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Refreshing the ISTE Standards for Students Presentation to the Los Angeles Unified School District Task Force Carolyn Sykora, Senior Director, ISTE Standards.

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Presentation on theme: "Refreshing the ISTE Standards for Students Presentation to the Los Angeles Unified School District Task Force Carolyn Sykora, Senior Director, ISTE Standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 Refreshing the ISTE Standards for Students Presentation to the Los Angeles Unified School District Task Force Carolyn Sykora, Senior Director, ISTE Standards


3 How the ISTE Standards are used  Curriculum mapping  Lesson design  Professional learning  School technology planning  School improvement planning  Teacher preparation  National policy

4 ISTE Standards in the U.S. Adopted, adapted, embedded or referenced by state education departments Used to provide national recognition through the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation Innovative teachers are early adopters Innovative schools/districts use to guide curriculum development, instruction and technology planning Implementation Adoption

5 Why refresh now?

6 A Look at the Current Standards

7 Assumptions for 2007 version Pedagogy-centric, focus on student-centered learning What students should know and be able to do when they graduate from high school Can be adapted for age-appropriate levels Aspirational Measurable or observable Not designed for high-stakes standardized testing Stand alone or embedded into other standards 5 to 10 year shelf life Vendor and technology neutral

8 Changing environments 1998: Students learn technology skills in the computer lab 2007: Students occasionally do learning activities designed by a content area teacher who secures a mobile cart 2015: Students have a device throughout the day and across all content areas with one-to-one and teachers redesign and implement learning activities with technology

9 Evolution, not a revolution

10 Refresh process Based on valid and reliable process used by many standards organizations –Literature review for research basis –Technical writing input from representative experts (e.g., learning sciences, elementary, etc.) –Broad public comment

11 Refresh process: public comment Goal to have thousands of educators around the world participate in the process Release iterative drafts for feedback

12 Refresh timeline Framework Data Collection Sept-Dec 2015 Release of Draft 1 Jan 2016 Data Collection/ Iteration Jan-Mar 2016 Release of new standards June 2016

13 Class of 2028 What does today’s kindergartner need to be prepared for their future?

14 ISTE’s criteria for deliberations Does technology amplify that skill or competency? What skills or competencies are best amplified by technology? If the item is a mindset or disposition, is it one that is influenced by or does it influence learning with technology?

15 Standards support resources Policy documents (research, methodology/validity, cross walk to current standards, etc.) Interactive web site with definition of terms and examples Ebook with grade band indicators, examples and scenarios Student poster

16 First impressions

17 Discuss as a group: What are your first impressions of the whole framework? Prompts: I like… I wonder… I wish…

18 Standard recommendations

19 Round robin review 1.Each small group chooses a different standard and provides specific recommendations for changes 2.If time, review a second standard

20 Standard review Are there concepts you think are missing? Are there concepts you think are unnecessary? Are there things you find confusing? What would you recommend changing?

21 Evolution, not a revolution

22 Q&A

23 Join us at CUE Invite only sessions on Thursday ISTE will exhibit at CUE Available for 1:1 meetings on Friday

24 Thank you! Contact Carolyn Sykora, Visit

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