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Industrial Environmental Association of San Diego 11May2016

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Presentation on theme: "Industrial Environmental Association of San Diego 11May2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrial Environmental Association of San Diego 11May2016

2 TMES Storage Schematic (Thermal Matrix Energy Storage) 2

3 © 2012 Convert Electricity to Heat Convert Heat to Electricity TMES Thermal Matrix Energy Storage Noisy, variable power from wind and solar Non-peak electricity input TMES Concepts Electrical Grid or Micro-Grid On-demand electricity output 3

4 4 Open Cycle Brayton Turbine with TMES and High Temp HX TMES Generator Recuperator Compressor Turbine Air Resistive Heat Charging Gas Circulation Pump 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 a a b b c c HX % % Round Trip efficiency, e-e, ~30-40%, up to 60% driving combined cycle plant

5 5 Where is TMES really Great ? Large capacity: 100’s of MWh to GWh >90% Elect-thermal round trip efficiency Zero Green House Gas emissions Utilize all the heat for greatest efficiency Charge off-peak, deliver on peak Our planet must convert from fossil fuels to renewable electricity while businesses still make money

6 Our focus: Large (>10MWh) thermal energy storage to: Lower GHG emissions by reducing fossil fuel use Lower the cost of production in the process

7 Opportunity Market Segments

8 15% To 25% IRR and 3 - 7 Year Simple Payback Customers’ ROI Sources

9 Development Plan 9 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Commercial Sales Legend Unit Design 20 kWh Demo Unit 1.0 MWh Development Unit with Continuous Improvements 10 MWh Commercial Pilot

10 Development Plan 10 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Commercial Sales Legend Unit Design 8”Ø x 18” hi 22 kg 2’x2’x8 2000 kg 4’x4’x12’ 14 Tonnes 16’x16’x16’ 200 Tonnes

11 TMES 20 kW-hr Demo Unit 11

12 20 kWh TMES Demo Unit in Escondido 12

13 TMES 1MWh Development Unit 13

14 200MWhTMES Modules in an Array Encina Power Plant 2.8 GWh t / ≈ 1 GWh e 14 x 200 MWh t storage modules each 36 ft x 20 ft 14

15 Funding plan $1.8M in private equity raised since 2010 $2.8 CAD grant from SDTC in Ottawa, 1/3 matching 2 small grants from Ontario Centers of Excellence (2 nd pending) Seeking early stage investors for Initial Equity Round of $2M ($~500K committed) to build and test 1MWh Development Unit; $10M to revenue Seeking grants and partnerships – EPA and DOE SBIR, California Energy Commission – Seeking partnerships for knowledge sharing and Beta hosting 15

16 16 US Department of Energy

17 17

18 18 A Kodak Moment?

19 Questions ? 19

20 New York Calls for 50% Renewables by 2030 20

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