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Presentation on theme: "Technological And Engineering EXPLAINS ERECTION PROCEDURE OF TIMBER BENCH AND RAILING TIMBER."— Presentation transcript:


2 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Antecedent At floor multiple building ( high rise), existence of bench becomes an important component and very often or commonly use as a means of Bantu vertical transportation. In building ( housing remains) position or situation of bench shall be laboured at district which is easy reached from all rooms. Suggested in one buildings there is minimizing two bench to anticipate emergency ( fire). Bench can be made from stone couple, timber, iron, steel and concrete. Hereinafter in this matter will only be studied construction of bench from timber material. At floor multiple building ( high rise), existence of bench becomes an important component and very often or commonly use as a means of Bantu vertical transportation. In building ( housing remains) position or situation of bench shall be laboured at district which is easy reached from all rooms. Suggested in one buildings there is minimizing two bench to anticipate emergency ( fire). Bench can be made from stone couple, timber, iron, steel and concrete. Hereinafter in this matter will only be studied construction of bench from timber material.

3 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Doorstep Conditions 1.Bench Breadth Bench breadth that is commonly use (and permitted) in housing building remains is minimizing 80 cm ( principal bench, non bench service). While for minimum service bench of width 60cm. Housing building inside stair remains is not obliged has landing (flat space at certain elevation to rest), because usually only consisted of 2 or 3 floor only. If there is landing, hence width usually minimum is wide same with bench breadth. In one benchs enabled for there is landing multiple.

4 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Bench breadth minimizes for 1 people is 60 cm. Hence for bench design: For 1 people = 60 cm For 2 people= 120 cm For 3 people= 180 cm

5 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Bench breadth is cleanness bench breadth. Not be including railling and or wall ridge.calculation of Requirement of bench for public building is calculated 60cm bench breadth for every 100. For example legitimate stage building with capacities 1000 requires bench breadth 1000/100 x 60cm = 6m. For the purpose usable 1 bench denga breadth 6m or two bench with breadth each 3m. However if still be enabled better apply minimum breadth 120 cm, which is bench breadth standart keamanan/keadaan emergency ( emergency stairs).

6 Teknologi dan Rekayasa 2. Bench Dip Basically dip of bench is made not too steep to facilitate people rising without releasing many dissociation energy of diatomics, but nor too sloping so that will not be boring and requires many places because would too length. Dip of fair bench and commonly use is ranging from 25 o - 42 o. for building ruah remains commonly use dip 38 o. 2. Bench Dip Basically dip of bench is made not too steep to facilitate people rising without releasing many dissociation energy of diatomics, but nor too sloping so that will not be boring and requires many places because would too length. Dip of fair bench and commonly use is ranging from 25 o - 42 o. for building ruah remains commonly use dip 38 o.

7 Teknologi dan Rekayasa 3.Wide and Horse Height One step of flat direction man is 60 - 65 cm, while for melangkah rising need energy 2 bigger times than flat melangkah. Therefore, good comparison is L = horse breadth ( pedal breadth = aantrede) T = horse height ( grade height = optrade) Usually, T ranges from 14 - 20 cm that still felt easy to in climbing L ranges from 22,5 - 30 cm to tread shoe can tread on carefully. (L + 2T) = 60 s/d 65 cm

8 Teknologi dan Rekayasa 4.Number Of Horses Number of horses in one benchs is laboured at the most 12 fruits if more suggested to apply landing. This thing to reach comfort of consumer especially disabled people and old fellow. If state forces, for example because limitation of the room, hence enabled the numbers maximum 16 horses, this thing refers maximum condition of performance ( fatigue) human body. To avoid accident, if enabled is better if horse is made [by] its(the scale uniform, either height and or width. If is not enabled, different horse of its(the scale put down at division very under ( anticipation of security and safety). Number of horses= Height floor to floor - 1 cm T

9 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Example Of Calculation of Bench Takes example floor height ( floor to floor) = 320 cm Horse Scale Tried : t = 16 cm, I = 26 cm Hence : 2 t + l = ( 2 x 16) + 26 = 58 < 60. too bench gradient, tires. Tried : t = 20 cm, l = 28 cm Hence : 2 t + l = ( 2 x 20) + 28 = 68 > 65. too steep bench, quickly fatigue. Tried : t = 18 cm, l = 28 cm Hence : 2 t + l = ( 2 x 18) + 28 = 64 cm may be used. Takes example floor height ( floor to floor) = 320 cm Horse Scale Tried : t = 16 cm, I = 26 cm Hence : 2 t + l = ( 2 x 16) + 26 = 58 < 60. too bench gradient, tires. Tried : t = 20 cm, l = 28 cm Hence : 2 t + l = ( 2 x 20) + 28 = 68 > 65. too steep bench, quickly fatigue. Tried : t = 18 cm, l = 28 cm Hence : 2 t + l = ( 2 x 18) + 28 = 64 cm may be used.

