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Stop Antibiotic Resistance? PowerPoint 1. This would make it approximately the 14 th leading cause of death in the United States, similar to Parkinson’s.

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1 Stop Antibiotic Resistance? PowerPoint 1


3 This would make it approximately the 14 th leading cause of death in the United States, similar to Parkinson’s Disease. (

4 National Data on MRSA Is MRSA a problem in Washington State?

5 What is happening to the number of MRSA caused deaths in Washington ? (Washington State Dept. of Heath, epiTRENDS, 2008)

6 In 2003, MRSA accounted for 50% of the staph-listed deaths, but in 2008, MRSA accounted for 70% of them. While the number of all staph-listed deaths increased 28% over this period, the rate of MRSA-listed deaths increased 80%. (Washington State Dept. of Heath, epiTRENDS, 2008) MRSA associated deaths are going up

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