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Director Awards Friday 18 th December 2015. Mila Miss Sanderson says… Mila has a wonderful positive attitude and impeccable behaviour. Mila is kind and.

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Presentation on theme: "Director Awards Friday 18 th December 2015. Mila Miss Sanderson says… Mila has a wonderful positive attitude and impeccable behaviour. Mila is kind and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Director Awards Friday 18 th December 2015

2 Mila Miss Sanderson says… Mila has a wonderful positive attitude and impeccable behaviour. Mila is kind and courteous to both her friends and the adults around the school. She is a wonderful role model to the children and a pleasure to have in Oak class.

3 Alex Miss Sanderson says… Alex has made remarkable progress since starting school in all areas of his learning. Alex is particularly passionate about his writing and his enthusiasm really shines through. He has a wonderful desire to succeed and he always perseveres, seeking help when necessary.

4 Ewan Miss Durham says… Ewan is extremely enthusiastic and has a great approach to his learning, always persevering until he succeeds, which has enabled him to make outstanding progress across all curriculum areas this term. We have been particularly wowed with his progress in recognising, ordering and writing numbers. Well done Ewan!

5 Maisy Miss Durham says… Maisy comes into school everyday with a smile that lasts all day and this is a real pleasure for everyone in Beech class! She is a happy, thoughtful and helpful girl whose behaviour is exemplary. Thank you for being such a great role model Maisy !

6 Freya Mrs Smith says… For her fantastic attitude in class, approaching new challenges with great resilience and trying new things every week.

7 James Mrs Smith says… For his amazing progress in reading and writing this term. He has lots of creative ideas and always takes care with every sentence.

8 Archie Miss Godsell says… Archie has an excellent attitude to learning and always strives to do his best in all areas. Archie has particularly impressed me with his story writing and number work this term. Keep it up, Archie!

9 Charlie Miss Godsell says… Charlie always comes to school with a smile on his face and is ready to learn. He is polite to adults and is keen to help others. Charlie enjoys learning and tries his best in everything he does. Well done, Charlie!

10 Joel Miss Downing says… Joel is always brilliantly behaved in class and around school. He is an excellent role model for his peers, and enjoys sharing his brilliant sense of humour with them too! We are so lucky to have such a sensible young man in Cedar class. Well done, Joel!

11 Amalie Miss Downing says… Amalie has worked so incredibly hard with her writing this term. Not only is she really exploring how to make her sentences clear, detailed and interesting but she is also showing fantastic handwriting now too! Well done, Amalie! Keep up the good work.

12 Ilaria Miss Hunt says… Ilaria only came to England during the summer and over the past 2 terms she has worked hard to make new friends, learn English and develop in her academic progress. We are really proud of her and so pleased that she has joined our class. fantastico siamo cosi orgogliosi

13 Harry Miss Hunt says… Harry is an absolute joy to teach. He has perfect manners and always tries his best in whatever he does. His excellent attitude and effort is ensuring that Harry is making progress in his learning too. Fantastic effort Harry. You are a super star!

14 Eliza Mr Nolan says… She has a fantastic attitude to work and has worked incredibly hard at becoming a better writer.

15 Herbie Mr Nolan says… His behaviour is outstanding. He is kind and caring and a good friend.

16 Curtis Miss Brown says… Curtis always tries his hardest at everything he does. He shows true determination, even when things are a little tricky!

17 Zac Miss Brown says… Zac is a polite and enthusiastic member of Hawthorn class. He consistently sets a fantastic example to the rest of his class.

18 Emmeline Mrs Wallace says… Emmeline is an exemplary student as she is kind, polite and always greets me with a smile! She works hard and continually puts a huge amount of effort into her work.

19 Jason Mrs Wallace says… Jason has worked really hard this term to improve his writing. He is using better vocabulary in his work and really thinking about the structure of his sentences. Jason is also a phenomenal speller!

20 Anna Mr Wells says… In literacy, Anna always tries to show off the skills we are learning and often does so with great success. Anna has wowed me several times with some wonderful pieces of writing.

21 Amelia Mr Wells says… Amelia always tries her very hardest in class and shows great enthusiasm. Amelia can often be found helping other members of the class and does everything with a smile.

22 Alfie Ms Moisey says… For good improvement with his story writing.

23 Martha Ms Moisey says… Martha always tries her best and shows good values in the classroom.

24 Jasmine Miss Weiner says… Jasmine is an exemplary student. She tries hard in all of her subjects and is always keen to contribute in lessons. She is beautifully behaved at all times and is a good friend to her peers. Jasmine, you are a pleasure to teach.

25 Ben Miss Weiner says… Ben has a passion for learning. He always participates with enthusiasm and great ideas in all lessons. Ben tries his best and is always keen to help others with their learning as well. Ben, keep up the great efforts!

26 Matthew Mrs Cavill says… Matthew is always focused on his work, but in particular has developed his writing skills this term. He now writes with increased detail to engage and inform his reader and with an understanding of how sentence level skills contribute towards powerful writing.

27 Molly Mrs Cavill says… Molly is always bubbling over with an enormous smile and brings bags of enthusiasm to everything she does. Impressively, she even manages to maintain such enthusiasm when finding activities challenging. On top of this, Molly is always helpful and always looking for a job to do!

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