10 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Number Of Horses Number of horses = 320/18 - 1 = 16,78 fruits Hence amounts used: Alternative of 1: The numbers is rounded up upward ( 17 fruits), its(the difference divided to be plane. 320/t - 1 = 17, hence t is made 17,8 cm Alternative of 2: Height of all horse made to be same, except horse under of the size different. Because the numbers more than 12 horses ( 17 horses), hence horse to 9 can become landing. Number Of Horses Number of horses = 320/18 - 1 = 16,78 fruits Hence amounts used: Alternative of 1: The numbers is rounded up upward ( 17 fruits), its(the difference divided to be plane. 320/t - 1 = 17, hence t is made 17,8 cm Alternative of 2: Height of all horse made to be same, except horse under of the size different. Because the numbers more than 12 horses ( 17 horses), hence horse to 9 can become landing.

11 Teknologi dan Rekayasa

12 6. Hand Breast Hand breast ( Railling) bench need to be made for comfort and safety of bench consumer, especially free bench, which is not flanked by wall. Height that is commonly use is between 80 – 100 cm. Railing must be made of material which halus/licin, so that balmy and doesn't hurt tanggan. Railing usually convergent at baluster ( stanchion). 6. Hand Breast Hand breast ( Railling) bench need to be made for comfort and safety of bench consumer, especially free bench, which is not flanked by wall. Height that is commonly use is between 80 – 100 cm. Railing must be made of material which halus/licin, so that balmy and doesn't hurt tanggan. Railing usually convergent at baluster ( stanchion). 5.Landing Landing is flat division ( horse widened) at functioning certain elevation to rest. Divisible bench landing become 3 model with different scale rule, that is: straight bench landing, bench landing L and bench landing U. 5.Landing Landing is flat division ( horse widened) at functioning certain elevation to rest. Divisible bench landing become 3 model with different scale rule, that is: straight bench landing, bench landing L and bench landing U.

13 Teknologi dan Rekayasa 7.Bench Space and Construction of Bench Bench space is space module scale required for placement of bench. Bench space must enough lights and ventilation. Doorstep space is space module measure required for placement of doorstep. Doorstep space must enough lights and ventilation. Doorstep space measure determined by its(the horse amounts and arrange in steps. For example from result of above calculation. with 3 kinds of arrange in steps, used for house building remains. with wide 100 cm, number of horses 17 fruits and by using landing, hence its(the doorstep space measure is: 7.Bench Space and Construction of Bench Bench space is space module scale required for placement of bench. Bench space must enough lights and ventilation. Doorstep space is space module measure required for placement of doorstep. Doorstep space must enough lights and ventilation. Doorstep space measure determined by its(the horse amounts and arrange in steps. For example from result of above calculation. with 3 kinds of arrange in steps, used for house building remains. with wide 100 cm, number of horses 17 fruits and by using landing, hence its(the doorstep space measure is:

14 Teknologi dan Rekayasa

15 construction of Doorstep can be to become one with building frame and or is made separate. If to to become one, hence its(the loss is if building experience degradation, angle of inclination of doorstep will change. If its(the structure made to be separate, hence the thing will not happened, but requires space larger ones. Apart entirety, including separate foundation and ranga doesn't joint forces with building frame, given pause + 5 cm.

16 Teknologi dan Rekayasa 8.Bench Aperture Bench aperture is aperture at floor plate to where there is placement of bench. Bench aperture sedemikan aspect must so that doesn't bother comfort of bench consumer. Free high scale (plate height floor/plafond/lisplank up to correct horse under it) be shifting 190-200 cm. Bench aperture footage is: P = Bench aperture length P bench = Bench length L = Bench breadth nL = Number of bench breadths up to free height P = P bench – nLP bench = number of L + landing breadth

17 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Solving Of Horse


19 Teknologi dan Rekayasa Detail Railing Bench


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