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The relationship between two organisms. Mutualism Parasitism Commensalism Competition Predation Neutralism.

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2 The relationship between two organisms. Mutualism Parasitism Commensalism Competition Predation Neutralism

3 both species benefiting from each other. Lichens are fungus and algae living together. Algae produces the food and the fungus absorbs the nutrients.

4 More Mutualistic Relationships Bee gets food and the flower gets pollinated.

5 The bacteria cannot independently fix nitrogen, and require a plant host. The plant gets lots of nitrogen in return

6 A clown fish clean the anemone from its parasites by eating it while the anemone protects it against its prey. The Nile crocodile opening its mouth to permit the Egyptian Plover to feed on any leeches attached to its gums.

7 one species draws nourishment at the expense of the other The lamprey eel gets energy from the fish. Parasites rarely kill the host but will leave wounds

8 Viruses Flukes (liver parasites) Tape worms Fungus (athletes foot) Trypanasoma (malaria) Bacteria Facial mites

9 One organism benefits and the other is not affected. Examples: Ciliates living in the guts of some herbivores. Colon Bacteria in humans. hummingbirds hitchhike rides with other birds

10 Remoras that ride attached to sharks and other fishes. Remoras feed on the leftovers of their hosts' meals.

11 1. Interspecific competition -between two or more species for some resource. (space or food) Example Video

12  Intraspecific competition -struggle between members of a population for a resource.

13  Two species not affecting each other.  tarantulas living in a desert and the cacti living in a desert  Insects living together but don’t compete for the same food. Grasshopper / bee

14  Predation is a relationship where one organism captures and consumes another.  Predator – organism doing the capturing  Prey – organism being captured  A predator’s survival depends on its ability to catch its prey.  Ex: rattlesnake venom, spider web, etc.  A prey’s survival depends on its ability to avoid being caught.  Camouflage, mimicry, physical/chemical defenses



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