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Can MAAWG bring a coherent view to the goals of SSP? MAAWG Toronto, 2006 D. Crocker Brandenburg InternetWorking

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Presentation on theme: "Can MAAWG bring a coherent view to the goals of SSP? MAAWG Toronto, 2006 D. Crocker Brandenburg InternetWorking"— Presentation transcript:

1 Can MAAWG bring a coherent view to the goals of SSP? MAAWG Toronto, 2006 D. Crocker Brandenburg InternetWorking

2 MAAWG – 7th General Meeting - June 2006 Slide 2 What is SSP… so far?  DKIM links a (domain) name to specific message <>  SSP lets owner of a name publish statements about their DKIM practices  Standard mechanism for publishing information  Core set of information (still being developed)  Examples might be:  I sign all my mail—if it ain’t signed, it ain’t mine.  I send no mail — if it’s from me, it ain’t from me.

3 MAAWG – 7th General Meeting - June 2006 Slide 3 Some Points of Debate  Should initial specification include many practices that can be published or only a few?  Should the practices be specific to DKIM?  Perspective  “Policy” vs. “Practice”  Sender describing self, versus trying to “dictate” what recipient should do  Efficiency/overhead…

4 MAAWG – 7th General Meeting - June 2006 Slide 4 A Problem of Focus  There many possible practices that authors/senders could be published and might be interesting…  I never send HTML-based content  I write American English only  I never swear  Receive filters might use any of these constructively  However…  A global standard (especially its first version) needs to focus on a few, concrete, global needs  Focus on basic features, not a myriad of esoterica

5 MAAWG – 7th General Meeting - June 2006 Slide 5 A Role for MAAWG with SSP  Formulate some industry consensus…  on a few basic bits of information that receive-side filtering would find highly useful…  if only senders would publish it in a standardized way. In other words, help the IETF effort focus on real and immediate market needs on real and immediate market needs

6 MAAWG – 7th General Meeting - June 2006 Slide 6 MAAG Helping DKIM Adoption  How to get more industry momentum on using DKIM?  If you plan to sign or validate DKIM by 6/07  Please participate in a joint announcement, to be made soon, of this intent  Send me a private note  I will coordinate, to find a common statement that participants can agree on.

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