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Introducing Fedora Core 5 Codename: Xxxxxxxx March 18, 2006 Robert 'Bob' Jensen Fedora Ambassador Release Notes Editor-in-Chief.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing Fedora Core 5 Codename: Xxxxxxxx March 18, 2006 Robert 'Bob' Jensen Fedora Ambassador Release Notes Editor-in-Chief."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing Fedora Core 5 Codename: Xxxxxxxx March 18, 2006 Robert 'Bob' Jensen Fedora Ambassador Release Notes Editor-in-Chief

2 Introducing FC5 ● Fedora Background ● Red Hat's Impact ● Sub-Projects ● Core ● Extras ● Legacy ● More... ● What's New in Core 5 ● Desktop ● System Administration ● System Level Changes ● How YOU can make a difference ● Questions, Answers and a Test Drive

3 Background ● 2002 school project at University of Hawaii by Warren Togami ● Collaborative development of a centralized repository ● “Extras” only for Red Hat Linux ● 2003 proposal to merge, create bigger project ● Fedora Core is Born

4 Red Hat's Impact ● Red Hat Contributions to Upstream ● Many parts of the kernel ● GCC, glibc, binutils, elfutils, many parts of GNOME ● Open Source Java (gcj and Classpath) ● Many other components ● Red Hat Contributions to Fedora ● Developers ● Finances ● Experience ● Infrastructure

5 Sub-Projects ● Core ● Over 1800 Packages ● Nearly 300 Developers ● Extras ● Over 1500 Packages ● Over 150 Package Owners ● Legacy ● 2 Red Hat Linux and 3 Fedora Core releases being maintained

6 Sub-Projects ● Documentation ● Marketing ● Ambassadors ● Directory Server ● Kadischi ● Stateless Linux ● OLPC

7 What's New in Fedora Core 5 Desktop System Administration System Level Changes

8 Desktop ● There is a completely revamped appearance with a bubbly new theme and the first use of the new Fedora logo. ● Early work from the Fedora Rendering Project is integrated into the desktop. This new project is going to provide the technical foundations for advanced desktop interfaces based on OpenGL. ● Popular desktop environments GNOME and KDE have innovative new versions included in this release. The GNOME desktop is based on the 2.14 release, and the KDE 3.5 desktop is the general 3.5 release.

9 GNOME Desktop 2.14

10 KDE 3.5

11 Desktop ● Added GNOME Features ● The latest versions of GNOME Power Manager and GNOME Screensaver provide new and integrated power management capabilities. ● The new GNOME User Share facility provides simple and efficient file sharing. ● Suspend to RAM support has also been improved due to infrastructure work done by the hibernate support.

12 Desktop ● The previous graphical software management utilities have been replaced with the first versions of a new generation of tools.

13 Pup

14 Pirut

15 Desktop ● This release of Fedora includes Mono support for the first time.

16 Beagle

17 F-Spot

18 Tomboy

19 Desktop ● You can now enjoy enhanced multimedia support with version 0.10 of the Gstreamer media framework. ● There is dramatically improved internationalization support with SCIM in Fedora Core 5. ● The default Web browser is Firefox 1.5, which has many new features for faster, safer, and more efficient browsing.

20 Firefox 1.5

21 Desktop ● The office applications suite 2.0 now makes better use of general system libraries for increased performance and efficiency.

22 Desktop ● A large number of GTK and GNOME programs take advantage of the Cairo 2D graphics library, included in this release, to provide streamlined attractive graphical interfaces. ● There are new experimental drivers that provide support for the widely-used Broadcom 43xx wireless chipsets. ● This release includes libnotify, a library that features simple and attractive notifications for the desktop. ● Fedora Core 5 now uses gnome-mount, a more efficient mechanism that replaces fstab-sync, and uses HAL to handle mounting. ● Printing support is improved in this release with the inclusion of the hplip utility, which replaces hpijs.

23 System Administration ● The Xen virtualization system has enhanced support. ● The industry-leading anaconda installation system continues to evolve. ● Version 2.2 of the Apache HTTP server is now included. ● The latest generation of database servers including both MySQL 5.0 and PostgreSQL 8.1.

24 System Administration ● Several native Java programs are now available compiled with GCJ. ● There are new tools for system monitoring and performance analysis. ● This release includes system-config- cluster ● The combination of Kexec and Kdump utilities provides modern crash dumping facilities. ● This release includes iscsi-initiator-utils

25 System Level Changes ● X11R7.0 is included in this release. ● The GCC 4.1 compiler is included. ● The kernels for this release are based on Linux 2.6.16. ● The PCMCIA framework used by laptop and mobile devices has changed. ● SELinux implementation has undergone a major change, with a switch to the SELinux reference policy.

26 How YOU can make a Difference ● Use the Software ● Participate in Community support projects ● Report Bugs and submit Patches ● Improve the Software ● Search Upstream for solutions ● Get Involved in Upstream Projects ● Submit Bugs to Bugzilla ● Improve Documentation ● Figure out what documentation is missing ● Great way to get involved in FOSS for Non-coders

27 How YOU can make a Difference ● Become an Extras Contributor ● Review Other Packagers RPMs ● Learn to Package RPMs ● Package Missing Software ● Legacy – Extend the Lifecycle ● Security Updates ● Red Hat Linux 7.3 and 9 ● Fedora Core 1, 2 and 3 ● Perform QA Testing on Packages ● Become a Mentor ● Share your Skills ● Give Back to the Community

28 Questions, Answers and the Test Drive ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

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