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Cristina Cambiaghi Territorial and Environmental Management as a paradigm for sustainable development.

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Presentation on theme: "Cristina Cambiaghi Territorial and Environmental Management as a paradigm for sustainable development."— Presentation transcript:


2 Cristina Cambiaghi Territorial and Environmental Management as a paradigm for sustainable development

3 Arrival of the Europeans - 1500

4 Contact as an understanding of protection Indian Statute of 1973



7 Indigenous Peoples and Lands in Brazil
274 spoken languages individuals (2010 census) 305 indigenous peoples 688 indigenous lands 82 references of non-contacted (voluntary isolation) indigenous groups, which 32 were confirmed

8 Indigenous Lands in Brazil

9 Indigenous Population in Brazil

10 Examples of environmental conservation in indigenous lands in Brazil
Terra Indígena Xingu (UF-Mato Grosso)

11 National Foundation for Indigenous Peoples (Funai)
Brazilian National Policy for Territorial and Environmental Management in Indigenous Lands (PNGATI) National Foundation for Indigenous Peoples (Funai) Ministry of Justice The Policy was formulated in cooperation with indigenous peoples´ representatives and its was signed by President Dilma in the 5th of June, 2012

12 Main target of the Policy (PNGATI)
To guarantee and promote the protection, the recovery, the conservation and the sustainable use of the natural resources of the indigenous lands, assuring the integrity of the indigenous heritage, the improvement of the quality of life and the full condition of physical and cultural reproduction for today and future generations of the indigenous peoples, respecting their sociocultural autonomy, according to national legislation.

13 Guidelines: To respect indigenous cultures;
To support the maintenance of the ecosystems of the biomes where the lands are situated; To guarantee the right of consultation (169 ILO Conv.); State and local partnerships.

14 Aims: The protection of the territories and the natural resources;
The governance and indigenous participation; The indigenous lands and its outskirts and ethno zoning; The environmental protection areas, conservation units and indigenous lands; The indigenous peoples and border areas; The prevention and recovery of environmental damages; The sustainable use of natural resources and indigenous productive initiatives; The intellectual property and genetic heritage; The capacity building, training, exchange and environmental education.

15 The building up process of the PNGATI
March/2009: Seminar in Brasilia, starting up the work of the Interministerial Group, formed by an equal number of Federal Government and indigenous organizations representatives .

16 Northeast

17 South (Curitiba, Paraná)

18 Campo Grande, MS (January, 2010)

19 Cuiabá, MT (May, 2010)

20 Manaus, AM (June, 2010)

21 Indigenous schools to prepare agents of environmental management for sustainable development




25 Thank you!

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