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Maykel L. González-Martínez Laurent Bonnet and Pascal Larrégaray Statistical Product-State Distributions for Cold Exoergic Reactions in External Fields.

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Presentation on theme: "Maykel L. González-Martínez Laurent Bonnet and Pascal Larrégaray Statistical Product-State Distributions for Cold Exoergic Reactions in External Fields."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maykel L. González-Martínez Laurent Bonnet and Pascal Larrégaray Statistical Product-State Distributions for Cold Exoergic Reactions in External Fields January 23 th, 2014. Bordeaux +

2 ULTRACOLD DIPOLAR MOLECULES DIPOLAR GASES Long-range Interactions Quantum Phases Dipolar Condensates High-precision Metrology QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES QUANTUM SIMULATORS Variation of fundamental constants Molecular Lasers QUANTUM-CONTROLLED CHEMISTRY January 23 th, 2014. Bordeaux Fundamental laws

3 G Quéméner and PS Julienne Chem. Rev. 112, 4949 (2012)... how cold? January 23 th, 2014. Bordeaux

4 Indirectly* * from ultracold atoms January 23 th, 2014. Bordeaux

5 Fig. from J Herbig et al. Science 301, 1510 (2003) M agneto-association January 23 th, 2014. Bordeaux

6 K-K Ni et al. Science 322, 231 (2008) absolute ground state STImulated Raman Adiabatic Passage magneto-association laser cooling

7 January 23 th, 2014. Bordeaux K-K Ni et al. Science 322, 231 (2008) absolute ground stateground triplet state

8 triplet singlet PS Żuchowski and JM Hutson Phys. Rev. A 81, 060703 (2010) M Tomza et al. Phys. Rev. A 88, 050701 (2013) XY + XY X 2 + Y 2 XY + XY X 2 Y + Y January 23 th, 2014. Bordeaux exothermic (  E < 0) endothermic (  E > 0)  E in cm - 1 )

9 January 23 th, 2014. Bordeaux S Ospelkaus et al. Science 327, 853 (2010) Ultracold reactions @ JILA: Fermi suppression 40 K 87 Rb – (composite) fermion 40 K 87 Rb + 40 K 87 Rb 40 K 2 + 87 Rb 2

10 January 23 th, 2014. Bordeaux K-K Ni et al. Nature 464, 1324 (2010) Ultracold reactions @ JILA: Dipolar collisions 40 K 87 Rb + 40 K 87 Rb 40 K 2 + 87 Rb 2 + electric field

11 January 23 th, 2014. Bordeaux MHG de Miranda et al. Nat. Phys. 7, 502 (2011) Ultracold reactions @ JILA: Quantum stereodynamics 40 K 87 Rb + 40 K 87 Rb 40 K 2 + 87 Rb 2 + electric field + optical lattice

12 Reaction rate constants January 23 th, 2014. Bordeaux

13 M Mayle et al. Phys. Rev. A 85, 062712 (2012) January 23 th, 2014. Bordeaux Mayle et al.: Statistical arguments

14 GO BEY ND January 23 th, 2014. Bordeaux ? !

15 Product-state distributions January 23 th, 2014. Bordeaux Rigorous quantum-mechanical calculations? TV Tscherbul and RV Krems J. Chem. Phys. 129, 034112 (2008) Far more sensitive than reaction rates! Rate constant models? Idziaszek, Julienne, Gao... Test of statistical arguments M Mayle et al. Phys. Rev. A 85, 062712 (2012); M Mayle et al. Phys. Rev. A 87, 012709 (2013) 3-body recombination in an ultracold Rb gas A Härter et al. Nat. Phys. 9, 512 (2013)

16 reactants products intermediate complex Quantum'Classical ' Statistical deep well ~ 1eV  E >> 1 K external field January 23 th, 2014. Bordeaux reaction

17 January 23 th, 2014. Bordeaux P Langevin Ann. Chim. Phys. 5, 245 (1905) Quantum (e.g., B. Gao) 'Classical ' Statistical TV Tscherbul and RV Krems J. Chem. Phys. 129, 034112 (2008) counting states!

18 January 23 th, 2014. Bordeaux Example: A + BC AB + C in an electric field... Energy available in the products AB vibrational energy AB rotational energy + field

19 January 23 th, 2014. Bordeaux K von Meyenn Z Physik 231, 154 (1970) Rotational energy (in units of B ) free rotor hindered rotor 'oscillator' dipole moment electric field rotational constant

20 January 23 th, 2014. Bordeaux K von Meyenn Z Physik 231, 154 (1970) P(E tran s ) E tran s v = v 0 Free rotor 'Oscillator' Product-state distributions will be qualitatively different!

21 products distribution January 23 th, 2014. Bordeaux Active vs Spectators (DOFs) reactants products external field distinct signature in distributions distinguish between mechanisms M conserved

22 January 23 th, 2014. Bordeaux Trap & temperature (i.e. cloud) profile + P(X; E, F ) = P(X; T )

23 Dr. Pascal Larrégaray Dr. Laurent Bonnet Collaborator s Acknowledgment s January 23 th, 2014. Bordeaux Fundin g FP7/2007-2013, Grant Agreement No. 330623 Prof. Jean-Claude Rayez

24 Many Thanks! January 23 th, 2014. Bordeaux

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