValueConstraint) EPANET (muComWrapper)

14 14 MIKE NET - SCADA Data Cycle Input data is read from the real-time SCADA database Analogue measured values of pressure, water level in storage tanks, and discharge. Analogue measured water quality parameters, such as the chlorine concentration. Analogue measured values of valve openings. Binary input values indicating the status of pumping stations, control valves etc Calculated demands, and calculated flow control valve settings are used to balance the input data and to overcome non- measured demands. Input data is checked for errors and the gaps are filled Input file for the analysis is modified based on the measured values

15 15 MIKE NET - SCADA Data Cycle (continued) Hydraulic (and optional water quality) analysis is performed The output data is stored in the SCADA historical database and displayed on the screen. It is possible to store any computed parameters, such as: Values of pressure, water level in the storage tanks, and discharge Travel time along predefined paths Water quality parameters, such as the chlorine concentration, turbidity, water age, source tracing, etc. Reservoir volume changes and residual volume Pump power costs and variable water production costs Display animations of calculated parameters, such as the propagation of water quality parameters, etc.

16 16 MIKE NET - SCADA Forecasting Module Prediction of the hydraulic, water quality, and economic parameters based on the pre-defined or forecasted behaviour of the system parameters. Demand forecasting Implementation of the control rules, allowing to reproduce the real-time system behaviour HTML based reporting System costs calculation including water sources, and pumping stations

17 17 MIKE NET - SCADA Project Steps 1.Make a hydraulic model of the system in MIKE NET 2.Define the boundary conditions (head and flows in tanks, pumps, valves) and define the link between measured data and the MIKE NET components using the data dictionary 3.Model calibration 4.Define the data – results (e.g. computed pressures and flows), which will be transferred from MIKE NET On-Line back to the SCADA system 5.Begin MIKE NET On-Line Server operation to run the analysis in the defined time interval (e.g. 15 minutes) 6.Use SCADA interface to compare the measured and modelled pressure and flows

18 18 MIKE NET - SCADA Project Steps (continued) 7.Use On-Line to model system costs (e.g. pump energy costs) 8.Use On-Line to model water quality analysis 9.Use Off-Line to model any past and projected system behaviour including node demands (the demands are automatically predicted based on the historical data)

19 19 MIKE NET - SCADA SMVAK, Regional Water Supply System The regional water supply system of Ostrava supplies with high quality water more than one million inhabitants of Northern Moravia 380km of main water supply pipelines 60 tanks and 3 main water sources with 10 main pumping stations. The flow capacity of produced water is above 4850l/s (100mgd) is delivered to more than 100 towns within the region. The mathematical model of the whole water supply system was created, calibrated and verified for both steady state and extended period simulations.

20 20 MIKE NET - SCADA SMVAK, Regional Water Supply System

21 21 MIKE NET - SCADA SMVAK, Regional Water Supply System PUMPING STATION ON-LINE Connection between MIKE NET and SCADA system

22 22 MIKE NET - SCADA SMVAK, Regional Water Supply System Source tracing analysis from the selected water treatment plant.

23 23 MIKE NET - SCADA SMVAK, Regional Water Supply System OnLine analysis of hydraulic and water quality parameters Automatic alarming for when selected measured values deviate from respective predicted values Learning and contingency planning tool for operators Analysis of system failures (e.g. pump failure) and emergency conditions (e.g. four alarm) IF-THEN scenarios

24 24 MIKE NET - SCADA SCVAK, Regional Water Supply System The regional water supply system of Teplice supplies with water more than 1.1 million inhabitants of Northern Bohemia and there are 5 regional control rooms controlling the whole water supply system. 47 water treatment plans 948 storage tanks 568 pumping stations MIKE NET On-Line computational module is installed on the central control system server of the node Chomutov. The mathematical model of the water supply system was calibrated and verified for both steady state and extended period simulations.

