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Carbon Credits The Alberta Perspective. Think About This $176 billion - 2011 global market value. More markets are being created. Australia is now a leader.

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Presentation on theme: "Carbon Credits The Alberta Perspective. Think About This $176 billion - 2011 global market value. More markets are being created. Australia is now a leader."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carbon Credits The Alberta Perspective

2 Think About This $176 billion - 2011 global market value. More markets are being created. Australia is now a leader. Carbon Credits are not going away.

3 My background Involved in the market since late 2006 Worked as a consultant till August 2008 Started CCSI in Sept 2008 Completed our first project March 2009

4 Our Success CCSI is an aggregator. 12 agricultural projects. 1.35 million credits from 824 farms. $12+ million paid to farmers. Preferred supplier of credits.

5 Alberta Overview 3 rd largest oil reserves in the world. 170 billion barrels of tar sands oil. The largest emitter of green house gases in Canada. Biggest emitter per capita in the world.

6 Large opportunity for reductions. Political win - Farmers vote. Many opportunities to reduce emissions. Alberta now has 6 agricultural protocols. Only one has been used successfully. No forestry protocols. Agricultural Credits

7 Market value of $500 million. $300 million invested in the tech fund. $200 million of credits purchased. 16.5 Mt CO2e used for compliance. 9.5 Mt CO2e from soil sequestration. Alberta Market

8 Carbon market started July 1, 2007 First regulated market in North America 70% of provinces emissions covered Affects approximately 100 entities Projects verified & government audits Alberta Overview

9 Large polluters have to report emissions 122.5 Mt of emissions in 2010 97 facilities responsible for 114.9 Mt Required to reduce emissions or pay a penalty Alberta Overview

10 Market has had problems. Farmers and companies have lied or committed fraud. Government is cracking down. We are finally starting to get it right. Alberta Market

11 Wild west during the early years. Companies sprang up to help farmers. Many companies failed some were sued. 5 aggregators in operation now. Likely to drop to 3 soon. Nothing beat experience. Lessons For Farmers

12 Large agribusiness entered the market. Carbon isn't their core business. Some did a very poor job. Seller and buyer beware. Lessons For Farmers

13 You need to find the right partner. You need to be prepared to document. You need to take it seriously. Do it because it is the right thing to do. It's not really about the money. Lessons for Farmers

14 What associations do you belong too? Whose buying my credits? Who have you sold to? Do you have references? Describe the process in detail Who is responsible for what? Choosing an Aggregator

15 Sound business processes is required. Advanced data management system. Screen your clients. Think like a verifier. Do more than the minimum. Lessons for Aggregators

16 Listen and learn from those in the know. Engage all stakeholders. Seek constant improvement. For Government

17 Communication among all stakeholders is required. Have the markets best interest in mind. A collective effort is required to build a robust long lived market. Final Thoughts

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