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By Kevin, Floyd, Andrea, Melvyn. Worms Invertebrates Soft Bodies Bilateral Symmetry Three Tissue Layers Two Types Flatworms Roundworms.

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Presentation on theme: "By Kevin, Floyd, Andrea, Melvyn. Worms Invertebrates Soft Bodies Bilateral Symmetry Three Tissue Layers Two Types Flatworms Roundworms."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Kevin, Floyd, Andrea, Melvyn

2 Worms Invertebrates Soft Bodies Bilateral Symmetry Three Tissue Layers Two Types Flatworms Roundworms

3 Flatworms Flattened Bodies Mostly are Parasites, which means they depend on another organism for food and shelter

4 Example of Flatworm They are free-living flatworms, which means they don’t depend on another organism for food and shelter. They have a triangle-shaped head with two eye spots, and one body opening, which is their mouths. A thing called Pharynx connects the mouth and digestive tract. They feed on small organisms and dead bodies of bigger organisms. Most live under rocks, on plant material, or in freshwater. They grow from 3 mm to 30 cm. Their bodies are covered in cilia, a fine, hair like structure. Planarians can reproduce sexually and asexually. When they reproduce asexually, they divide in two. When they reproduce sexually, they produce eggs and sperm. These type of flatworms have the ability to regenerate. Most Planarians are hermaphrodites and exchange sperm, with one another. They lay fertilized eggs that hatch in a few weeks. Planarians

5 Planarians

6 Another Example of Flatworm Flukes Most reproduce sexually, male worms deposits sperm in the female worm. The female lays the fertilized eggs within the host. The eggs exits the host through its urine or feces. Schistosomiasis is caused by blood flukes-flatworms that live in the blood. Other flukes can infect the lungs, liver, eyes, and other organs of their hosts.

7 Flukes

8 Roundworms Roundworms live on earth than any other type of many-celled organism. It is estimated that more than half a million species of roundworms exist. They are found in soil, animals, plants, freshwater, and salt water. Most are free-living. Roundworms are slender and tapered at both ends. The body is a tube within a tube, with fluid in between. They reproduce sexually. They have male and female worms. Roundworms have two openings, a mouth and an anus.

9 Roundworms

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