25 25 MIKE NET - SCADA SCVK, Regional Water Supply System


27 27 MIKE NET - SCADA SCVK, Regional Water Supply System

28 28 MIKE NET - SCADA SCVK, Regional Water Supply System OnLine analysis of hydraulic and water quality parameters Fast decision making Learning tool for operators Analysis of historical system breakdowns IF-THEN scenarios Evaluation of economic parameters 24, 48, 72 hours system operation forecasting

29 29 MIKE NET - SCADA Oslo, Water Distribution System Water supply and distribution network of Oslo consists of 50 distribution zones with more than 25,000 pipes; the leakage is app. 35%. The GIS database model of the network includes all network elements required for MIKE NET modelling. Data is stored in Arc Info system; GEMINI provides operational data in SCADA system and the detailed 1:1 data link to MIKE NET. The detailed model of the whole system is developed in MIKE NET and is used for the system optimisation and the water quality modelling.

30 30 MIKE NET - SCADA Oslo, Water Distribution System

31 31 MIKE NET - SCADA Oslo, Water Distribution System OnLine Project Area Arc Info

32 32 MIKE NET - SCADA Oslo, Water Distribution System OnLine Project Area MIKE NET

33 33 MIKE NET - SCADA Benefits 1.On-line analysis helps to understand the system behaviour 2.On-line analysis periodically updates the model, which can be readily downloaded into MIKE NET Off-line. The model is then ready for the analysis without any additional work. 3.On-line analysis increases the preparedness of the water-utility to react to unexpected incidents 4.On-line model can be used to model energy costs and to calculate the actual water costs at any point of the system 5.On-line module can be used to model travel times, water age, and water quality parameters

34 34 MIKE NET - SCADA Benefits (continued) 6.On-line module is the only way to achieve a fully calibrated model and it can be set to alarm for defined variations between modelled values and observed data 7.On-line module provides detailed results and can compensate for malfunctioning sensors and also perform as “virtual sensors” 8.Off-line module can be used to predict the system behaviour within the next time period (e.g. 6 or 12 hours) 9.Off-line module can be used to train the system operators and to model various IF-THEN scenarios 10.Off-line module can be used to reproduce any historical events of the system (e.g. peak demands, pump failure)

35 35 MIKE NET - SCADA  Lessons Learnt 1.Early involvement 2.Creditability 3.Internal involvement from the organisation 4.What happens once the project is done

36 36 MIKE NET - SCADA Conclusion Linking the monitoring system and analysis model is the most efficient way to develop an online calibrated model for water networks. Detailed analysis of the networks helps in identifying the problematic areas. Continuous evaluation of the measured and computed values of pressure and flow validates the integrity of the calibrated model. Usually, validation of the model is done once a year. However, observed data are archived. Once the data accumulate, authorized personnel can activate genetic algorithms to automatically calibrate the water network.

37 37 MIKE NET - SCADA Conclusion (continued) Integration of MIKE NET and SCADA system circumvents problems related to asynchronous measurement of data arriving from various monitoring stations. MIKE NET OnLine can model parameters which cannot be measured, such as water age and source tracing. Computed virtual sensors that complement the measured data to assist the operator in decision-making and planning Operators can use the model as a learning tool to simulate various hydraulic conditions in the network. They can learn to evaluate and choose an appropriate strategy for operation of pumping stations and settings of the control valves.

38 38 MIKE NET - SCADA Conclusion (continued) Operators can use the model as a forecasting tool to simulate hydraulic, water quality and energy consumptions in the network for the coming time period. In conclusion, integration of MIKE NET and your SCADA system allows your utility to improve water supply reliability, water quality, and cost effectiveness

39 39 MIKE NET - SCADA Planned Developments (selected) Use DIMS to provide SCADA – DIMS and DIMS – MIKE NET data communication Develop demand adjustment to maintain mass balance for water distribution systems Develop Off-line directly within MIKE NET (currently as Microsoft Access module) Develop prediction module to upload operation schedules back to SCADA system Implement Online module into the system optimization process (i.e. G2)

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