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CITRUS HIGH SCHOOL. MISSION STATEMENT Through the use of leadership and guidance, I want to educate these students in government and also make an impact.

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Presentation on theme: "CITRUS HIGH SCHOOL. MISSION STATEMENT Through the use of leadership and guidance, I want to educate these students in government and also make an impact."— Presentation transcript:


2 MISSION STATEMENT Through the use of leadership and guidance, I want to educate these students in government and also make an impact in their life to help them become successful.

3 PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: Chris Mosher Email: Phone Number: 727-270-3159 Degree: B.A in high school Education

4 CLASSROOM PROCEDURES 1) Treat others the way you want to be treated 2) You are in high school, act like it 3) Have FUN!!!

5 TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTABLE POLICIES Internet is a privilege, not a right. Act as if you are a guest, not as if you were using the computer at home. Any that violate these rules, will face disciplinary actions. (See handout for rules)

6 HOMEWORK POLICY No late assignments, unless discussed with teacher. Homework will be assigned on Monday and due every Friday.

7 COMMUNICATION Parents can contact me through either email or phone. I will send out an email every week to parents regarding important due dates for homework and assignments.

8 GRADING Tests: 50% Quizzes 10% Projects: 20% Homework: 10% Attendance/Participation: 10%

9 FUND RAISERS AND VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES We will host a car wash in the semester to raise money for the school, senior trip, and college visitations. (Look at handout) I will send emails frequently to students about volunteer events. Students will need these for scholarships and certain colleges.

10 VOLUNTEERING FOR PARENTS Parents email me if you would like to participate in the car wash. We need chaperones for the senior trip, email me if interested.

11 MY GOAL I want my students to be successful in my class, but more importantly, I want my students to be successful in life regardless of what career they might choose.

12 QUESTIONS? Parents, if you have any questions talk to me after open house. You can also email me, call, or text me. Thank you!

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